Chapter 25: The Facility
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“You know, I have heard stories of how Furad fell, but never a first-hand experience of it,” said Guardon.


“Well, most of it was from an acquaintance that is somehow still alive and living near the ruins today,” said Aumo, “We got buried at the start of it.”


“Buried? Wait, you two were buried under the ruins for over a century?” said Guardon,


“I was in hibernation so it somewhat just passed by really quickly,” said LisiA.


“I’m more surprised that your body didn’t collapse under the weight of all the rubble, what the heck are you made of!” exclaimed Guardon.


“Stuff,” replied Aumo. 


The truth was, even Aumo wasn’t really sure what she had modified LisiA’s body into. The modifications were done using the mana from the scrap that she had gotten from the scrap yard, and all she hoped for it to be was “strong but light and soft” for the skin. The resulting material was exactly that, but nobody had ever come up with a name for it. That was probably because nobody else had access to such a material. LisiA had never gotten a scratch since then, but her skin couldn’t explain how she didn’t get crushed.


LisiA’s frame was created with a material that was invented by Aumo’s parents. They never really gave it a name, nor did they show it to the public either. When Aumo created Storia, Aumo had used that same metal that was left by his parents, and it happened to have just enough to create the frame for Storia. Not a bit extra or a bit less as if it was perfectly measured.


LisiA then shrugged as she also had no idea what she was made of. 


“I won’t pry further then,” said Guardon, “But I guess getting buried under all that rubble wasn’t that bad if you don’t have to experience it.”


Well it was bad for me!” exclaimed Ria all of a sudden, “I had to move rubble, stabilize rubble, and gather mana 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!


The people around them were startled by a sudden loud voice that appeared out of nowhere.


“Well, there is that. If it weren’t for you, then you three wouldn’t be here today, so I am grateful for that,” said Guardon.


Simply my job, nothing more” replied Ria, and it went silent again.


“Anyway, I believe that we should end this here. I need to go contact the higher-ups, and also go back to working. A mountain of paperwork had piled up during the week because I had no time to do them thanks to this machine,” Guardon heaved out a sigh and began to leave the room, “You two can explore this facility, just don’t touch anything dangerous for now. We need to update your statuses in the Organization.”


Guardon left the room, and the room went quiet.


Suddenly, one of the people at the wall stood up and said, “Alright everyone! Back to what we have to do! Also call those that left the room!”


Aumo and LisiA watched as the people quickly moved around and some left the room to probably call back the people that left. The person who was studying the machine before went back to the machine and unpacked their things.


“I guess we should leave this room now,” said Aumo.


“Agreed,” replied LisiA, and the two made their way out of the room.


“Guardon told us that we could explore, but this place is so huge that I have no idea where we even are right now!” said Aumo as she and LisiA got out of the room.


A seemingly endless corridor stretched out before the two, with many intersections and rooms.


I mapped the place as we went,” said Ria, “I’ll project a map with the route we took.


A hologram of a map suddenly popped out of Aumo’s chest.


“Woah, I don’t remember this being a feature of this body!” said Aumo.


Of course not, I added it for my own convenience,” said Ria.


“It is pretty convenient,” said Aumo, “Now where are we?”


As Aumo said that, a line started forming on the map, which marked their route, or rather a giant scribble.


“I was wondering why we were making so many twists and turns. Turns out we were walking in circles the entire time,” said LisiA as she looked at the map.


The route wasn’t a straight line, but instead a ton of loops that went through a bunch of linked corridors of all sorts of shapes.


“Looks like even Guardon gets lost in here,” said Aumo.


“I’m not surprised,” said LisiA, “It’s a wonder how anyone is able to get around in here.”


After looking around for where the line ended, the two finally figured out where they were. 


“Looking at the map, we pretty much went through the entire facility a couple times,” said LisiA, “I don’t think there’s any reason to stay here anymore.”


“Do you know which one of these is the exit?” asked Aumo, “I remember going through one place that people left through.”


That would be this room,” replied Ria, and a dot appeared on the map.


Just as the dot appeared on the map, Guardon came around the corner and saw the two.


“Ah, I’m back here again,” said Guardon as he looked at the room behind Aumo and LisiA, “At this rate I’m going to be late again.”


“Do you need help?” asked LisiA, “We’re heading to the exit.”


“Uhhh,” Guardon thought about it for a moment, then replied, “Yes, I do need help. I have no idea how to get to the exit.”


“It does look like a maze,” said Aumo, “Thank goodness I have a map. Lets go.”


“A map? I don’t understand maps so I never got one,” said Guardon.


“That’s on you,” said LisiA as she started walking away with Aumo.


Thinking back, they met the same people a few times while Guardon led them through the place, but somehow each not more than three times. It seems that Guardon not being able to get somewhere was normal in the facility.


With that in mind, Aumo and LisiA followed the map, with Guardon following behind. They reached the exit within a few minutes of walking.





Name: Aumo

Core Level:8

XP: 5/300

Status: Normal

HP: 2200/2200

MP: 1200/1200 

MP Stored: 153


Skills: Mana Manipulation, Mana Sight, Mana Sense, Mana Analysis, Levitation, Mana Vibration, Small Fireball, Ice Throw, Air Slash, Body Reinforcement, Body Strengthening

Upgrades: None


Before you ask “Does Guardon have a bad sense of direction”, the answer is no. It’s more because he doesn’t have a specific place to go in the facility, so he has to go all over the place, never remembering the directions to one specific place. Though the real issue is that there are actually no signs that mark where you are, only the door signs.


That aside, this week was alright, until I had only 2 days to give in an exam and do the hardest homework of the semester at the same time. It was not fun, so I spent a majority of today playing games, and therefore this chapter was a bit later than usual. Truthfully, I am running out of ideas. Please send help. Writing a story from a half an hour discussion without any planning was a mistake.