Chapter 55: S class mission: Prison Break. Rescue, Ikara and Kurui
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Back at Kurai Yohei's headquarters, Osorai and Zurui were still in the middle of their grueling training cycle with Blair. They had been at it for a week, everyday, for hours on end. Both of them were pummeled, and healed repeatedly, with their bodies and skills adapting each time.

"Damn, Osorai.. I-it's been a week, and we still haven't even managed to land one blow." said Zurui.

"If you wanna throw in the towel, Zurui-chan, then go right ahead. I'm continuing. I can feel myself, stepping over the boundary to being a true monster. I won't stop now." said Osorai, as she prepared to attack.

"No.. I'm with you. I'll keep going what ever it takes." she said, as she posed for battle. 

"I commend you, on your tenacity, girls. You've been growing in strength and speed, day by day, but it's not enough. Until you can land a blow on me, Jaakuna-sama won't show you the next level." said Blair. 

"Then it's not a matter of, if I can hit you Blair-chan, it's when." said Osorai, as she blitzed out of sight, with Zurui following suit. They continued to use combo attacks, and various attack patterns, all of which failed to land. "Tch... Not yet! Not yet! Not yet! There's more, so much more." she said, as she kicked up her speed into mach 3, in several bursts. 

Blair's eyes darted around, following her movements, as she continued to dodge Osorai's attacks, effortlessly. Osorai bounced off of the ceiling, and lunged downward at Blair from behind. "Very impressive, Osorai. Your speed is leagues above, what it was. However..." she said, as she blitzed out of Osorai's sight and appeared ,upside down; above her, before she could complete the attack. "It's still far too insufficient to land a hit on me." she said, knocking Osorai to the ground, with a flip-kick.

"Guhh.." said Osorai, as she rammed into the floor in a crater.

"Osorai!" said Zurui, as she rushed towards Blair, who jumped back into the air. As Zurui attempted to blitz behind her at mach 2, she delivered a kick to Blair's head, only for it to phase right through. "What!? Shit, an afterimage!" she said, as Blair reappeared behind Zurui, at hypersonic speed. 

"Hahahahaha.. I don't think so." laughed Blair, as she clenched her fists above her head, and smashed Zurui down to the ground in a second crater, right beside Osorai. Blair landed graciously on the ground, in front of her trainees, as her bosom bounced in the process. "You both have come quite a ways, but I'm afraid, you still have a long way to go; before you can touch me." she said, confidently. "Here's some food for thought, to put things into perspective for you. Even Naomi only barely managed to graze me a few times in our fight, and her speed surpasses that of the typical top-tier agent." said Blair.

"What?!! If even she couldn't land a solid blow, then how the hell are we supposed to...No...Then that just means we have to work that much harder."  she said, as she caught herself, and shook off her doubt.

"Now you're talkin, Zurui-chan. You're no monster, yet, but you're not the pathetic excuse of an agent, you were a week ago." said Osorai, as she patted Zurui on the head.

"Gee.. Thanks, Osorai. Such a heart-filled compliment." she said, as she rolled her eyes.

"Hmhmhmhm.. I like the look in your eyes, Zurui. You're confidence is increasing along with your abilities. I've no doubt that you guys can pull this off. Remember, I'm not asking you to get to me or Naomi's level, right now, but... now you know just how much further you need to get, before you can touch me." she said. 

"Yeah.. If Naomi-chan can nick you a few times one on one, then me and Zurui-chan working together, can both land a full, effective blow. I can still get stronger, and faster." said Osorai, confidently. 

"I know you can. It's only been a week, and you two have gotten several times more powerful. I think that's enough for today. You two get your injuries tended to, and we'll pick back up tomorrow." she said, as she left the training room.

"Alright, Blair-chan. See ya, tommorow. Huhuhuhu.. It's only a matter of time, now. Soon, everyone will cower in fear at the monsters, we all have become." said Osorai.

"Yeah.. I guess Blair was right. Going up against an agent of her caliber, over and over again, is allowing us to adapt. I've never felt so strong. With both of us working together, I bet we could tag her soon." said Zurui.

"True, but we still have alot alot alot, more work to do. Blair-chan is stronger then a typical top-tier agent. If I had to guess, I'd even say she's stronger then Jaakuna-sama was, before she ascended. I guess you could call her something, like a super-elite, if we had a tier for that. So if we hope to even hit her, we need to at least reach top-tier levels without question." she said. 

