Prologue (part 3)
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If you want to be the best, listen to me. (2)

At dusk, and after meditating for several hours to perfect the concepts of gravity, Jun opened his eyes and looked away for a second, towards the young couple who were training on their own, under the teachings of the old man.

"I train them because I am bored."

The old man, who noticed Jun's gaze, spoke as if he assumed that the boy was interested in his two apprentices.

"I don't care."

"Their lifes weren't easy and they really are trying hard, you should worry about getting along with them, they are going to be your teammates, after all."

"Teammates? I don't know what you're talking about, old man, but I don't want to know anything else about what you have to say."

"Oh come on, you can't be so stubborn, you just have to do what I asked you... or is it that you can't do it?"

"Your provocations won't work, it's not that I can't, I just don't want to."

'Conquer the world.’

That was the mission that the old man had assigned for Jun and, although irrational, the young man did not seem surprised by it, as if he could fulfill it with just a little effort.

"There is no reason to leave this town, the outside world must be even more boring than here."

"Are you sure? Do you really know the history of Xándem? "

"A little bit, they forced me to learn it when I wasn't able to be above everyone here, I was like two or three years old, by the time I was four, however, no one from this ghost town could tell me what to do and I decided that i was not going to stay learning the story of this world, it was very repetitive."

"Only at four were you strong enough? Are you untalented... or just really dumb?"

After mocking Jun, the old man continued.

"So, can you tell me why do you think the outside world is boring?"

"The thing is, if the people of this town are still standing after so many wars is proof that the rest of the world is weak, the books said that all the races of this world tried to eradicate us, and they weren't even able to do it, they only reduced the influence of the chaos magic and damaged the Flower of the citizens, so them couldn't be as strong as before the wars; like I said, it's a boring, repetitive story and it makes it clear that any other races that live in this world are incompetent. "

"I'm surprised you remember, yes, you're right, however, there is more to it than that."

Before the old man could continue, Jun interrupted him.

"I still don't understand why you are still here, along with those two, I asked you to leave."

Despite the insistence, the old man did not stop his story and continued with a pretty much dead tone tone, as if he were remembering a boring story.

“It turns out that the four elemental gods, Ignis, Aquos, Vuntus and Terra, have negative feelings towards the god of chaos, Scoa, therefore they decided to use their races to attack the nation of the god of chaos, this people."

'Ah, this really is a nuisance, I hope this old man leaves soon.'

As Jun was lost in thought, the old man began to list different races.

"Uhmnis, Arthpams, Beasts, Ibetu, Reptaros, the only ones who were not tempted by the promises of the gods were the Dragons, who possess sufficient intelligence to know that they should not meddle in the affairs of the deities."

"And why didn't the god of chaos do anything about it?"

"Well, the gods don't care what happens here in Xándem, they only seek to fulfill their interests, which, in fact, change every second."

Maintaining a listless expression that contrasted with his mocking attitude at the beginning of training, the old man finished the story.

"The other gods began to hate the god of chaos for some reason, so they took out the race under his charge, because they could not attack him directly. That is the reason why your race is currently this weak, by the way, I don't think you know it, but your race name is 'Scoa', just like your god."

"I never bothered to try and learn the name, mainly because it was never interesting enough… whatever, regarding your history, what you actually mean is that you are the strongest god of the five creators? Or were you just acting arrogant when it came to talking about others because you're actually just a fool?"

"You noticed who you're talking to, huh? well, I didn't bother to try and hide it either. "

"Who do you think you're talking to, man? I knew you were abnormal since the aura you emitted possessed ripples of a deep crimson color, as if the chaos magic you possess was completely pure, the tone you had while talking about the other gods only confirmed my suspicions."

The old man, with a face that denoted that he was irritated, extended his right arm and moved his index finger just a little.

"This will teach you a lesson."

Moments later, Jun was on the ground, unconscious.