Chapter 53: Kurai Yohei’s Ascension
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At Kurai Yohei's headquarters, Osorai and Zurui were locked in an intense sparring session. 

"H-here I come, Osorai!" said Zurui, as she charged at Osorai, with a barrage of attacks, only for each one to be parried and dodged. Osorai, countered with a few attacks of her own, with some being blocked, but a hard kick to the gut, eventually knocked Zurui down to the floor. "Guhh! Damn.. So fast." said Zurui.

"Huhuhu.. Too slow, Zurui-chan. Now, get up.." said Osorai, as she folded her arms, waiting on Zurui to recover her posture. The two locked in combat once more, only for Zurui to be knocked right back down. "Oh, Zurui-chan.. How am I supposed to improve my fighting skills, if you can't even make me break a sweat. At this rate, Jaakuna-sama will be so disappointed, in both of us." she said, as she shook her head, and sighed.  

"Damn.. This is so frustrating. I know I'm the lowest ranked agent, but I always thought, you and I were equal when it came to fighting ability; since you rely so much on illusions." said Zurui, as she sat on her butt.

"Huhuhuhuhu.. I guess you thought wrong. I'm still more than a match, for a softie, like you. Now, come on! This is no time, for failure. Or should I just put you out of your misery, and find someone stronger to train with? The choice is yours, Zurui-chan." said Osorai, sternly, as she attempted to motivate Zurui.

Zurui got up, and readied herself for battle once more. "I-I know.. I don't wanna disappoint Jaakuna-sama either. (Damn it.. I thought, I was improving, but... my skills are still, so much further behind the others. I have got.. to get stronger.) she thought. She zipped up to top speed, at 350 mph, and launched herself up to the ceiling. As she bounced off of it, she propelled herself downward at Osorai, with a kick. Osorai followed her movements, and jumped out of the way, zipping around  with her own 500 mph speeds. (Damn, she's fast, but I can react..) she thought, as she put her guard up. Zurui successfully blocked Osorai's attacks in the nick of time, and prepared to counter with a spin kick.

"Not bad, Zurui-chan.. That's a bit better, but..." said Osorai, as she disappeared mid-sentence, and reappeared behind Zurui. "Not nearly good, enough." she said, kicking Zurui in the back, knocking her face first to the ground. "Huhuhuhu.. I forgot to mention, my battle with Naomi, gave me a bit of insight on how to increase my speed." she said, posing her leg. 

"W-what? A mach-speed blitz? I didn't know you could do that?" said Zurui, as she staggered back on to her feet.

"Of course, I can. It's not THAT... hard, Zurui-chan. I can only do it, 2 or 3 bursts at a time, though, unlike the top-tiers. I'm always so busy torturing weak, civilian prey, so I rarely put my fighting capabilities to any real use; but I guess my scuffle with Naomi-chan, helped remind me, on how to use all of my muscles." she said, looking at her hand. 

"(T-they're all so talented.. What have I been doing, this whole time?.) thought Zurui, as her head dropped, in dissapointment and doubt in herself. 

"Do you really have the luxury, to be sulking right now, Zurui-chan? If you're not gonna get stronger with me, then at least be a proper punching bag.." said Osorai, as she continued to assault Zurui. As the two traded blows,  Osorai delivered multiple hard blows, as Zurui managed to block a few, but several devastated her body. "Huhuhu.. Haaaah!" she yelled, as she delivered a massive jump-kick to Zurui's chest.

Zurui was flung several feet into the air, as she flew backwards, and landed flat on her back. "Gaaaah!" she screamed. As she laid there for a few seconds, attempting to catch her breath, she grabbed her throbbing breast, and slowly leaned up. "I-I'm not done yet, Osorai." she said, as she attempted to get back up, but before she even could, Osorai, lunged toward her.

"Watch out, Zurui-chan.. My foot seems to think otherwise!" said Osorai, sarcastically, as she planted her foot into Zurui's chest, and pinned her down to the ground. "Huhuhuhuhuhuhu.. All too easy, Zurui-chan. I win, again." she said, with her huge breasts perked up; as her head started to blow up a bit, from using her superior fighting skills.

"Guh..Damn-it.. To think, I'd be this far behind the second weakest agent. I had no idea, you were such a fearsome fighter. Here, I thought, I had someone to relate to." said Zurui, as she laid, pinned to the ground.

"Hmhmhm..The feeling of not having anyone to relate to, is something I can empathize with.. but, can I be honest with you, Zurui-chan? I've never liked you. Life is unfair, and cruel, but we've all evolved into monsters to combat that. Everyone, except you. You're the only one, stuck at the human level. It's laughable, that you are an agent." said Osorai. 

"Well damn, thanks for the uplifting encouragement, Osorai, but Jaakuna told me the same thing, a while back. Do... you really think, I have a chance? Or do you think, I should just save myself the trouble, and ask Jaakuna-sama to demote me to a soldier?" said Zurui, as she just layed there defeated, not even having the motivation to get back up.