Back at Jaakuna's office, Blair had entered to inform them of their progress.

"So? How are they doing?" said Jaakuna, as she sat at her desk.

"Wonderful. They still have a ways to go, but in a mere week, they've already learned to move at supersonic speeds with relative ease. They're both performing on the level, of solid mid-tier agents, with Osorai beginning to step over boundaries, beyond even that. In another week, I suspect, they'll be ready for you to show them how to control their seishi." said Blair.

"That so? Excellent. Glad to hear it. The others are improving as well, but I've come to a decision. I want to break out, Ikara and Kurui from prison, before I teach everyone how to control their seishi. I want them to be a part of this new better and stronger, Kurai Yohei." said Jaakuna.

"Ikara and Kurui? Oh, that's right. Those two, that got captured, right after I joined, but I thought they dropped off the map. How will we find, where they're being detained?" said Blair.

"Hmhmhmhm.. With all of my terrifying power, don't forget I used to also be in charge of obtaining top secret files and hacking my way through government facilities. I already managed to find out where they are. Seems Naomi had them sent to a remote island, in a prison called Tokujo prison. This prison is extremely secure, and is even rumored to have super-soldiers employed there." she said, as she pulled up schematics of the prison. 

"Understood. This'll be good exercise. I'll contact my foot soldiers, and make preparations  to set out, immediately." said Blair.

"No.. While, I'm sure your capable, I won't leave any room for error. I want every agent on this assignment, and I'll be accompanying you all." said Jaakuna.

"Goodness, Jaakuna-sama. Forgive me, for saying so, but you don't think, that's overkill?" said Blair.

"Perhaps, but this is a mission to save two comrades who have been victims, of this rotten society, after all. I won't accept failure." said Jaakuna.

"(Hmm.. Where is this coming from, all of a sudden? Ever since she killed Miakumi, she's like a different person. At first, I thought she was showing empathy, simply to gain everyone's respect, but... even I'm having a hard time getting a read on her.) thought Blair. "Understood. We'll rescue Ikara and Kurui, without fail." she said.

"Of course. We'll set out in three days. I'll hold a meeting tommorow morning, to inform everyone of the game plan. That's all for now." said Jaakuna, as she dismissed Blair. 

Back in cape hedo, at Nishida's temple, Naomi was in the middle of learning how to hone her powers.

"Alright, Princess-Naomi. Before we do anything, it's important you learn how to control your seishi." said Nishida.

"Seishi. Hmm, Miakumi mentioned something about that, back when we fought. I'm guessing that's my energy, or something?" said Naomi.

"That's right. Seishi is the life energy within you. Once you gain full mastery of it, there's almost no limits to what you can do. You'll be able to master angelic arts, which are the only techniques powerful enough to go up against the demon arts, that Jaakuna has learned." said Nishida.

"Alright. So what do I do to control my seishi?" said Naomi.

"First you have to feel the sensation of it. Imagine it, as your very life essence that flows within you. Once you feel it, then visualize it forming around you, almost like a silhouette, that surrounds you. Bring yourself to a completely peaceful and tranquil state, and you'll be able to feel it." said Nishida. 

"Right, well here goes.." she said, as she closed her eyes, sat on the floor, indian style. As she focused, she could feel the energy swelling and flowing inside her. "I feel it. It's a very warm sensation, especially in my stomach." said Naomi.

"Good. Now try and visualize that energy flowing outward, and to the surface of your body." said Nishida.

As Naomi continued to focus for a minute, a blue aura surrounded her body, as a peaceful wind flowed throughout the temple. "Hmm.. Yeah, interesting. Like this, right?" said Naomi.

"That's it. Excellent, Princess Naomi. I didn't expect you to be at such a high level, already. Luckily, you're already at a stage in your development, where basic seishi control is basically second nature. You're already able to form it into an aura, around you. Which means, we can go straight into angelic arts." said Nishida, as he smiled in high hopes, for Naomi's natural talent.

"Awesome! This isn't so bad, at all. So this... is seishi? I've been using this all along, and just didn't know what it was called, ha ha. I'll be finished in no time." said Naomi, as she smiled, excitedly. 

"Not so fast, Princess. Honing your seishi in angelic arts, and using it to boost your basic fighting capabilities are two different things. The precision required are levels apart. This is where the real tough part begins." said Nishida.

