(Content Warning) •Arc 2 Chapter 25: Ô­*jjÔ¥©«–-¥Ò+
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Corpses everywhere. It doesn't stop. Entrails marked on the wall, corpses left and right... Eyeballs are sticking out of corpses and they keep on coming.

Why... WHY??!!

Death is something superfluous that is intended to give life meaning. Death is an act that is inevitable for all beings in the universe. Death is something one should not fear, but plan for. Death is an act of mercy. Without death, nothing would live.

Death occurs when life ceases to be. In this universe, death can occur at any time. Reason and ration are mutually exclusive. Reason is the end result. Rationing is the justification process.

W̸h̵i̸l̴e̵ ̸m̸y̶ ̷o̷r̷g̵a̸n̸s̸ ̷a̶r̸e̷ ̶s̴p̴r̶e̴a̴d̶ ̴a̸c̴r̶o̷s̸s̵ ̷t̵h̵e̸ ̷g̴r̸o̶u̷n̶d̶,̵ ̸I̶ ̷c̸o̷n̵t̴e̸m̸p̵l̶a̸t̴e̸ ̵w̸h̶a̴t̵ ̵a̶l̷l̸ ̷o̷f̵ ̸m̴y̷ ̷l̷i̷f̵e̴ ̷w̵a̴s̸ ̴f̵o̷r̴.̵ ̷D̴i̸d̷ ̵i̸t̵ ̵r̶e̴a̷l̴l̶y̵ ̸s̴e̴r̴v̶e̸ ̷a̸ ̶p̶u̵r̴p̵o̴s̷e̵?̵

My name is Penelope. Recently, I have been exploring opportunities to adventure with my party. In Harlequin city, the crisis level has been raised to B, meaning we were stuck out on patrol duty for a long time. A threat to mankind has been said to revive recently and I have the duty with my party to oversee it's activities.

I accepted a minor request recently to visit some unknown location which has been recently discovered.

But why is every pore in my body shaking...?

I am very tired.

I step forward slowly; my fatigue is really getting to me. I can barely see...

Looking up... Oh, I am in line. Why am I limping? Around me is grass and in front of me is... The empty sky? Why am I in line?

Huh, walking forward doesn't sound so bad... Since when was my hair black? Hmm hmm...

People in front of the line continue to walk into the empty sky, and it appears to be my turn to do so as well...

Wait, why am I doing this? Sho

My eyes fall on a pile of corpses in front of me. When I look up... Oh. That was me a moment ago, falling to it's death, what a pitiful existence...

It appears I was not looking at the empty sky, but the edge of a cliff. Several people with simple linen clothing continue to walk right off, adding to the collection of corpses ahead. Blonde haired men, pregnant women, children, they all walk the same road...


More splatters happen one after another. Ruptured organs, twisted legs, severed heads...

Ohh... Look at that. It seems I am staring at an orb showing my previous vision. the mountain of corpses are all but a distant hologram for the orb. I am standing behind it, just watching the punishment happen.

Now that I see the orb, I feel a bit more pity for the beings being splattered. I really do not think this can go o

Huh...? Why am I watching an orb of myself watching an orb?! How many levels of fairy tale must my existence go on for?

I am real worried. I am surrounded by lab equipment designed to power the orb. there must be a switch, a lever... A button...

Why is this? No switch? Nothing like it?

As the door opens, a man walks in with green hair, but I cannot see any details beyond the hair color. What is approaching slowly is a silhouette with slowly appearing red dots for eyes. What an eerie grin...

As the figure gets slowly lit up on with the ominous light, more details emerge.

A lab coat...? Oh, he also has a tie. His grin is becoming more visible as time goes on, but what I am witnessing now is inhuman.

Like usual, the man has a gem fixated on the middle of his forehead, but his expression is entirely different from the man I was with before out on patrol.

His teeth look quite disordered and sharp. He is baring his teeth and fangs in the highest grin he can pull off, with eyes I thought were red dots looking onto me with great killing intent and hatred.

Do not be deceived though, that smirk is by no means one of inferiority and jealousy. Sloth does not exist on his expression.

Nothing but curiosity and wrath lurks on that thing's expression.

It already knows everything. It does not even need to state that fact.

The devil would be jealous; this is not a thing in this universe that should exist. It is an anomaly.

Monster is not a good descriptor either. Something omnipotent and with fury this deep-seated is something that cannot be described by mere words like "monster".

Betrayal. Banishment. Death. Let me witness all of my entrails again.

I'll take all of it. Just take me away from wrath incarnate.

And then I awaken from my daze.