"huhuhuhuhuhu.. Demotion? If it were up to me, I'd use you as prey for my ritual instead. I'd love nothing more, then to laugh at you, as I put you through your worst fears, buuuuuuut... that's not my decision to make, now is it? Look... in order to perform at high levels, you're gonna have to know how to blitz your opponent. You're the only agent left, that can't do that." said Osorai, as she released Zurui, from her pin.

"But how?" said Zurui, as she got up, holding her body.

"It's simple.. Just focus all of your strength in your legs, for one focused burst. I guess.. think of it, as a sort of split-second adrenaline rush. Control your breathing, and use every muscle in your legs, to burst yourself for a quick rush." said Osorai, as she demonstrated, and disappeared out of sight, and reappeared behind Zurui. You don't necessarily have to have consistent sonic and hyper-sonic speeds, like a top-tier, to be able to blitz your opponent. One burst at a time, is all you need. Well... given that they're not completely out of your league." she said, as she playfully and cockily, stretched her legs acrobatically.

"T-thanks Osorai. I appreciate the tip. I have a second wind, now. Ya know, Blair moved up, extremely fast, considering the time-span she's been here. Maybe.. we should ask her for assistance. I'd hate to disappoint, Jaakuna-sama." said Zurui.

"Hmm.. Blair-chan? I don't really like her, either. Something about her, is kinda off to me." said Osorai.

"Off? That's... kinda funny sounding, coming from you. She seems, so nice and down to earth, but then again... I guess that's a bad thing?" said Zurui.

"Mmm.. Yeah, but it's not that.. It's something deeper. It's not that she's soft, or naive... it's something else, that just doesn't sit right with me. Every time she looks at me, it's like she's genuinely trying to understand me, while laughing at everything I stand for, simultaneously. It rubs me the wrong way, but nevermind. You wouldn't understand, Zurui-chan. If it'll help us, improve for Jaakuna-sama, then.. I'll be open to it." said Osorai. 

"Hmm.. I've never had a knack for reading people like that, sooo.. I wouldn't know. Maybe, that's also something, I need to work on. For now, I think it'd be best if we all focused on working together, despite our differences. If someone, as standoffish as Jaakuna-sama, has decided to, for all of our sakes; then the least we can do, is follow suite. I don't want the loss of my best friend, to be in vain." said Zurui.

"I can agree with you there, Zurui-chan. For Jaakuna-sama's sake, we'll show these miserable, hopeless humans, what a team of monsters can accomplish. Wherever she is, I'm sure Urayama-chan will get to laugh right along with us, as she watches us crush and rebuild society, in our image, Huhuhuhuhu.." laughed Osorai.

At Jaakuna's office, she was at her desk, in the middle of assigning each foot soldier to a certain agent, based off of their skills and personality types. "Hmm.. That should do, perfectly. Each agent will have a team of 10 or so soldiers." she thought, as she twirled her pen. 

"Can I come in, Jaakuna-sama?" said Blair.

"You may.." she said, as the door opened.

"Is everything, going well, with your restructuring plans, for the organization?" said Blair.

"For the most part, yes. I have a good idea, of how I want it to look. Here, this is the roster, for all of our members, and which agents, I want them working for." she said, as she passed Blair, the roster. "Osorai and Zurui, have been training non-stop, to increase their fighting skills. The others are working pretty hard too, but I've decided I want all soldiers to increase their fighting capacity as well. Our enemies, are said to be as strong or stronger than Miakumi, so even the soldiers need to get to a point, to where they can perform on the level of a mid-tier agent, bare-minimum." said Jaakuna.

"I see. The added attack power, of the new energy weapons, will bring our forces to an all time high. That said, the difference between a soldier, and even the weakest agent, is still quite vast, but I'll do my best, to make sure that happens." said Blair.

"Thank-you. It's quite a tall order, I know, but don't worry. I'll help. Everyone seems quite determined. So we will be able to pull it off." said Jaakuna. 

"Yes ma'am. Also, I thought you should know, I ran into Naomi. She attempted to track me, to our hideout." said Blair. 

"You're serious? Damn her. She can't stay put for one second, can she. I suppose, it can't be helped." she said, as she looked at Blair's body. "Hmm, and yet.. you're unscathed. What happened, exactly?" said Jaakuna.

"Hmhmhmhm.. I'll be honest, we did lock into combat, and... she couldn't even touch me. Although, I know she's your prey, so I didn't do much at all to her either. " said Blair.

Jaakuna sighed.. " I see.. She did recently just get out of the hospital, but that still somewhat disappoints me. Perhaps, I've waited long enough. It may be time, to just go ahead, and put her out of her misery." she said, as she started to stand up from her seat, getting a bit impatient.

