Ch280: Diary of a Stalker
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Diary of a Stalker

October 19th

Today Elise woke up at 6:30 in the morning, she slept a total of 4 hours after playing video games the night before, she played a total of 15 competitive games, she won 6 matches and lost 9, she dropped her ranking to bronze 4, so today she will be a little more irritated than usual. When she gets up as usual the first thing she does is go to the bathroom, when she comes out you can see that she has lost 4 centimeters in height, knowing that she is now a slime and her body composition changes depending on the water she has, I can tell that she went to the bathroom to piss, probably took about 25 seconds. To replace the lost water she drinks some cold water that she keeps in a bottle in the fridge, after she drinks I can finally measure her body size. Today her measurements are 120/54/100, with a height of one meter 55 centimeters if we count her fox ears, so she has regained the 4 centimeters of height she lost after drinking from the water bottle.

Listening to her footsteps, I noticed that she only went down 26 of the 27 steps of the staircase, skipping the last one, which means that today she is motivated by something special.

She said good morning to me at 6:47 as I came out of the closet in her room and went downstairs to brush her teeth and have breakfast with him. Her exact words were, "Good morning, Lisa". She also gave me a pat on the head, a genuine gesture of love from my beloved, it's important to remember that. She also greeted our daughters as they moved Levia from the bathroom to her wheelchair. The last person she greeted was Tifa, who was examining a special plant. For days she has been feeding a delicate flower with water taken from Elise's body to see if it has any negative effects, and it seems there are no problems. In fact, her body is made entirely of normal water. However there have been incidents in the past where someone else drank water from Elise's body while trying to perform a new trick at the cafe.

In the kitchen, she prepared her breakfast, three tablespoons of cocoa powder and 240 milliliters of semi-skimmed milk. She took two slices of white bread and spread peanut butter on both sides before putting them together, probably using more than 42 grams. She ate it in about 7 minutes, taking a total of 10 bites and 8 sips of her drink. She washed the dishes herself, first the plate, then the cup, and finally the two spoons she used to prepare the meal. She then went back to her room to change into her school uniform, so I prepared my breakfast using the same dishes she had just washed. She hasn't insulted her sister Maria yet, so she must be busy doing some last-minute homework. Elise reads a few pages from her science book; she has a test at school today. Her tone is confident, she handles the topics easily, and Tamamo has given her approval, so the probability of getting a good grade is high. While waiting for her sister to leave the house, she checks her cell phone for a moment, looking at video game news. If she gets good grades, she will buy one for herself as a reward.

Elise left the house with Tamamo and Maria at 7:15 in the morning. They will arrive early, so she will probably review some material before the exam. Her mother was in a hurry today, so she prepared a quick bento for the three of them: three large spoonfuls of rice along with a piece of breaded chicken, plus some bags of potato chips. There's no drink in it today, so they'll have to buy something on the way.

[Elise is not at home, nothing interesting happened, I just went with Adelis to her work as usual]

Elise returned to the cafe at 15:22, already dressed as a maid, so she must have gone home to change first. Tamamo is with her, as well as Haru. The first customer she served was Mrs. Sadayo Kawakami, our neighbor who lives two blocks from our house. She has a son in elementary school and usually comes only on Fridays, but she has also come on other Wednesdays like today. She has increased the frequency of her visits since Elise became a slime girl. I think she is curious about the change and is trying to figure out how it works. She ordered a pudding dessert and a Salvadoran Pacamara coffee, and Elise delivered her order 6 minutes later. She didn't do any weird slime acts, probably because she feels the neighbor suspects her too.

Her second customer was Ms. Hifumi Mifune. I know she's a neighbor because she attends the neighborhood meetings Adelis attends, but I still don't know where she lives. She is a university student with large breasts, and Elise looked at them for about 2 seconds while she took her order of Katsukarē. Elise did the trick of eating several purple grapes and then squeezing the water out of her body with one of her hairy hands to make grape juice. However, the girl got upset with her, so Elise had to serve her another drink. It's the first time someone got upset about this; usually, people are surprised by such an act and mention that the drink made from Elise's body is tasty. Probably Hifumi Mifune is very health conscious about what she consumes. Damn, how dare she despise the beautiful drink that Elise produced with the slime from her body, although I am thankful that I was able to drink that grape juice instead.

After taking care of those two, Elise helped Levia go to the bathroom at 17:45. It took about 45 minutes. It can't be helped; the crippled girl is completely useless on land, not much different from a very heavy object, she is only dead weight. But she's part of the family, so it's my duty to help her when is needed. Elise would be very sad if I didn't help l  with all my heart someone from the girls she love.

Mrs. Nakamura also came today; she is a friend of Adelis, so Adelis will take care of her. Instead, Elise takes the lead, since she has a lot of experience in similar jobs before, and since Saeko is ending her shift and going out to pick up her son. Tamamo continues to talk to Haru; both of them review the topics for tomorrow's exam. Elise joins the conversation a bit, trying to study as well. Inspector Yamamoto arrives late to pick up Haru; he couldn't borrow a patrol car to pick up his granddaughter today.

At 19:00, it's time to close the cafe. Elise took five pieces of savory pastry to eat on the way home; she ate two in front of everyone, but I could see that she secretly absorbed the other three pieces into her chest. She watched TV with Levia and Maria, an action movie, and then we all had dinner - chicken curry made by Momo and Mei. Elise ate a total of 300 grams of curry, four tablespoons of rice, and seven servings of toasted corn tortillas, along with an 800 ml bottle of soda, she eat it in 15 minutes and taking less than 16 bites. Because of all the food she ate during the day, her height has now reached 159 cm, which she lost when she went to the bathroom at home. Elise seems to prefer our home bathroom to any other place. Afterward, she went into the bath with Tifa and before Tamamo.

After the bath, her body absorbed more water and her proportions changed again. Now her measurements are 125/57/104, with a height of 158 cm, so I am sure she will visit the bathroom again during the night and lose those extra 5 cm. Elise went to bed at 23:20 after brushing her teeths for 7 minutes, my brush and her touched after she stops, that was a indirect-indirect far kiss, I am so happy. Darling was more tired than usual and because the kitsune insisted that she sleep peacefully for today, she lay on her right side, with Tamamo lying in her little fox form next to her and Momo behind her, she took cover but stuck her right leg out of the sheet. She was asleep by midnight, and her REM activity began at 2 am. At 2:45, she began to snore. There was no sign of a bad dream, so the rest of us girls can rest easy today.