MoC 137
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Christopher stared at the two women. He coughed to get their attention. He glanced at Pariah, the woman's eyes trembled. She lifted her hands and decided to let Christopher do what he wanted. As long as she and Christopher had a pact, they would always have a connection. 

She sighed, it was mysterious but she had these feelings that she would do anything for him. And she loved it, she was angry that someone was getting in between them but she knew that sooner or later, this thing would happen. 

Christopher smiled at her.

"Thank you."

"Hmmp!… You owe me one, you have to pacify me using your body understand!?"

Christopher scratched his head because of her condition but he still answered yes. 


Christopher turned his head to Carmine. The woman was fidgeting and she was stealing glances at him, however, she couldn't stare at him longer. Her face always brightened red whenever she looked at his handsome face. 

Christopher looked at her up to down, left to right. Carmine felt like she was naked in front of Christopher. Some part of her was excited when Christopher looked at her body with curiosity. 

"Um… Apostle- I mean Carmine, are you really sure that you want me to have a pact with you?"

Christopher changed her name of Apostle into Carmine. 

The woman immediately nodded her head, she didn't have any hesitation, and answered yes.

"I- I will do anything for you… Um, Um I will do my best to give you a good time…"

Carmine stuttered and covered her face, she became embarrassed and she didn't continue the sentence. Christopher saw that her two ears were red, and one thing came into his head. 

'… Cute, this woman is cute. I know that this is how this girl act and her behavior is always shy but… damn she caught me off guard.'

Christopher reddened too, the woman looked innocent and she was cute. Christopher knew that Carmine was not faking her reaction and he was gravely hit on the heart. 

One kicked her tongue while watching them. Pariah wanted to slap Carmine, she clenched her fists. 



"So how are we going to leave this place?"

Pariah asked, she tried to open the door but the won't open. There were windows but all they could see were nothing blurry images. Christopher checked them too and he had an idea what was happening. However, he didn't say all of it, he wanted to keep the things that he was not sure about. 

"I think I have an idea on how we could leave this place."

Christopher stared at the pen on his palm. This type of pen was his favorite, he used it when he had an idea about his story. He would put his ideas in a notebook and read them when he has free time. 

The two women looked at him, waiting for his answer. 

"This room is one of my powers, I think?"

Christopher said, he was not sure but he decided to say it. The two Deities looked at each other, they both nodded after understanding something. 

"It seems like you awakened one of your power."

Pariah said.

"The Creator gave you powers and you have to find them on your own. This place materialized when you accomplish the task of having two Goddess."

Carmine concluded. 

Christopher listened to their words, he wanted to ask them but he held ut back. He could understand it anyway even if he didn't ask them, he was the author of this book, after all. 

"Then do you have an idea on how we can leave this place?"

Pariah asked him, she was happy that she had her arm again but she knew that this was an illusion. Her true arm was on the mortal land and a part of it was in the dagger that Christopher had. 

Christopher nodded, he opened his mouth and held the pen. 

"I think I know."

The pen slightly glowed, showing its power. 

"Then…I guess we need to leave this place-"

"Wait a minute."

Carmine's sentence was halted by Pariah. Pariah knew that Carmine wanted to have Christopher sooner, so before the deed happened, she wanted to remind Christopher.

She took a step and approach the man, she pecked his lips. 

"Christopher always remember this, you are mine."

She said like a snake hissing at her prey. After that, Pariah glared at Carmine. 

"You can do what you want but you can not have him, fufu, I'm confident that Christopher will lose his interest after some time."

Carmine was furious and she wanted to refute her but Christopher decided to end this meeting. He waved his pen and made a command.


Their souls traveled out of the room, Pariah returned to her place while Christopher went to Carmine's place. 

Christopher opened his eyes, he realized that the pen was missing. It seemed like he could only use the pen when he was in the room. 

"H- Hi, Christopher."

Christopher looked up and found Carmine. His eyes widened, he just met her earlier and he thought he knew everything about her already. However, he was wrong. 

'Yes… this is how I described her in the book.'

Carmine was standing in front of him, her eyes looked like a crimson sun gazing down him. She was wearing thin clothing, it was see-through. Christopher gulped looking at her body. Now, he wasn't confident about Pariah's words.

As for Carmine's place, it was blood… pillars made of blood were all around. Christopher was dumbfounded looking at her and the place.