Chapter 573: The Lies That Cut Deepest
Stryg awoke to the smell of bloodwine, tickling his nostrils. His eyes snapped open, his pupils narrowing to slits, a sudden hunger itching at the back of his throat. He was back in the Noir’s parlor. Melantha and Holo were at a table, pouring over an old yellowed map. Unalla and her parents were sipping tea and talking amongst each other, all the while eyeing Gale who sat across from them, a goblet of bloodwine in her hand.
Stryg tried to move, but a soft hand kept his head still. He was lying on someone’s lap. He glanced up to find a human woman looking down at him, gently playing with his hair. At least she looked human, save for her silver eyes. Stryg recognized those eyes anywhere.
“Mother Moon,” Stryg gasped and sat up with a jolt. “I’m sorry, I don’t… I don’t remember how I got here.”
Stryg wasn’t sure, but he could have sworn he saw a pang of pain in Lunae’s eyes, but it was gone in a flash.
“It’s alright,” she said softly. “I put you to sleep so I could have a talk with your sisters.”
“You did what?” he blinked and glanced at the two women in question. He knew their ears were as sharp as his if not sharper, but Melantha and Holo seemed too preoccupied to pay attention.
“Welcome back, my lord,” said Gale with an inclination of her head.
Stryg ran his hand across his face and yawned. “What is happening?”
“Nothing, really. We’ve been chatting for the last hour or so,” said Gale.
“And they’ve been oh so enlightening. Such as how this one almost killed my grand-niece,” Una stared at Gale coldly.
“What? Is Loh—?”
“She’ll live, Stryg,” Gale sighed into her goblet. “I have since found out that you have blood relatives within House Noir. While this doesn’t change anything between Loh and me, out of respect for your blood, I will withhold from any further— actions, for now…”
“Should I be grateful? Thank you for not killing my grand-niece?” Una scowled. “Or should I even believe the words of a woman who’d attack an opponent who won’t fight back?”
“Do not question my honor, drow,” hissed Gale. “I know who you are and I am not afraid of you.”
Gale would keep her word, Stryg knew that, though it was her ‘for now’ that Stryg was concerned about. How long would it last? He didn’t know. He wasn’t certain if Gale knew either. It could be a year, it could be a day. She could be patient, Stryg knew that, but he was also aware how anything regarding Clypeus could set her off. He wasn’t much different in that regard.
Una glared at the vampire. “You are lucky my husband was the one who found you. I would not have been so merciful.”
“Then perhaps it is best that I found her,” Atlas said coolly.
“We were also talking about other things,” Unalla cleared her throat, eager to change the topic. “The damage to the city and the reconstruction. The valley tribes are regrouping. Lady Ismene is still recovering from her injuries. Oh, and the prisoner Loh captured is being kept in the cells downstairs.”
“Right… the prisoner,” Stryg’s voice fell. He had been putting it off. He wasn’t sure what he would do when he finally came face to face with the man he despised. For the last year, he had dreamed of killing Marek every night. And now here Marek was, right at his fingertips. But Stryg wasn’t allowed to kill him, not if he didn’t want to piss off half the city council. There was a way to these things, or so Gian had said.
Stryg clenched his fists and tried his best to steady his breathing. He exhaled slowly.
Not yet. Soon. But not yet.
“Gods, I hate politics,” he muttered.
Lunae offered him a goblet of bloodwine. “Drink this. I’ll have Holo order the cooks to prepare something to eat as well.”
He took the wine and sipped it. “I’m not very hungry.”
“It wasn’t an offer. Godlings need to eat, you're still growing, your divine-half burns through energy quickly,” admonished Lunae.
Stryg nodded hesitantly and looked around, uncertain of how others might react, but no one did. He could have sworn that the room might explode in uncertain shouts of confusion at the word godling, or at the very least strange glances thrown his way, but no.
The truth was that no one found it strange. The realization was odd yet comforting. Stryg relaxed his shoulders and took a deeper drink from the goblet. A strange warm feeling budded in the pit of his stomach.
Ever since he discovered his lineage he had worried those close to him would be afraid of him. That they would reject him for being different. But these people didn’t fear him, to them he wasn’t different. He carried the blood of a titan, yes, but so did almost everyone in the room. They didn’t see him as the odd goblin, the frightening student, or the Ebon Aspirant. He was just… himself. And he belonged.
It was only the thought on Loh’s mind when she opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling of her bedroom. She couldn’t remember the last time she had slept in this place.
“You’re awake!” Dolores said, relief flooding her voice.
Loh craned her neck and saw her mother sitting at her bedside. The edge of a white bandage poked out from her dress’ neckline. “Mom, are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Dolores tried her best to smile, even if the motion pained her. “I’m more worried about you. Your father was here earlier too, but… Well, I told him about Aizel and he needed— time. To process everything, I mean.”
“You told him?” Loh sat up with a grimace.
