Chapter 52: Blair vs. Naomi( You can’t beat Jaakuna.)
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Blair vs Naomi by cmpnaruto

At a large, empty construction site for a mall, Blair and Naomi prepared to do battle with each other for the first time.

"You asked for it. Hopefully, I don't kill you by mistake." said Naomi, as she dashed towards Blair with a right hook, who simply moved her head to the side, to dodge. Blair threw a side kick to Naomi, who blocked the kick with her forearm. The two continued to exchange blows, with each one easily parrying or dodging the other's attacks. "Damn, she's good. I can't believe she's a new recruit. She's performing on the level, of a top tier." she thought, as she suddenly kicked up her speed. "Not bad, but try this on for size." she said, as she threw a barrage of kicks at Blair, only for each one to be dodged.

"Try what on? You're not even touching me, hmhmhmhm.." laughed Blair, as she suddenly zipped out of site, and appeared on a steal beam, above Naomi. "I genuinely hope, this isn't your best. If so, consider me disappointed." she said,  as she turned her back towards Naomi.

"Damn you.. Don't mock me." said Naomi, as she chopped a steal beam in half with a kick. She caught the beam, and chugged it at Blair full force. Blair's eyes opened wide, as she disappeared before the steal beam could hit her. "Tch.. She's fast, but not so much, that I can't track her movements." said Naomi, as she zipped out of sight at her own incredible speeds. Just as Blair reappeared, on another building frame in the distance, Naomi appeared behind Blair with her foot raised 90 degrees, for a devastating dropping axe kick. "Gotcha." she thought, as she plunged her leg down, only for Blair to sidestep the kick, without even turning around. "What the?!" she said, as her kick sliced through several steal beams, in succession. Blair went for a backhanded chop towards Naomi, but Naomi jumped out of the way, in the nick of time. "Damn, my timing was perfect. Does she have eyes in the back of her head, or something?" thought Naomi.

"Hmhmhmhm.. Impressive. Strength on par with, if not greater then Jaleesa, and superb fighting skills. Yet, you can't even lay a finger on me." laughed Blair.

"Damn.. What is going on?" thought Naomi, as she began to get frustrated.

"You seem confused. Don't tell me, this is all it takes, to get you off center." she said, as she jumped into the air. She pulled out two knives from her inner jacket pocket, and tossed both of them at Naomi, while upside down. As Naomi ducked under the knives, Blair moved at such a speed, she was able to catch the knives mid-air; as she appeared behind Naomi. Blair attempted to stab Naomi in both kidneys, with a two jabs from the side.

Naomi followed Blair's movements, and was able to react in the nick of time. "Shit!" said Naomi, as she took a step backwards towards Blair, and put up her guard, to block her arms, to prevent from getting stabbed.

"Nice reaction. If you hadn't reacted the way that you did, you'd be skewered." said Blair.

"How are you reading my moves like this? It's like you know exactly what I'm gonna do." said Naomi, as she gained some distance.

"Hmhmhm.. That's because I do. I told you. You're fate has already been decided." she said, as she went for a kick at Naomi's stomach, only for it to be cancelled out, as Naomi blocked it with her knee. As the two gained distance, once more, they stood poised ready to attack again. "With my premonition domain, I can read her moves, but she's so damn fast and strong, it's hard to land any damaging blows." thought Blair, as she quickly scanned her surroundings. "Well, then.. I'll just have to fake her out." she thought, as she zipped behind Naomi, for a backhand chop.

"Hmph.. Not happening." thought Naomi, as she reacted to Blair behind her, but as soon as Naomi went to attack Blair from behind; she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach, as Blair's foot was planted firmly into it. "Guhhh.." she grunted.

"Hmhmhm.. Gotcha." she said, using her other foot to kick Naomi in the face. The kick caused Naomi to fall off the steal beam, but caught herself on the ground below. 

"Damn, an afterimage huh? And to be able to time it, in that manner..." she said, as she regained her composure to look up towards Blair, who has yet again vanished. Naomi heard Blair approach from behind, and was ready to dodge the attack. "There!"  she thought, as she jumped out of the way, only to be smacked down with a double-handed axe punch. "How the hell is she doing that? Is it simply raw speed? No.. She is fast, but something weird is going on." she thought, as she landed back down to the ground.

"Hmhmhm.. I can see you trying to analyze your situation. Your good. Your physical stats exceed mine by a bit, and yet you have no chance of winning." said Blair.

"What? I'm stronger, but I have no chance of beating you? What sense, does that make? Are you trying to make me laugh?" she said, as she suddenly disappeared at mach speeds. "Unfortunately for you, I can still go faster." she thought, as she started to ricochet across building frame like a pinball. Blair stood their fully focused, as she suddenly ducked underneath a massive spin kick.  "Tch.. Again, she reads my movements." she said, as she continued to blitz around Blair with 1000's of attacks, with a few actually managing to graze Blair. 

"Impressive.. Such terrifying speed, but... how long can you keep that up, before draining your stamina?" said Blair, as she zipped out of the way.

"Damn you... " she said, as she stood across from Blair. "Her reaction speed is ridiculous. It's like she's..." thought Naomi, before she was interrupted.  

"Seeing into the future? That's right, Hmhmhmhm.. " said Blair, as she could read Naomi's expression, and tell exactly what she was thinking. 

 Naomi's eyes bucked wide open. "What?" said Naomi, as she started to sweat. "What kind of abilities does she have? Is she reading my mind?" thought Naomi, as Blair's manipulation tactics, began to confuse her.