"R-right. My bad. Guess I was getting a bit cocky there, for a second. I'm ready, though. Let's do it." said Naomi, as they continued to train.

Back at Kurai Yohei's headquarters, Blair had gathered all of the agents to the meeting room, for Jaakuna to debrief them on the mission.

"As you all may have heard already, I'm assigning every one of you to an S class assignment, to rescue Ikara and Kurui." said Jaakuna.

"Heh.. Good ol, Ikara and Kurui, huh? Why not? I'm on board. I miss my fellow evil-ass agents. Too bad, we can't have Urayama here with us too, heh.... even though you'd probably disagree." said Jaleesa.

Jaakuna's eyes lowered as if she were in a bit of turmoil. "Not at all. I  really wish we could, I truly do. She too, suffered a great deal, and didn't deserve to go out the way she did, but.... let's focus on saving the comrades we can. They're being held at Tokujo prison, off of the southern most island, in the Ryuku archipelago. It's rumored that they have super soldiers, on duty, there." said Jaakuna.

"Hah! Super soldiers? That's nothing compared to us. I'm sure two of us, and a few foot soldiers will be plenty for this, Jaakuna-sama." said Veneta.

"Veneta-chan.. Don't be stupid. Jaakuna-sama obviously has a reason for this." said Osorai.

"That's right. Always be prepared for the unexpected. Anything can happen. While I'm sure one or two of you could handle this, as I told Blair, I won't leave any room for error. Remember, our top priority is rescuing Ikara and Kurui, that said... if things start to escalate, then show no mercy, and kill anyone you have to. We can't allow things to escalate outside of that prison." said Jaakuna.

"Of course. So per usual, we keep things on the down-low, right?" said Taiah.

"Yes.. We don't have time to be at war, with various military forces right now. That's not the way we do things. That said, if push comes to shove, and everyone at that prison has to die, for the sake of our two comrades, then so be it; but that decision is mine and mine alone." said Jaakuna.

"So what's the game plan, Jaakuna-sama?" said Zurui.

"We split up into two teams, a diversionary and a search team. Veneta, since you're the best sniper, you'll stay posted on a guard tower, and inform us of any enclosing enemies. Blair, Taiah, along with myself, will make up the search team, while Osorai, Zurui, and Jaleesa will be the diversionary team. said Jaakuna. "I should be able to hack into their security system, and shut most of it off. With that, at least, they won't be able to pinpoint our exact locations. Veneta, that's when you'll take out the main guard tower, and position yourself there, to have a high vantage point of the prison. Then the diversionary team will keep the guards at bay, while me and the search team locate Ikara and Kurui. Once they've been located, one of us will give the signal, and we'll all be on our way. Any questions?" she said.

"Just one, Jaakuna-sama. Will it be safe to just up and leave, with two of their most dangerous inmates. They probably have at least some info on Ikara and Kurui, so it's likely that they would do a search, once we've rescued them. Should we be proactive, and kill the warden, to prevent that from happening?" said Blair.

"I'm glad you mentioned that, which is why I plan on destroying all of their databanks, while we're there. They'll be much too focused on trying to maintain the functionality of their prison, to prevent a mass escape, then trying to locate two escapees, but... yes. If need be, we'll kill the warden, and anyone else, if it comes to that. But don't worry, just follow my lead, and this should go smoothly." said Jaakuna.

"Leave it to Jaakuna-sama to come up with a simple, yet effective plan, that utilizes all 7 of us. Huhuhu.. I can't wait to use my new skills." said Osorai.

"Hmhmhmhm... I don't mind if you have fun, but remember... we keep our business on that prison. As exciting as the thought of crashing fighter jets and battle ships may be, please don't let it escalate that far. So follow through with whatever you start, alright Osorai, Jaleesa?" said Jaakuna. 

"Y-yes ma'am. No drawn out phobia-rituals." said Osorai, as she pouted.

"Alright.. We'll keep the mass destruction to a minimum, damn-it." said Jaleesa, as she closed her eyes.

"Good.. We'll set out the day after tomorrow. I have high hopes, in every single one of you, so don't let me down. Ikara and Kurui are depending on us. You're all dismissed." said Jaakuna, as they all left. 

To be continued:

Next time: Kurai Yohei vs. Tokujo Prison.