“My disciple is definitely better than yours.” Elder Long crooned as he moved the tea leaves on his cup to the side with the teacup cover.
“This child is a one in a million talent, mastering qi refinement before she can play abacus”, Elder Long jeered at Fairy FangXin. “ A full blooded talent from the dragon clain”
Fairy FangXin chuckled after she took a sip of tea.
QiuRan sat quietly behind his shizun as he prepared a new batch of tea for the elders.
Such a waste of time, he thought to himself.
Meanwhile EnYi, the girl being discussed, looked at QiuRan with nary an expression on her face.
“Elder long, if you are so eager to prove yourself wrong, why don’t we have a short competition between our disciples?”, Fairy FangXin chided softly, her voice rang like windchimes in the cold autumn air – light and refreshing.
QiuRan rolled his eyes and tried his utmost to suppress a long sigh laden with weariness and irritation.
Dear Ancestors…..did you both just seriously summoned me here to brew tea and have a fight for your entertainment ??? This Laozi here is trying his best to avoid being topped !! To avoid being eaten !! MY ASS is literally at stake here AH !!!
Fairy FangXin and Elder Long were fellow disciples during their childhood. There are rumours about that Elder Long had once tried to court Fairy FangXin, but due to her staunch pursuit of Dao she was disinterested in any form of relationship and had dumped him before he even began courting her. Subsequently, Elder Long seemed to have thought of another way to keep him in her mind. If he cannot have her love him, he will have her hate him. And as such he had set out on a journey to rival her.
Elder Long subsequently moved to another sect in the beasts’ continent to further his pursuit of Dao. Today, they meet again after decades of parting and Elder Long had crowed incessantly, gloating at his disciples’ talent and bragging about the child’s achievements the moment he Fairy FangXin summoned QiuRan over for a show off.
He had long heard about this so called child prodigy of the human realm and had brought along with him a child prodigy from his sect to parry with QiuRan.
EnYi, the youth, just sat ramrod straight bundled in hefty cobalt cloak which matched the colour of her eyes. Her hair was a peculiar shade of black with streaks of dark blue. This is the first time QiuRan had met a beastkin in this universe. From the refined outer appearance, QiuRan couldn’t have guessed that she was of the dragon race.
“Shizun, if I may?”, QiuRan spoke softly.
“Yes A-Ran?”, fairy FangXin nodded
“The day of HanTian Competition is coming fast. If Shizun and Elder does not mind, this disciple and junior can compete then and there”
QiuRan casts a brief glance at Elder Long’s disciple as he uttered his proposal.
His aim ….. is mainly….. to FUCKING GET BACK TO WORK!!!!
QiuRan is currently 6 months shy from reaching the age of sixteen. SIXTEEN !!!
This is a dangerous age for QiuRan – seventeen is the age when an omega’s first heat is due to come and sixteen is the age where precocious omegas may have their heat. Thus QiuRan has set this as a personal deadline for the perfection of his omega inhibitor pill .
With his talents and Fairy FangXin’s aid, he had indeed made a number of prototypes which was very likely to succeed. However, nothing is for sure until he can try the medicines first hand. He had managed to gather three omegas volunteers who have agreed to become clinical trial subjects for the inhibitors with his shizun’s connections. Three is a lot considering how rare omega is. However , regardless of how positive the result is, QiuRan still feel unsettled as all three exhibited differing range of response to the different inhibitors. When the time comes for him to try it himself, it may work decently or not at all. Thus far he had prepared ten prototypes as standby but his pill cauldron is still firing heavenly flames unceasingly as he concocted pill after pill of with new added spiritual herbs, forging methods and so on.
“HA HA HA but why, we can settle this right now right here young one? Or are you afraid ?”, Elder Long guffawed.
QiuRan wanted to choke this young looking old man to death.
