Chapter 6: Farewell Palace, Hello Mercenary Guild
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The following six days cruelly reminded me that I wasn’t special. According to rumors circulating between the maids, Charlotte was already casting fireballs with strength border lining level-2 like it was second nature to her.

As for Aaron, he was just as proficient as I was when it came to spell casting, not to mention his natural talent for swordsmanship. 

And don’t get me started on Audrey, I honestly thought she would become the cliché healer loved by all. But she completely averted my expectations by devoting herself to the God of War Alvus instead of the God of Healing Liore.

A hint of envy leaked from my face while I hid behind a wall, eavesdropping on gossip. Damn, I wish I got given a golden spoon like them. I complained. 

However, I quickly brushed those thoughts aside since I didn’t want to adopt a small-fry mentality.

Despite being overshadowed by the others, I still managed to make great strides. Many spells were added to my arsenal, my overall casting proficiency had increased and my knowledge reached a point where I could officially call myself a level-1 mage. And surprisingly, my nightmares have been occurring less and less every night.

“I heard you are leaving tomorrow.” Aaron tapped my shoulder.

I spun around, “Mhm.”

“Where do you plan on going?” 

“I’ll probably join some mercenary group and gain some practical skills from there.”

“Good luck.” he coldly responded. His tone suggested that he felt dissatisfied with me abandoning them but, I really couldn’t care less. 

Mimicking his coldness, I replied, “You too.” and then shut the door to my personal quarters.

“Oh man...” I sighed leaning my back on the door.

This was my final night in the palace and final chance to enjoy the comfort of it. My shoulders drooped at the thought of having to sleep on a mattresses made of hay and the difficulties I would face outside. But I had no choice, if I stayed I would just be used as a hostage when the kingdom's “tools of war” gain sentience. 

“I wish them all good luck,” I murmured, “They’re definitely going to need it."


◊  ◊  ◊


The next morning I woke up fully refreshed and eager to leave. I slipped into my new clothes and my look transformed into someone who resembled the son of a decent merchant. If I tried to dress any feebler, it would be too noticeable that I was disguised thanks to my smooth skin and uncalloused hands.

My school uniform was then neatly folded and packed into a pocket-dimension storage device with the rest of my belongings and 100 pieces of gold. 

“Farewell, room.” I took one last glimpse and exited. 

The sun wasn’t even up when I stepped out of my room and into the dimly lit halls. At this point, I knew the layout of the palace like the back of hand, resulting in me reaching the exit in just several minutes.

As expected the only person willing to send me off was the maid I rescued from being beheaded. I had built somewhat of a decent relationship with her over the course of the week so I was disappointed with leaving a helpful person like her.

“Make sure you be careful out there,” she advised, “The streets are unforgiving especially when you look like the son of a merchant.” 

“Yeah yeah.” I was fully aware of the extent people go to just to make a quick buck, “And you don’t get framed again.”

“Very funny.”


I reached into my pocket-dimension, “Thanks for helping me out during my time staying in the palace.”

“It was the least I could do.” she bowed.

“No seriously, thanks a lot.” I placed three gold coins into her hands and closed them. 

“Wait I can’t-”

I interrupted her in a low tone, “Take care of yourself. With the banners of war being raised who knows when you could end up being used as a scapegoat for another incident.”

She remained silent, still processing the value of 3 whole gold coins. 

“Take care.” I nodded and exited through the large exit doors. 

“I hope we can meet again!” she waved. 

Sadly, her hopes were pointless as I never intended to return to the palace.

I walked past the guards who were already notified about my departure, and into the extensive garden surrounding the palace. Exotic flowers and other plants refreshed my eyes which only saw bars of text, the library and the same tree in the courtyard during my time staying here. 

Following the paved path, I arrived at a heavily fortified gate emitting so much mana that even a lackluster mage like me could perceive it. 

“Name?” the guard responsible for entries and exits groaned with bags under his eyes.

“Lucas Harrison.” I politely answered. 

The guard nodded and pressed the button of a trinket in his hand, remotely activating the gate. Mechanisms simultaneously sounded, pulling the metal gate up until the only the spikes at the bottom were visible.

“When is the next shift change?” the guard yawned as I exited.

“In an hour.”

“I really don’t get paid enough for this bullshit.” he whined.

I was now on the streets of the noble district—the safest place other than the palace itself. From the outside, the walls surrounding the palace appeared quite imposing compared to when I was in the garden.

But I didn’t stay there for long, I strolled through the streets and entered the market district while the sun revealed itself over the horizon producing long shadows.

Other than guards occasionally patrolling, barely anyone was around making me free real-estate for thieves wanting to kidnap and use me for ransom money.

“Where is the mercenary guild again?” I scratched my hair.

I grabbed an enchanted map from my pocket-dimension which immediately revealed my current position in the city. Making use of the search feature, the position of the closest mercenary guild and directions to get to it glowed on the map.

Guided by the directions it took about twenty minutes—judging by the position of the sun—to arrive in front of the mercenary guild, Tyrend Capital sub-branch.

“So this is it huh,” My eyes inspected the building, “I guess this is pretty good for a sub-branch.” 

I twisted the handle and swung the door open only to be greeted by the sight of a man sleeping on a table and a middle-aged woman sipping on freshly brewed tea while reading a newspaper behind the counter..

The woman ignored me as I entered but the man murmured, “I’m sorry Karen, please don’t take the kids…” 

I scowled at the pitiful man, Drinking away his problems, the classic way to never fix them. 

Once I arrived at the counter, I placed a gold coin in front of the woman, “I’d like to register please.” 

She glanced at me with indifferent eyes and returned to reading the paper, “Why?” 

“Because I feel like it.” 

“It’ll cost one silver to register.” she sighed.

“Do you have change?”


Stupid fucking hag just let me register..

“I guess the main branch would rather make some money off me.”

“Okay then go.”

“..?” I stare dumbfounded.

“Give the main branch your one silver coin you brat, see what I care.” 

“Tch.” I clicked my tongue at the thought of walking for another twenty minutes.

Smart move paying me with just gold coins, King Andarion.

“Okay, then can I get change if I drag that sorry excuse for a man upstairs to a room?” I offered.

She thought for a few seconds then accepted, “Be my guest.” 

I traded in my one gold coin for ninety-nine silver and used a spell I recently learned to levitate the drunk man, “Jesus how much does this guy weigh?” I winced trying to maintain the structure.

After taking him upstairs and dumping him onto a bed I asked the hag about the guild works, to which she replied, “Just read this.” and handed me some books.

I immediately regretted not spending a few more minutes and going to the main branch. Just why did the receptionist have to be such a bitch?

I sat down on a wooden chair and opened the book. Skimming through the contents, I discovered that the mercenary guild relies on the reputation of the individual rather than grades. It said that they implemented this so random people wouldn’t become high-ranked with sheer power but no prior experience.

Which is honestly quite good as I wouldn’t want to hire some “A Rank” adventurer with barely any experience. It then recommended that I join a mercenary group and receive training from them instead of going solo—which I plan to do.

But the question is, which group do I join? The book doesn’t list any recommendations leaving me with only one choice.

I politely asked the hag, “Do you recommend any mercenary groups I could join?”