Message to the Readers Part 2
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Hello everyone once again,

This time I'm here to give you a small progress report (and hopefully start building some hype for the launch). First of all, I want to say that I have currently finished the first part up to the end of the continental war in Vienna. However, the original 12 chapters have been reduced to 8, although they are a bit longer than before. Maybe I am going more fast than expected but I want to no extend this for too long either, I want to make it smooth and interrupt the less possible, also I am having a little bit of fun making it again some parts.

The changes I've made are significant; they are not minor enough to go unnoticed, but the main events remain more or less the same. I've also rearranged the importance of the secondary characters quite a bit, giving some more dialogues than before and others less. Some characters appear earlier, and others don't appear at all. I don't want to speak too soon, but I think this time I've done a good job, with enough details that will make it much more enjoyable for those who re-read it and for those who keep up with the novel, but also keeping it manageable for new people as well, I hope.

Aside from that, regarding the title of the novel, I was thinking that at least for the first few days while I transfer the chapters and continue changing the older ones, I will use the title "The Legend of Atlantis and the Fox Girl" and then change it back to "Valkyria Squadron" when I'm finished. This way, I can try to get new and hopefully "original" reviews, and once I gain new momentum, regular readers will still be able to find it afterwards.

I still don't have a possible release date, but at the pace I'm going, I'll probably finish reworking the Oriente 6 Arc in one or two weeks, plus a couple of days for the novel to be approved by a moderator. What is clear is that I will definitely let you know as soon as possible so that you can go and review it yourselves.

Finally, I still need to decide on the cover, and I think I will need your help for that. I want to choose one that will catch the readers' attention. I have an idea of what might work on this site, but I still want to see your opinion on which image should be the cover.


First, we have Tamamo 1:



Or Tamamo 2:


It could also be The True Dragon of War(Although I may not be allowed to use it because of the blood):


Or simply the twins:


Maybe Momo could work, although it is risky:



Or the Momo version with a nun/maid costume:



I think that would be all for now, once again I would like to know what you think in the comments.

Which image do you think should be used as the cover?
  • Tamamo 1 Votes: 22 71.0%
  • Tamamo 2 Votes: 3 9.7%
  • True Dragon of War Votes: 4 12.9%
  • twins Votes: 2 6.5%
  • Momo Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Momo 2 Votes: 0 0.0%
Total voters: 31