Message to the Readers Part 3
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Alright, guys, it seems that all the work has finally paid off. I hope it now bears fruit.

Honestly, I thought it would take longer to get approved by a moderator, as I was told it could take up to 4 days. So I worked extra to ensure it would be out by Thursday or Friday. But it seems the plans changed, and the remake of Valkyria Squadron has arrived even earlier than even I expected.

Currently, the first 15 chapters are already available, with changes ranging from not very significant to essentially a new chapter depending on the case. I am sure you will enjoy re-reading them even if you already know how it will end.

Please, if you liked my work, leave a review or positive comments to help this project start off in the best way possible.


Now, without further ado, the remake of Valkyria Squadron:



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