Side Story 2: Story of a Robot
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Roboss POV


This is RBS-46841. The number has no meaning, it doesn’t stand for our serial number, date of creation, production number or any of that. The first one ever built was numbered 95675. 


People call me Roboss, most likely since RBS does somewhat sound like “Robus” if you try to pronounce it, and because I run the mall. I say that I run the mall but the truth is that the mall runs just fine on its own. Any problems get fed into me through a terminal, and it’s much easier than paper work. Hurray for not being human, I feel bad for Guardon.


I am currently in my office, but I have no idea why a robot would even need an office. I have one, and I use it. That’s that.


Why am I monologuing to myself? That’s because I feel that something is watching me, or rather reading my thoughts. Yes, I’m talking about you, reader. I was outfitted with some really weird devices, and some of them allow me to pick up signals from other worlds. That is to be expected, as we robots are sent to all the non-existent corners of the universe, and we need to somehow still exchange data. To stop the infected from getting this said data, we had to change the encryption.


Now with all the jumble of a mess aside, do you want to know more about me? If yes, I shall continue. If not, you can stop right here. 




You’re still here? Alright then. Though do keep in mind that there are some top secret data that even I cannot share.


I was created on Planet [REDACTED], which is located about 70 million light years away. The civilization I came from has figured out how to create wormholes, which allows us to reach places this far away extremely quickly, at the cost of a lot of energy. Energy consumption isn’t much of an issue as we have figured out methods to lower the cost.


I am equipped with a lot of seemingly useless, but actually quite niche tools, some of which include infrared sensors, 10kx zoom cameras, and even a whip in my back compartment. I have no idea why that whip is there, as I have no plans on whipping anyone anytime soon. 


For some reason, all the robots that were created are all unique, which means that every single one was created with a different purpose in mind. It also makes trying to differentiate us much easier. Each one of us are also programmed differently, but it all shares a common core part, which is what the virus targets. I feel bad for all the engineers and programmers that had to create all of us.


To make matters worse, I heard that aside from creating all the AIs for us robots, they had to also work on a Super-AI that was to be low-powered, but has more computing power than all of us robots combined. 


Anyway, this mall came to be when the civilization I came from decided that it was a great idea to build a mall in a developing city. I was assigned to manage it, which is why I’m here now. The fact that this city became so bustling is still hard to believe, but the population is still within the estimated values. 


Now that I think about it, not all robots have an infrared sensor or life sensors. Why do I have them? What is my true purpose? Are my creators hiding anything from me? What is the whip for? Am I su..


Unit RBS-46841 has been detected to be becoming too sentient. Restarting and reverting to backup created 10 seconds ago.


My vaccine appointment got canceled due to reasons. It’s not like I’m not getting it, it’s just been pushed back a few days. It’s just delaying my impending doom, but it’s not like I was the one who canceled it…


I’m kinda running out of ideas again, so no more side stories for now. I’m going to spend this next week trying to come up with another cover draft. It’s not like I’m an artist or anything.  It's bound to not look good in the end anyway. Maybe I should change out my pfp while I'm at it.


On that note, I haven’t really done any of the things that I planned to do this break. Why am I procrastinating so much when there is no work? Can I manage to get some of the things I want to do done? I think the only thing that is stopping me is that one thing I’ve been waiting for 3 years… Or rather it’s not stopping me, but I don’t want to do anything until that thing is released. Better pray that the said thing releases soon. The creator said “soon” 3 months ago. I’m losing faith.


Maybe I should do other things that I have planned. That sounds good too.