MoC 143
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MoC 143

"Let's see… "

Julian touched his chin, he was thinking who should he choose. He many talented people under him, still he decided to use this lineup. Not because they were strong but because they were still young and they had room for growth. 

"Romero Saraza"

Julian called the first name. Romero was surprised but he quickly picked up the story. He took a step and kneeled to the Emperor, he realized that the Emperor was not bad. He had the knowledge to understand that he is the best warrior to use a Legendary Weapon. 

"Edson Fillan."

Julian added. Edson was a strong Rara-Avis and he was still young. He was in his 40s but he didn't look like one, he was always smiling. 

"Yes, Your Highness."

Edson kneeled just like Romero, they were waiting for the third and last person that the Emperor would call. 

Prince Eranda furrowed his eyes when he detected the strength of the two persons. He could feel their power even though they were suppressing it. He nodded and acknowledged that these two really hard the qualifications to use the Legendary weapons. He was actually disturbed by this, he realized again that the Cransia was a strong country. 

All of the people inside the hall were waiting for the last name that the Emperor would call. 

"… Charles Mellwood."


Erande almost lost his composure, he blinked twice and repeated the name inside his head. After some time, he understood what the Emperor was doing. He wanted to know his reaction. He stared at the Emperor and he found that he was smirking, he was looking at him and he knew that Erande was shaken. 

Erande clenched his fists, the Emperor found that he lost himself for a second. Erande felt humiliated but he kept it inside. 

"Your Highness."

Charles Mellwood answered his call, he glanced at Erande and kneeled. These two had friction. 

The nobles began gossiping, they knew that Count Mellwood and Prince Erande fought in the war. The result was that the Count protected the Entei. Still, people were not sure if that was the intention of Prince Erande, to lose the fight and win the war. 

The smile returned to Erande's face and the nobles didn't detect any changes, they were too far to see it. Only the Emperor saw his expression. 

"What do you think, Prince Erande? Are these three have the qualifications to use the Legendary Weapons?"

Julian stared at him. 

"Yes, Your Highness. They have the power to use it."

Erande nodded and agreed. 

"I see, I heard that you and Count Mellwood fought. How is it, is he strong? I just want to ask?"

Julian wanted to dig the ground deeper. He wanted to crack the facade that the Prince was showing. Erande gritted his teeth because of his question. 

He lost at that, he tried to penetrate the Entei but Count Mellwood was stronger than he thought. If not because of the mysterious man who talked to him, he would be a laughing stock. 


Still, Erande smiled. He didn't show any changes. He too had a bomb that he wanted to drop and the Empire would a hard time facing it. 

"He is strong, I realized that the Masters who fought in the Continental War are terrifying."

Erande honestly said, he experienced it firsthand. The Emperor was a bit dissatisfied with his answer. He wanted to see him break but it looked like he won't. 

"I see, then as the Emperor of Cransia. I will bestow to you these Legendary Weapons."

"As you command, Glory to the Emperor!"

The three simultaneously said. They were excited, they were warriors so of course having a good weapon would make them jump like a kid. How could they not?

Romero got the sword. 

Edson received a broad sword.

Charles had a katana-like sword. 

They bowed and promised their loyalty to the Emperor. 

The Emperor nodded. No one would use this anyway if he left them in the national treasure room. 

"Thank you, for these wonderful weapons Prince Erande."

Julian chuckled. He became serious after that.

"And? What is the reason why you are giving these? I know that the Rambaldon won't give these powerful weapons without any reason."

Erande smiled and opened his mouth. This was the moment that he was waiting. 

"Your Highness, the Rambaldon want to create an alliance with the Empire."

The nobles were shocked and talked crazily. Even the Dukes were surprised by this. All of them looked at the Emperor waiting for his response.

"I see."

Compare to their reactions, Emperor Julian was not surprised. Giving these weapons had a heavy reason and asking for an alliance reached his mind. It seemed like his intuition was right. He touched his chin and began thinking.

"… I accept."