Chapter 21 – Curiosity (3)
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Rosette had taken the possibility of having another reincarnator into consideration, but she didn’t think she’d meet someone this soon. She had imagined it would be someone like the heroine of the original story, but the voice just now was obviously male.

"I'm going to go pay for the meal now, but when I come back I'd better find you still here. If I see empty room, I swear to god I'll quit."

"Alright. Alright. Sheesh."

The other person with him just left. Now there was just the reincarnator in the room beside her.

She had the urge to immediately barge into the other room and see his identity, but there was Hugo and Issac currently with her.

What should I do?

Yes, yes I just said I wouldn’t poke into businesses that’s not mine, but don’t laugh at me. This is obviously important.

In almost all stories concerning reincarnations, the protagonists change the original plot whether they intend to or not, even if they are one of the most minor characters. This was because, where the reincarnators are and whatever they do, the plot revolves around them. The plot WILL involve the reincarnator whether they want to get involved or not. This is how the story always goes.

And if this is an otome game world, what if this person knows how the future unfolds?

There were questions popping up in her head, but Rosette at least had to know who the other involved person was so she could prepare countermeasures for anything that might happen.

She looked at Issac and Hugo before thinking of a way to reach the person. There was only a partition diving the two rooms, yet she had so many obstacles to overcome before she get to meet the other person. ‘So close yet so far’ really seemed to apply here in a very unromantic manner.

“Sorry Uncle Hugo, I need to head to the washroom for a minute.”

“Do you want me wait for you at the entrance?” [Hugo]

“No, it’s not that far. I saw one at the other end of the hallway. I’ll be alright. But come look for me if I don’t return in 15 minutes.”

“Okay, be careful”

Once she stepped out of her private room, her heart was in her mouth. Pulse rate was at all time high - when was it when she last felt this nervous?

Rosette walked till the end of the hallway to remove any suspicion. Since you could hear footsteps from within the room, it would be weird if the sound of her footsteps stopped 2 steps away while she was supposed to be going to the toilet.

When she reached the end of the hall, Rosette shifted her gait so it sounded like another person entirely and walked back down before stopping at the room beside hers.

One step closer.

Just one more step...

Her hand gripped the curtain.

Taking a quick breath in as she steeled her mind, Rosette quickly opened the curtain to the room.

The reincarnator was already facing the door, probably wondering if his escort was already back. But at last you could never be sure enough who would show up. His hands grabbed the hilt of the sword and he prepared himself. However, when the curtains opened, the face he saw completely betrayed his expectations.

"You!" He exclaimed with wide eyes, pointing his finger accusingly at Rosette.

However, having a conversation here would be too loud. Hugo and Issac were in the adjacent room. It would welcome every and any suspicion to talk here here when they can clearly identify her voice.

Rosette jumped forward, her face inches away from his and her hands tightly on his mouth. Her other hand strongly grabbing the hand holding the sword, locking his attempt to stab her. Rosette's red eyes stared into his pupils and silently threatened him to stay quiet.

"I'll let go. But you have to stay quiet and follow me." She whispered.

He stares at her in half-astonishment, but he probably realised there was more to what was going on. His eyes turned dark and serious, he nodded stiffly.



The reincarnator who stood in front of Rosette was none other than the boy she saw at the magic tools shop a while ago, the second prince of the Koran Empire. Also the second capture target... Seol Jinwoo.

They now stood in a toilet cubicle inside the women bathroom.

He looked at Rosette waiting for her to speak, clearly uncomfortable with the location.


His shoulders jumped when Rosette finally spoke after a long silence..

Rosette paused, thinking of how to continue the conversation.

What if Cola was a fantasy drink written in some fictional book and therefore he was technically talking about a fictional drink which didn’t exist in this world?

If so, wouldn’t he be super freaked out when Rosette suddenly start talking about being a person from a different world?

Plus this was only their second time meeting. It will definitely seem weird if she was wrong.

“Cola…” She finally continued.

Jinwoo’s eyes widened at her word.

“Coke or Pepsi?” [Rosette]

Silence ensued as she hopefully stared into the boy’s face awaiting his answer. 

“……. Pepsi.” [Jinwoo]

It was an extremely short back-and-forth but it held significantly important meaning to both of them standing frozen in the women’s toilet cubicle.

A flushing noise echoed from a cubicle 3 stalls away.

Other than that, neither of them spoke further. Awkward silence lingered in an awkward location.

Rosette would have guffawed at the situation if she was a bystander. But she was the one standing in the cubicle one step away from the boy.

It was now the young boy who opened his mouth.

“Apple or Andr-” [Jinwoo]

“Android” [Rosette]



“I’m Rosette.”

Rosette extended her right hand. How long had it been since she got to shake hands to greet someone? Every greeting here was done with a curtsy and bow.

“I know...… I’m Jinwoo.”

The boy grabbed her extended hand and shook it.

"I thought it was Bob" She scoffed, Jinwoo just returned her a cold look.

Jinwoo then let out a long sigh, shaking his head in an exasperated manner. “I did expect another reincarnator to pop up soon, but I didn’t know who to expect. I should’ve realised after seeing you acting differently from the story.”

“You know the story?”

“You don’t?”

“No. I woke up one day into this body and shit has been happening one after another. I’ve never touched an otome game in my entire previous life so I don’t know why I’m here. But I do read enough manga and light novels to know I’m a villainess.” She resentfully pointed at her dark red rococo curls and pointed hostile-looking eyes. “So I’m just waddling around trying not to die.”

“I see…”

Jinwoo appeared to be digesting Rosette's words.

'He doesn't entirely look hostile and there's no reason for a capture target to have an agenda against me. It's useful he has knowledge of the game. I should bring him to my side.'

“So my buddy~” Rosette suddenly changed her tone, causing Jinwoo to grimace. “We should help each other as fellow partners~”

“I get it.”

“My best bud~ My ally on the same boat~” Rosette grabbed Jinwoo’s hands, shaking it up and down. "Be the ketchup to my french fries, oreo to milk-"

“I’ll help you so stop that.” He pushed your face away from him. “Wow you’re so shameless.”

Rosette shrugged, dropping her annoying act. “Gotta be shameless to survive my dude.”

Another flush echoed from a cubicle 2 stalls away.

“May be we should change locations.” 

“You’re telling me that now?”