1: Teach Is Sick? Nonsense!
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"My lord, how are you doing that?!"

"Well it's quite simple, I just modified the magic circle on the ground a little, and POOF!"

"H-How, no one has ever done such a thing before. You truly are a genius, my lord!"

"More like an idiot"

I turned around to see the ace of the baseball team sitting in front of me, Keiji Sawa. He had short spiky black hair and tan skin. 

"What the hell are y'all talking about? There's no such thing as this "magic" anyways"

"What! How could you! You clearly don't understand the complex methods in discharging our mana!"

"Well yeah... I don't"


That's my best and only friend, Jun Hamada, arguing with a star of the school, about a system that doesn't exist in this world. 

As you can probably guess, both of us like to play pretend. Sounds kiddy right? Well, I'm just gonna tell you, it really is.

But who cares! We only live once! Might as well use it to our advantage, or that's how I see it.

"Kusanagi, can you tell this mere human about the magical phenomenon called magic!"

"I told you to call me your lord when we are doing this. Anyways, here it goes, it starts with—"

"No, no, no, no, no! I'm not going to hear anything from you weirdos! I'm moving!"

Spiky-boy gets up from his chair without hesitation and proceeds to walk to the front of the classroom, where there is an empty desk waiting for him. 

"It's ok my lord, he doesn't understand as he is a mere human"

"Settle down, teach is about to get here"

"As you wish"

Hamada turns around to face the front of the classroom. We both sit next to each other on the right side of the class, next to the wall. I'm in the corner and he's to the left of me, no windows. 

Save that for another guy.

Just as we faced the front, a young woman in dark pants with a white blouse and long black hair, walked in. She walked up to the desk at the front, placed her belongings in on it, and looked at us with a weak smile.

"G-Good morning class, s-sorry for the s-stuttering, I'm just not f-fe-feeling my s-self today"

Her voice sounded deeper than usual, along with her weak face. Her posture was also lacking, as she was grabbing on to the desk firmly with both her hands.

Is she perhaps sick?

Nonsense! She's never been sick before. Everyone in the school knows that. 

"Sensei of Class 2-B" not only refers to her position but also the fact that she's the only one who's never missed a day.

"Sensei! Are you perhaps sick! Because if you are you should..."

Suddenly, the girl who owns the title "Class President" got up from her chair. Her shoulder-length hair glistened with the morning sunlight, and her figure was firm while standing.



"There's no way right?"

"Of course not, she's never been sick!"

Whispers around the class started with that declaration. It's truly wonderful how great minds think alike. 

Truly wonderful indeed.

"I-I'm unsure, b-but I think I'm f-fine"

"You can't be serious Sensei! Just look at you! You look like your about to fall, your arms and legs are shivering, and your voice isn't yours! You should just go home for the day!"


She didn't say anything, the prez was right, she should really leave. Not that I want her to! It's just for her own good!

"A-Anyways let's begin"


The prez was baffled by her conclusion, she slowly looked around the room to see if anyone were to stand up to Sensei's words, but unfortunately, there were none.

She slowly sat back down on her seat, and with that allowed Sensei to do her job.

Wait no I should've gone against her! 

She's going to review the English test!


"As expected, you failed Kusanagi"


"This is also one of your lowest grades to date huh!? A 47, that's going in the record books!"


That's only because English is a subject I'm not the brightest in. 

"Serves ya right, ya damn weirdo!"

"Silence! I shall not let you speak to my lord in such an unmannered way! Plus, at least he got a better grade than you mere human!"

"Tch... and what the hell is your problem, why do you keep calling me a human anyway, aren't you one too!?"


There they go again, the star and the pretender. Currently sitting across from Hamada and Sawa-san arguing sure is a treat if I do say so myself. 

But now they sound like children fighting over the sweetest candy.

Grabbing my bento box I get up from my seat and decide to eat in the classroom, where I wouldn't have to hear their bickering. 

They don't even notice me moving away from them. 

I finally walk out of the cafeteria, to be honest, I really just want some peace and quiet right now, to fill my heart up from the horrifying results I've seen of mine. 

It's not like I study, as a matter of fact, I do! I guess ill just be stuck in failing English tests for the remainder of my lifetime. 

How infuriating. 

On the bright side, this bento box I've been given is supposed to be explicitly delicious, as always! 

You can never pass an opportunity for a good meal, can you?

Crap! I need a drink of course! 

The nearest vending machine should be.... outside?

Yes! It is outside! Thank goodness I'm by the doors to it. 

I take a left to go open the doors, then take a right, then another right.

Next thing I know, I'm right in front of it. Now let's see, I want a nice cold pineapple soda....



"Hey I was here first! So I get the last one!"


Before I can input money, someone standing next to me, stopped me from doing so. A girl well known around the school. Her beauty is extraordinary, as well as her grades, top of the class at that. But that's not the reason why she is so well known.

It's because of her impulsive behavior.

Arisu Furukawa, or as I like to call her "Imputy", kind of a straight forward name.

"Watch it you! I saw you eye balling the pineapple flavor!"

"O-Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you here nor did I see it was the last one, my apologies Imputy"

"Don't call me such a stupid name! How infuriating!"

"It's not stupid, I believe it fits very well"

"No it doesn't! The next time you say such a thing, I'm going to—"

She stopped midway, because she never payed attention to me inputing my money in for the drink.

"H-Hey! I said—"

She stopped again, and so did I, but from drinking, we both heard the head of the school in the coms outside speak. 

"Attention, all students from class 2-B, your teacher has gone home, I am now informing you all that there will be a sub for the reminder of today, as well as the week"