"I told you didn't I? I already know the outcome of this fight. You may be a bit stronger, but my abilities, allow me to fight much more efficiently. You'll tire yourself out, at this rate. " said Blair, as she used her manipulative skills to try and get into Naomi's head. Even though Blair could only see a few seconds into the future, and not the entire outcome; she used this to her advantage, to exaggerate and mess with Naomi.

"Damn it!.." she said, as she continued to try and catch Blair off guard, but to no avail.  I have to admit, I did not expect this. You might be even more powerful then Jaakuna." said Naomi.

"Oh, you think I'm stronger then Jaakuna-sama? Hmhmhm.. That's good to know. However, I'm sure you're basing that off of the last time you fought her." she said, with an evil grin. "I'll be blunt, if you're having this much difficulty with me, then you might as well throw in the towel. Trust me when I say this, you don't stand a chance against Jaakuna-sama." said Blair.

"J-Jaakuna-sama? Wait, you don't mean?.... " said Naomi, as she began to sweat..

"That's right. She is our leader now. She killed Miakumi, who you nearly lost your life to." said Blair.

Naomi's eyes bucked open. "So she did it, afterall. Just how far, has she gotten?" thought Naomi.

"You should've seen it, Naomi. Miakumi was a being, beyond anyone's comprehension, and yet, Jaakuna-sama had her completely at her mercy. It was a total massacre, that which, I had never seen the likes of. The way she laughed, and relished the act of instilling utter terror in her former master, had even me spooked. What's funny, is that I was rooting for her. Tell me, what chance do you have against someone like that?" said Blair. 

Naomi's eyes was in complete disbelief, as she listened to the news. "How? I've come so far? It's like no matter how strong I get, the gap just gets further and further. I could still get stronger, but... what would be the point? " she thought, clenching her fists. 

"What's this, are you starting to despair? I pity you, Naomi Senshima.  You're powerful. No one's denying that, but.. isn't it ironic that, you, the so called detective of justice; is the one fighting alone, relying on her own strength, while we the (villains), are working together to achieve a common goal? " said Blair.

"Huh!!.." said Naomi.

"Hmhmhmhm.. You've failed completely. The weapons are already finished. You could easily shelve this case, since there's nothing more you can do. If you stay out of our way, I'll even release Ms. Akure for you. You fighting against us, is what's causing unnecessary bloodshed. So tell me, what is it exactly, that you're fighting for?" said Blair.

Naomi's resolve began to waver, as she questioned what she was doing. "I.... I made a promise. T-that's why I'm fighting. I can't just quit, now?" said Naomi. 

"A promise, huh? Tell me, is that promise worth keeping, if it gets you, and everyone you care about killed? You're a detective. Look at your situation with facts, not emotion. The fact is, is that this has gone beyond the scope of what you can accomplish." said Blair. 

Naomi clenched her fists, in frustration. "No... You're wrong. I will win. Maybe not today, or tommorow, but I swear.. Whatever it takes.. I'll win." said Naomi.

"Hmhmhm.. Ya know, Jaakuna-sama mentioned something to me the other day. She said, that her desire to defeat you, has become second nature to her, almost like an instinct. You fighting this hopeless battle, has confirmed something to me. You may not openly admit it, but deep down.. it's the same for you, am I right?" said Blair, as she placed her hand on her hip.

"Uhhhhh!! W-what are you saying?" said Naomi. 

"I'm saying, the only way you're gonna even have a chance of putting up a fight against her, is if you allow that instinct to take over. Think hard about what it is, that you want, and desire.  What you truly want, isn't to resolve this case, but to defeat Jaakuna. You know I'm right. Forget about your emotions, and your silly obligations, and put your all, into surpassing Jaakuna. If you do that, you might just get somewhere." said Blair.

"I don't get it. What are you after? Why are you doing this?" said Naomi.

"What am I after? True happiness of course, and Jaakuna-sama is the one who has the power to get us there. It is her wish to face you, at your absolute best, so I'll do everything in my power to make sure, that happens." said Blair, as she turned her back to Naomi. 

"You'd go that far for her? Tell me, why'd you join an organization like Kurai Yohei, when you are already successful? It's not too late, ya know? Don't throw all that away." said Naomi.

"Hmhmhmhmhm.. See, now, you're making me laugh. Unlike you, I know what I'm doing, and how to navigate to where I want to be. Don't change the subject. Your moral standards are irrelevant, to me, so save your breath. Just focus on your purpose.  Until, next time, Naomi Senshima. I look forward to seeing you get stronger, and please don't disappoint me, for if I feel you aren't worthy of facing Jaakuna-sama, I'll destroy you myself. hmhmhmhm.." said Blair, as she disappeared from the battlefield.

Naomi just stood at the construction site for a second, in deep thought. "What should I do? Damn it.. It's just like she says. I could go around stalling, and slowing down there plans all I want, but in the end; defeating Jaakuna, is the only way this is gonna come to a close. I've got to figure out a way, to beat her. " said Naomi.

 Blair walked back to her car, and crushed the tracking device underneath her foot. "I think I got my point across. Naomi is useless to me, as she is now, but she definitely has potential. Once she's at her strongest, I'll let her and Jaakuna duke it out, to their heart's content. One of them will be dead, and I'll destroy the other in their weakened state.. Hmhmhmhm.. Hahahahahahahaha!" laughed Blair.

To be continued:

Next time:  Kurai Yohei’s ascension