“Wait, take it slow. The healers just finished patching up a few minutes ago. White magic can only do so much, your body needs time to rest.”
Loh stared down at herself. She was topless. Fresh bandages covered her chest and abdomen almost entirely. Her hands hadn’t escaped the same treatment either. “I’m surprised he didn’t kill me.”
“George would never do such a thing. He is your father,” said Dolores indignantly.
“And I killed his son.”
Dolores sighed. “Your father… He never felt at home here, he didn’t feel like he was part of this family. Not that I blame him, your grandfather made it clear that George was only here because of his talents as an archmage.”
A small smile tugged at the corner of Loh’s lips. Elzri had never been one to beat around the bush.
“You have to understand, your father was born a commoner. His abilities made him a target for the Great Houses; either join them or be crushed underneath them. George could have tried to start his own minor House, he wouldn’t be the first archmage to do so, but your father has never been the kind of person to desire conflict, rather he runs from it.”
“Sounds like him,” Loh said bitterly.
“It isn’t wrong to not desire violence. George took my father’s deal. Marry into the family, and never have to worry about wealth or danger ever again.”
“All he had to do was strengthen the Noir’s magical bloodline,” Loh gestured to herself. “I know the story, mom.”
“Then you know that your father loves this family, but he would never have stood up against your grandfather.” She wrung her hands tightly, “I don’t think he’d stand up against you now either.”
“Is that supposed to be comforting? Oh, my dad won’t kill me because he is too much of a coward to avenge his son.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Loh scoffed and shook her head. She always knew her father was a coward. If he hadn’t been then he might have helped in the siege instead of hiding away here at the manor.
“Why are you still here, mom?” Loh muttered.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I told you what happened to Aizel.” Loh tried to keep her voice steady, but it broke with every word. “So why…? Why did you get in the way? It’s my fault… Aizel’s death… Why did you stop Gale?”
“…You didn’t kill Aizel. The Monster did.”
“I’m the one who let him die!”
“So did I,” she said solemnly. “I neglected you. I made you feel small, the same way my father made me feel. The same way I swore I’d never make my own children feel.” Dolores smiled weakly, tears in her eyes. “But I was a coward. I let the world drive you into a corner and made you feel like you were alone. I should have stood up against my father. I should have protected my children from him. But I didn’t. And all this tragedy that has come from it is my fault.”
“That doesn’t excuse what I did,” Loh whispered.
“No, it doesn’t, but it isn’t your burden to bear alone.” Dolores reached and grabbed her daughter’s hand.
Loh bowed her head, her shoulders trembled, and she cried quietly. “You should hate me.”
“Oh, Elohnoir, know that whatever happens, I could never hate you.”
The door swung open and Louise burst into the room, breathless. Her orange hair was a mess, and stray strands clung to her face. She took in the scene and abruptly bowed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I heard from one of the servants that Loh was injured and I…”
“It’s fine,” Loh said. “Mom… you should go.”
“I’ll come back later,” Dolores offered.
“No, you don’t have to.”
Dolores seemed hurt, but she nodded. “I’ll be here. When you need me. I’m not going anywhere.” She gave her daughter’s hand one last squeeze, then walked out of the room, gently closing the door behind her.
Louise rushed to Loh’s bedside, taking her mother’s seat. “What happened?”
Loh turned her back to her, “I’m sorry.”
“You shouldn’t have to worry about someone like me. Not anymore.”
Louise frowned. “What are you talking about? …I know you lost your grandfather. I know you’re hurting, but that doesn’t mean you need to shut me out.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
Louise brushed her hand over the back of Loh’s neck. “I’m the one who chooses that.”
“I’m sorry,” Loh pulled away. “I’m tired of all the lies. I can’t keep going on like this.”
“What lies? What are you so afraid to tell me?” Louise hugged her from behind. “I promise you, whatever it is, it won’t change anything between us. I love you.”
A weary look settled on Loh’s face. “...Your uncle, the morning I left Dullwater you asked me if I had seen him.”
“My uncle? What about him? Loh…?”
“Stryg killed him that night before and hid his body. He thought your uncle was a threat, but I wasn’t there, I don’t know what actually happened. Honestly, it wouldn’t have made a difference to me why Stryg killed him. To me, he was just some drunk asshole. So, I lied to you.”
Louise pulled away, horror dawning on her face. “All this time… You knew?” she whispered.
Loh didn’t look back, only shrugged. “Yeah.”
Louise bit her trembling lip, eyes watering. “Why?”
“Would you rather I had never told you?”
Silence filled the room. Louise inhaled shakily and walked away in a stumble. She took the ring off her finger and let it drop to the ground. Loh didn’t watch her leave, she listened to the door click open and Louise’s erratic footsteps fade into the hallway.
Loh closed her eyes and let the tears run down. The door suddenly closed shut. She turned around and saw Lily standing there. The vampiress held the ring in her hand and examined it with feigned interest.
Thanks for the chapter