Arc 3 – Ch.40: Jake’s POV (1)
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I- I pushed him in front of a truck…
I didn't mean to-
I was just joking around…
I didn't see the truck coming…

He was always so distant and refused to acknowledge me.
No matter how hard I tried to become friends with him…

The other kids are horrible and went straight to bullying me after they got bored with whoever their previous victim was.

He was the only kid that didn't bully me for some reason.

It felt like we had so much in common, so I tried to become friends with him.
But the closer I got to him, the more he pushed me away…

But now I killed him.

I killed him.

These are the last things that went through my mind before I went to hell.

The truck that hit my only friend abruptly turned when it tried to stop, causing it to capsize.

Why is this truck even here…
Mom said a nearby sign on this street meant that trucks aren't allowed to drive here… 

The back-side of the truck violently flipped over straight towards me.
It fell onto me, crushing me instantly under its weight.

Everything went black and before I even had time to think-


A large rift appeared in the darkness.

I've never seen anything like this. My surroundings are pure black, but out of nowhere this enormous tear just appeared.

On the other side of the tear, I could see a room of some sort?

A thin bright white wire slowly appeared through the rift.

Grab it.

For some reason, I really want to grab it.

Is this what fish feel like when they're about to eat bait?

As soon as the wire made of light collided with me, I was pulled into the rift.

I hardly had any time to process what was happening to me-

But the next thing I knew… I was turned into a tea kettle.


“…Yun i kouppch not ajo u queko expensive vessel jik?” (???)
A young man asked something to an old man standing next to him.

“Zo jhipp boy, fo have mokwoyhpch suitable vessels uh home…” (Old man)



"PFWAAH!" (Old man)

The old man spits out the tea he just drank.

"Htij tastes xkouxwap! what tummonox?!" (Old man)

I can't understand anything he's saying, but he's definitely cussing something at me.

I'm a tea kettle though.
How childish. Lashing out an inanimate object.

The old man's awful wrinkly hand approached my handle again.

I tried my best to intimidate him somehow, but nothing in particular happened.

His hand hesitated for a moment, but he still picked me up and poured all the tea out into a sink.

"Jpugo!" (Old man)
The old man suddenly called for someone.

A middle-aged lady entered the room and began scrubbing me clean after the old man pointed at me.

The lady picked me up despite my fruitless mental retaliation.

Is this what the afterlife for everyone is like?

Everyone turns into tea kettles…



"GUYUHO!" (Young man)

The young man shouts something out.

As soon as he said that word, I could feel my entire being getting ripped out of the tea kettle.

It feels like my soul is being torn apart!!

Suddenly I found myself looking down on the tea kettle from above.

Seems like I've been vacated from my home.


My body…

It's as if my body is about to split into a million pieces.

I have to-

I have to do something-

If I don't do something, I'm going to disappear for good.
I'm not sure how I know, but that's what my subconscious seems to be screaming at me.

My vision immediately landed on something tucked away in the corner of the room inside of a cage.

(A raven!)

I'm not sure why, but I could see a bright white glow being emitted from the middle of the bird's body.

The bird is on it's back on the floor of the cage. It looks like it's dead- but somehow I could tell it's still alive.

If I go there… I can survive…
I'm not sure why I'm so certain of this, but what other choice do I have!!

I used whatever strength I could muster to fly over to the bird.

I'm a detached soul of some sort right now, so I have no legs to walk over there though.

How do I-

How do I get over to the bird?!

As I began desperately imagining being near the bird, I suddenly began to move.

The white light is absorbing me?!

It's as if I'm being vacuumed into the body of the bird-



(It worked!)

Ah- I accidentally made a weird bird sound.

I moved my hand in front of my face.
A beautiful black wing spread out in front of me.

(I'm a bird! It really worked!!)

The old man is frowning at me right now.

D- does he know I'm in here?



I've managed to stay alive thanks to the middle-aged lady that feeds me seeds.

And I'm still in this body, despite the old man knowing that I'm in here.
I'm not sure why I wasn't vacated this time.

I almost managed to escape from the birdcage once, but I was quickly apprehended by the young man before I managed to fly outside.
At least I shat on his head before he put me back.

Anyway- something exciting seems to be happening outside now.
All kinds of exciting loud noises have been going off for quite a while…

I'm nowhere near a window, so I can't see any of it though…



I've been put inside of a carriage…

A bunch of burly men just appeared out of nowhere and began ransacking the room I was in.

And worst of all… I haven't been fed a single seed in ages.

I started making bird noises at the people that abducted me, but they just threw a tarp over my birdcage instead of feeding me.

How irresponsible.

I'm seriously gonna start screaming non-stop if I'm not fed soon.

Where is the nice lady that feeds me seed…

Oh- the door of the carriage opened.

(What the hell…)

I manoeuvered around my cage and just about managed to find a small opening where I could peek under the tarp.
They gently placed down a… scarecrow?

I'm really struggling to come up with theories about what could possibly be happening right now.



The carriage started moving and I still haven't been fed.

This is the last straw.

I'm going to retaliate before I starve.

Seed! I want seeds!


I've been cawing for ages, but nobody's paying attention.

Ordinarily, there's only so much noise someone can put up with until-

("BE QUIET!!") (???)

A voice suddenly shouted at me!!

What was that?! It sounded like the voice was right next to me!

That scared me so bad woah-
My tiny bird heart is beating like crazy.

Someone opened the carriage door.

Maybe the owner of the angry voice will feed me seed.

The door closed.