Fairy FangXin looked at QiuRan placidly, her smile as radiant as the morning sun. As a shizun, she has doted on QiuRan thoroughly, giving him plenty of leeways here and there. She had helped hide his omega subgender, closed an eye towards his peculiar dressing-down and supported him wholly on his pursuit of dao. Naturally, she wouldn’t force him to fight if he doesn’t want to.
However, this has precisely made it hard for QiuRan to refuse.
QiuRan nodded
“Understood. Shizun, Elder, what should this disciple do?”
“Lets have a parry between you two. You both will be given an hour. Craft a basic disguise pill with the materials we provide. ”
QiuRan took out a cauldron 1https://www.google.com/search?q=chinese+cauldron&client=ms-unknown&prmd=imvn&sxsrf=ALeKk01anunhljnc1Ra9yCvKRknDK497Nw:1604734928168&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizmui69-_sAhWVbisKHYVmDYUQ_AUoAXoECCgQAQ from his storage ring and moved to sit in front of Fairy FangXin without a word. The faster he settle this issue, the faster he can return to researching. Less talk, more action. There is no use complaining if the elder is insistent on this competition. Having noticed that the other party has nary made a move, QiuRan threw Elder Long’s disciple a cursory glance. As if she had caught on, she suddenly took out her own cauldron and sat in front of her shifu and prepared the herbs required. The girl was about the same age as QiuRan, petite but stone-faced. Her eyes are a disconcerting shade of azure, as if molten sapphire swims in her irises. QiuRan suppose that given Fairy FangXin’s nonchalance, it seemed that having such eyes amongst the beast race is not uncommon.
They both started when their elders commanded them too and in one hour the result was to be announced. The girl finished first. A gleaming golden hued pill floated out from the girl’s cauldron. She caught the pill and handed it to Elder Long who let out a slight chuckle. She then sat quietly, her face betraying none of her emotions. Qiuran meanwhile, finished mere seconds from the time limit. Similarly, a golden hued pill floated out from the cauldron. However, the moment the pill flew out, an intense fragrance suffused the surrounding air in an instant. Elder Long balked at Fairy FangXin, who was smiling sweetly as she sat inclined on her bamboo couch.
“This…this….!!” Elder Long stuttered.
The difference is obvious. The female disciple had made an excellent disguise pill of top grade and low quality given their agreed upon material of low grade spiritual herbs. QiuRan however had churned out a top grade top quality pill from the same ingredients.
QiuRan roared in laughter inwardly – but his outwards appearance appeared muted and placid.
PFFT!!! Want to defeat me in disguise pill making HAHAHA, you wish.
Disguise pill is his expertise.
Want to escape, of course he had to be slippery as a loach and disguise pill is something he can not ignore. One of the first thing he learned when he started concocting spiritual pills was in fact this very recipe. Having foreseen a lifetime full of escaping, he had to at least know how to make a decent disguise pill at least. If Elder Long had chosen other pills, he might still be unsure of his victory – not that it matters. If he loses, he will just excuse himself and continue his clinical trial. If he wins, he will bring Fairy FangXin some happiness. His main aim remains the same – to finish this pointless competition and go back to preparing his inhibitor pills!
“This!! Hmmph! I admit your disciple is more talented. However he is also older than En Yi. “, Elder Long was retorted unwillingly.
QiuRan looked at EnYi. She looked to be both shorter and younger than QiuRan by a few years. Girls tend to grow faster than boys during this period of time. As such, the fact that she is shorter than QiuRan can only mean she may be more than just a few years younger than QiuRan.
Fairy FangXin merely let out a cheery smile at Elder Long’s antics and offered a solution.
“Then should we have another parry during the HanTian competition next week?”
“Are you up to it, EnYi?”, Elder Long asked EnYi curtly.
“This disciple wont disappoint shizun”, En Yi clasped her hand and bowed at Elder Long.
QiuRan followed suit while rolling his eyes inwardly.
Anything goes as long as he can return to his daily tasks.
With the “D-Day” fast approaching, he will definitely certainly absolutely 1000% make sure that in this lifetime, this story will not have any papapa!!!