Walküre der Töten
No Man's Land, Battlefield, Lowlands In The vicinity Of The Mighty Atlantean Empire
October 12 from the calendar of our Emperor
Dying time
The day of Xian Fang's reckoning with destiny had arrived. Her army roared, ready, the drums of war sounding in their ranks. However, the mage wasn't sure what to expect from all of this, because even though she had arrogantly challenged for a great battle, she didn't know what her enemy was planning. Although she had studied him carefully, she simply didn't know who she was dealing with; her rival went by the name of Cesar, like the Roman emperors. The same name was "Tsar" or "Emperor" in Slavic, "Kaiser" in German, and "Qaisar" in Arabic, but his personality was far from what a strong leader could ever be. He was quiet and shy at home, a jester, a degenerate transvestite, to say the least, perverse, lazy, a child who didn't even command in his own house, someone not even his own family respected. Such a stupid creature was the one who had challenged her the day before to send her best army against him if she wanted to survive. Xian Fang didn't really believe him, but she began to doubt if it had all been a deception when the bastard didn't die no matter what he threw at him. Surprise betrayals had been executed, proxy wars had been fought, cruel monsters had attacked him, curses had been cast, an entire city had searched for him but never found him, yet the unknown transvestite clown had remained alive and disappeared. It must be a mockery of fate that she was the guardian of the mighty ruins that the sorceress so desperately wanted.
Using her gift of clairvoyance, she searched for the nobody and found a beautiful and voluptuous girl standing atop the mountain. But Xian Fang knew her true identity; inside that girl was the soul of the degenerate who had so happily changed his body without looking back. The girl whose body was made of water looked at a clock; it seemed that the appointed hour for the war had arrived. Xian Fang, curious, continued to watch despite the distance of an entire city separating them. The perverted girl had summoned an object, a new one. Unlike the giant sword the girl had used in the past, this time a large chair had appeared in response to the summoning. A luxurious throne, a huge work of Celestial art carved from a single piece of the most precious jade ever known, the clearest symbol of a powerful emperor, was suddenly placed unprotected on some insignificant mountain, a humble chair made to the humble taste of the humble emperor.
The lewd girl arrived and sat on it, crushing her fat buttocks with impunity, resting her head on her arm with a gesture of laziness and boredom, suggesting that all this was a waste of time, as if her battle had already been won with certainty. Xian Fang thought she would be doing the world a favor by getting rid of such an unknown nuisance and using the power of Atlantis to do something of real use with the legacy of such a wonderful civilization, as its true inhabitants wanted, and conquer the land with it.
The army that answered the call was in no way normal; instead of fleshly soldiers, they encountered angry, passionate spirits. They had been called to battle, perished in it, and risen to fight again. Heroes from other times and other battles had gathered to answer the call for another. Each apparition had its origin in the power of its emperor; each soldier was capable of acting as his counterpart had done in life. The brave charged first, the strategists coordinated, the officers gave orders, the snipers watched, and the ranks of reinforcements marched swiftly into battle. The army of the dead even had its own logistics and supply chains to support the war effort; each soldier gave his all for victory, each the hero of his own story. Some, those who died first, sought the redemption they had not found in life, each with an iron will forged in battle, all being watched and supported by the emperor on the Jade throne.
"White Cloaks, guardians of the light,"
"In the darkest hour, they shine so bright,"
"Dragon hunters with might"
"With valor and honor, they stand tall,"
"For the glory of Mankind, they give their all"
A glorious stampede broke the battle formation, the spearhead had been launched. A thousand warriors in white robes decimated their enemies. They advanced in an unparalleled charge toward victory or their end. A glorious unity that would never be repeated, they wreaked further havoc in the name of the Emperor to whom they had never sworn allegiance. In a twist of irony, the Dragon Hunters that Atlantis so proudly hailed as their saviors were now leading a campaign in the name of the true Dragon of War they had sworn to slay. Walking without breaking a sweat in battle, they set the tanks rolling again to finally lay siege to the rival capital.
Xian Fang watched in horror as the enemy army advanced, the fear of eternal damnation making her hesitate. With her clairvoyance, she saw that the commander of the special unit had no rival, with his powerful explosive lance and a bravery that amazed even his own soldiers. The White Banisher was always the first to advance, charging head-on against any opponent. He never turned his back on an enemy, in life or in death. The hero whom even the Emperor respected for his efficiency in battle was the one who approached the mage's home the fastest.
Fearing for her already ended second life and the repercussions such a defeat would have on her creditors, the millennia old and wise mage didn't hesitate long and tried one last invocation. With all her might, she cast two spells simultaneously. The first was to summon every infernal creature possible to slow down the Emperor's unstoppable forces, while she tried to destroy the warlord with her last curse: an instant death spell. It required perfect concentration for nearly a week without sleep or food, draining her own strength. But perhaps with a victory, and by delivering the continent of Atlantis to her contractors, she could reduce her cruel eternal sentence.
What she didn't know was that the Emperor had already made his final move. His personal elite guard had already been dispatched and had successfully infiltrated the mage's home, now standing alongside Xian Fang. In their hands, they held a freshly crafted jade-poisoned dart, supervised by the Moon Goddess herself, forged in the small smithy of Celestial Castle. A single touch was more than enough to end the immortal. However, the Dark Cloaks wanted to make sure that the head of their enemy's leader was presented to their king on a silver platter.
The great immortal magician, the curse of millennia and dynasties, the high priestess and alchemist Xian Fang, was murdered by order of the Last Emperor of Atlantis, the True Dragon of War, an order carried out by an elite commando of the Dark Cloaks led by Commander Dion. Her head was severed after 23 stabs with the poisoned jade dart, and her body burned in the Purification Pyre for fear that her remains would curse the land.
When the battle was over, and his troops had earned the great honor of warriors, the Sovereign drove the Codex Crystal into the forehead of his enemy's severed head, the screams of the souls rose to the sky, and shouts of joy were heard for the death of the cursed one. The legendary crystal had only been charged to 45% of its capacity, and its rightful owner was not pleased to see the gauge growing. But with the chapter closed, there was one more ritual to perform, Atlantis had once again won the victory in the war, it was time to reclaim the territory for the Eternal Atlantis, for that was his Empire Domain.
When it was all over and the magic barrier finally fell, Elise found herself back in the city, standing in front of the TianHui Data Terminal, as if nothing had happened. The people of the city went about their lives as usual, oblivious to the glorious, decisive battle against the forces of Hell for Earth that had taken place just the day before. The no-man's-land, the soldiers, the weapons, and the bombs had all disappeared without a trace in the bustling modern city.
It was finally time to return to the dull and peaceful life.
"It was finally time to return to the dull and peaceful life."
Until next week. ;)
bro elise bust out WWII on Xiang, I don't think anyone saw it coming