"Wait.. I know how you feel, but... she is incredibly strong, and has potential. I can see, why you take interest in her. She may not be able to help push you to new heights now, but... she has been going toe to toe with us, single-handedly for a while. She will get alot stronger, as she adapts. Not to mention, we could also use her, as a wild-card against the Yakuza. If she can dwindle their forces even a little, that'll make it that much easier, for you to get revenge on Javerius." said Blair.

"Hmm. I see.. That's actually, quite brilliant. We don't have alot of time, though. The Yakuza have been rather quiet, for now, but they won't be forever, especially, if my father were to learn, that I've taken Miakumi's place. There's no telling what he'd do. However, thanks, for the assessment. I'll keep it in mind." said Jaakuna, as she sat back down. 

"Of course.. If you'll excuse me." said Blair, as she walked out of her office. As she walked she ran into Osorai and Zurui, who seemed to be waiting on her. "Hm? Can I help, you two?" said Blair.

"W-well.. we were wondering if you could, ya know.. help us, with our training. W-we're having.. difficulties training with just each other." said Zurui, a bit nervously.

"Hmph.. Well.. I've actually managed to improve, quite a bit, but.. I can only go so far, training with this softie. You may be a newbie, but.... we kinda need someone who knows how to get super strong quick, to help us, before Jaakuna-sama sees our results." said Osorai, as she threw her hands up, and shook her head.

"Hmhmhmhm.. I see. No need to get flustered you two. You chose the right person. In fact, I'm honored that you would be willing to swallow your pride, for Jaakuna-sama's sake. I'd be happy to help." said Blair, as she followed them to the training room. "Alright then. Let me see what you got."  she said.

"I'll go first, Zurui-chan. Just pay close attention." said Osorai, as she readied for battle.

"Hmhm.. Oh, no. Both, of you. Come at me, at once." said Blair, as she put her hands on her hips.

"Well, here goes nothing!" said Zurui, as they both prepared to fight, as Blair stood their casually, and unguarded. Osorai and Zurui lunged at Blair, only for all of their attacks to be parried effortlessly with one hand. "What?!" said Zurui shocked, as she continued to attack.

"Tch.. Not yet!" said Osorai, as she blitzed behind Blair. While Zurui continued to attack Blair from the front, Osorai went for a punch to the back of her head, in her blind spot, but Blair casually moved her head to the side. The dodge resulted in Zurui being punched instead, as she flew off into the distance. "Huh?" said Osorai, shocked. 

"Hmhmhm.. what's wrong?." laughed Blair, as she grabbed Osorai's arm, and  kicked her in the gut, launching her into the wall. 

"Nghhh.. Huhuhu. Well, that was a bust, wasn't it?" chuckled Osorai, as she rose back up to one knee. "What was that, all of a couple of seconds?" she said.

"Hmhm, indeed. Seems you two, still have a ways to go." said Blair, as she folded her arms. 

"Ughh.. H-how do you do it, Blair? We didn't even make you move from that spot." said Zurui.

"Hmm.. I'll be honest. Part of it, seems to be natural talent. When my superhuman abilities were unlocked by Miakumi-sama, they were already at a level much higher then most of you. That much can't be helped, however, I can see where you two are going wrong, in technique. So don't lose hope." said Blair.

"What is it? Where are we going, wrong then?" said Osorai.

"Well, for starters, while it was a good idea to go for my blind spot, Osorai;  it doesn't do much good, if you still just go for such an obvious, and linear attack choice." said Blair. "And you, Zurui.. If your attacks, are being proven  in-affective, don't just keep flailing your limbs, hoping you'll get lucky. Gain some distance, and try a different approach." she said. 

"Makes sense. That's easy enough, to correct." said Zurui.

"Yeah, I get it, but even if we improve our technique, there's still such a massive gap in power and speed. Isn't there anything we can do to reach higher levels, that'll be useful against top-tier level opponents ?" said Osorai. 

"There may be one way, hmhmhm.. but.. it won't be easy." laughed Blair.

"What is it? I'm sure we can handle it." said Zurui.

"For the next few days, I'm gonna train you, and beat you within an inch of your lives. Your bodies will naturally adapt, bit by bit, to fighting higher level opponents. You may not reach my level, but.. you'll be leagues above what you are now. That way, you'll be at a level, where Jaakuna-sama can teach you the next step. " said Blair.

"W-what? That's insane. We might die." said Zurui.

"No! It's the only way. She's right, Zurui-chan. After going up against, and being thrashed around by Naomi, I felt myself get a bit stronger. We superhumans adapt, much faster than normal, so it should work, in theory." said Osorai, as she began to smirk. "Huhuhu... Let's do it, Blair. Let our ascension from superhumans, to true monsters, begin." said Osorai, excitedly.

To be continued:

Next time: Naomi's ascension.