Chapter 3
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Valery I’m sorry if I was a bit of a dick earlier there’s no reason for me to have treated you that way. Let me make it up to you.

Meet me in the art room just before lights out.

- William


Valery shook as her eyes scanned the note again and again. Her heart ran erratically, forcing her lungs to heave, clawing for air. Is this real... Is this real?! Valery’s face beamed with joy as the thought at Williams deep brown eyes gazing into hers and delivering a sincere heartfelt apology. The notion was beyond expectation. Invigorated with a new wash of confidence, Valery ran through Sasha's makeup in the blink of an eye.

Soon the field of pimples sat obscured under a plaid wash of foundation and her lips were anointed with a touch of pink luminescence. She straightened her uniform flattening as many wrinkles as she could before bursting from her room.

Moving past the few lingering students that left their clubs, Valery entered the art room, finding its concentrated chaos a sight to behold. Anxious, Valery checked her phone, seeing it was still ten minutes before lights out. Did I come too early? Just as that thought passed through her mind, a snicker whispered amongst the many drying racks. Slowly her chest grew tight as her lungs squeezed out short, rapid gasps. Her eye darted feverishly around the room until the sharp clatter of chair erupted, revealing a group of students. Each wielded some brightly colored water gun accompanied by cruel grins, though before Valery’s heart could sink one screamed “eat super glue bitch!”.

As the guns fired Valery hastily covered her face finding comfort in what little protection she created. The glue-water mix splashed all along her form, clinging to her clothes and skin, quickly drying into thick opaque patches. “This is for making us fail our classes you asshole” Wincing with each oppressive blast Valery vied to move her hands but found them frozen above her face. Each tug was met with a wince of pain, yet panic over took her dismay as the fluid seeped between her fingers. Gasping, Valery pursed her eyes and rammed through the door. Her breathing was labored. Super glue! Super glue! Can breathe through my nose or I’ll get clogged! Or my mouth! I’ll suffocate! I can’t breathe!

Valery's panic only grew as the fluid trickled against her skin. Her heart sped erratically, bludgeoning it’s way through her ears while her head became light. Suddenly she was falling and the last thing she heard was the low “thump” of her head against the floor.

With that, everything went black…


Until a dull wiring pain ran its length through her skull. As her eyes fluttered open, the hum of fluorescent lighting served as her greeting to her sour reality. Her senses were slow as the drug induced doze held firm. There was little she could see. There was little she could do. All there was for her were tears. Tears that stung her eyes as they glistened against her cheeks. 

Valery’s lucidity was something that each nurse and doctor questioned as they came. Checking Up on her and slinging jargon that flossed between her ears. Yet her sense of shock or new found apathy had no dealings with a physical injury. Instead, it was the only defense. The muted emotions guarding her from the bitter despair that settled within her.

The recovery wasn’t long. Two to three days at most before Valery was fully aware of herself and the deep knotted pain in her head. Though it felt as if her senses were sharpened to a razor’s edge. The sound of people clattering about grated against her ears, the sterile scent of antiseptic stung her nose, and with each passive blink the humming lights seemed to become brighter than before. It hurt. It all hurt. Her only solace was found in childish antics as she buried her head under her pillow.

“After you fainted, you hit your head on the way down giving you a concussion” the doctor said “Now thankfully it wasn’t major but you’ll need to stay for a few more days so we can make sure”. Regardless of his intentions or the fact he was doing his job, Valery couldn’t help but glower at the man. Though her frustration laid mostly with herself rather than what the man told her. As she couldn’t watch tv or even listen to music to pass her arduous time, and the only semblance of literature she had caused a bitter bile to splash against her tongue. It was a set of three letters, each different in the same way. A weak apology at the expense of a two weeks in school suspension. The only benefit the letters gave were the names. Vanessa Willson, Robert Dunn, and Mary Kate Smith.

The names laid a suitable sting as she passed, numb to her many cognitive tests. Yet a part of her sunk lower as she wondered a simple question. Why? I don’t even know these people, so why did I deserve this?! Was I really so horrible to be around?

These thoughts consumed her mind until her time for release finally arrived.

As whatever drugs slowly weaned out of her system, Valery could sense the dull hum of voices swarming around her.

Poor girl, hope she’ll be okay.

Hope the doctor is available. We’ve got another patient.

I don’t get paid enough for this.

Medical school was a mistake.

God! what the fuck happened to his face?!

I need a fucking promotion already!

Though just as the voices layered and grew in volume a shot of pain pierced her skull. Silencing them all at once. And for the briefest of moments, a mix of panic and ease washed through Valery’s mind.

Am I going crazy?