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  • Outlawshipping - Wasting and Citrus Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Queenslayshipping - Citrus and Swillow Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Galleon Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Minionshipping Swillow and Fayldspar Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Meltershipping Snofall and Swillow Votes: 0 0.0%
Total voters: 0

Chapter 10: Finals

Citrus slunk onto the battle field as Fayldspar blew kisses at the audience. An orange ocean of desert land stretched out before both competitors. Both came within seven feet before Talizarin's voice boomed. "This is rather unprecedented..." Citrus' attention snapped to the king. Unprecedented? "But for the first time ever, someone who has lost a tournament gets to run again. Returning to the games, Swillow the Slaughterhound."

Western gate opened. Slackjawed, Fayldspar gawked as a giant wolf walked in. A grin slashed itself across Swillow's face, a scythe of fangs showing. Citrus raised a brow, then smirked.

"I guess now it's two against one," Citrus said.

"More like one against one, against one."

Citrus' brow flexed, as Citrus stared at Swillow. Swillow stared a hole right back.

Taking a second to recover from the stun, Citrus said, "Well, alright." Citrus shook her head, and rolled her eyes. "Guess you got a problem again."

Swillow's grin flexed into a frown. "Your attitude's brought me to this," Swillow said.

With a snort, Citrus thought, Attitude? Swillow was the one acting up. "Guess you're still in your revolution phase, right? Law is always wrong, leaders are always evil, no one but you is right."

Swillow snarled while Fayldspar swapped his attention between the two.

Bell rang.

Fayldspar retreated as Swillow ran for Citrus. Citrus jumped onto Swillow's back as a platform, and launched at Fayldspar. Falydspar froze, and the wolf bit down on the back of his head.

Fayldspar slapped at Citrus, and pushed her off, only for Swillow to leap over Citrus and tackle Fayldspar, sending him flying.

As Citrus tried focusing on Swillow, Swillow blazed around Citrus, whipping up a ring of flames. Citrus spat out the Shrieker during Swillow's stride, forcing Swillow to pounce the ball. Problem is that sound can't be stomped out.

Kaboom filled the area, vibrations settling in the bones of the competitors. Hot glow fell on Citrus before she kicked out the flames, and Citrus gave a series of horse bucks to either's frame to knock them over. Assassin of the Snow grabbed and threw Fayldspar into the air for a Matrix Shift.

As Fayldspar fell, a blind force ran into Citrus' side, sending Citrus barreling away. Bruise adorned her side, hit being a result of Swillow having smelled Citrus out. Dust clung to Citrus' side, while Fayldspar fell on Swillow, but Swillow slammed him down.

Citrus goaded Swillow, voice rasping from pain. "You can beat him up, but you'll never be the best at this rate, alright? Just stay behind the wolf who rules you."

Blind, Swillow rushed Citrus and Citrus dropped. Swillow tripped over Citrus' body and fell over onto her own bottom. Citrus jumped onto Swillow's back. Swillow fell back and Citrus pierced Swillow's ribs with legs in a back alley back stabber move. Swillow screamed, and rolled out of the way.

Taking some breaths, Citrus scanned the area. Fayldspar stayed grounded from the slam.

Allowing Fayldspar to rise, Citrus grabbed him and power slammed him to the ground. A referee would count to ten, and Falydspar failed to get back up.



Talizarin fumed. He paced his private office, keeping away from the window. "Swillow, Swillow, I know I've given you, time and time again, resources you need. And this extra shot at the tournament, you have blown."

Lazar stared down. Offered a suggestion with a meek voice, "Perhaps she isn't skilled."

Dryph gave a shrug, and said, "Still, now she's a gladiator. "

King Talizarin stared into the town of Dire Straits. Main place to watch a gladiator show, with other performance arts. Talizarin figured he'd live here if he didn't have to live in the capital.

He went to the other windows, showing the arena. "Later today, I go down to greet the winner." Talizarin thought about Swillow being a gladiator. "Well, the finals are coming up later today."

Dryph said, "Yes, and then my gladiators will make the games grand again. My king, you will love to watch it day by day."

King Talizarin said, without looking at the bird, "Leaving this brand in your hand as always, for a king can never hold a job."


Group recuperated in the waiting room, each member maintaining awkward silence, until Citrus broke said silence, by asking, "Swillow, what happened out there?"

"King Talizarin offered me a job," Swillow said, while on the couch, and stared out the window. "Long as I won." And Swillow knew that didn't happen.

"Why would you work with Talizarin?" Citrus asked. "He's corrupt, dangerous, uses dires."

Swillow snorted. "So? Lemme update you on the new math. We've taken our sweet time leaving this place, right?"

"...Well, I wasn't going to rush you."

Swillow jerked her head up, then said, "Why should I believe you care about how I feel? When, just now, you kept telling me I was stuck in a revolution phase."

Citrus opened her mouth, but stopped to glare at a snickering queen Khrystol, who seemed pleased to hear the wolves falling apart.

"Are you done being a jerk, or should we hold on the activities? Don't mind if you're a little rude right now, because later I get to beat the shit out of you."

"My pack would beat your pack within seconds, as it did," Khrystol said. Both stood up to the other, but Citrus was a foot shorter than Khrystol was.

A minute later, Wasting spoke.

"Alright, Swillow, Citrus does care about you."

"As if she cares about you!" Swillow said. "Have you been paying attention? No? Lift up your tail so Fayldspar can hump you, because your girlfriend is gonna dump you. We leave this land, and then we cross the ocean, while you get killed during your fight against the hyena queen."

Wasting bristled and backed up.

"I thought you'd rather have him leave," Citrus said, a higher pitch in her tone. "Oh no, won't handle being with Wasting-"

"Hell you know about how I feel!" Swillow said, and took a deep breath. "Do my thoughts matter to you? Or do you need your boyfriend to apologize for you again."

Few seconds, Citrus said, "No. You are a friend, but you have to know that..." For a second, Citrus trailed off."Okay, fine, but that's one time."

Swillow shook her head. "Look, our lives aren't getting better. Where are we going after this? No land is a good land for the Snows, right?" Before Citrus spoke, Swillow affirmed, "Right." She hopped off the sofa. "We haven't been leaving this land for a reason."

"What are you saying?" Citrus asked and Swillow only whistled in response. "Swillow, what are you saying right now? You sound plain mad."

Swillow said, "You've always been showing your dominance. Flaying your power around here, but when Swillow becomes a gladiator, Swillow will rule."

Khrystol said, "You shouldn't play gladiator for fun of power. They'll treat you like dirt. You're slaves."

"Slaves?" Swillow asked, pacing the room. "Heroes. With an audience."

Khrystol's eyes twinkled. She said, "Have you know, I ran away, and with a good reason why. You fight who they need you to fight, then you become an afterthought, and they run off with the gold."

"Well I know two roads, and that is Citrus loses, and we stay here, or Khrystol loses, and we stay here," Swillow said. "Easier to just keep here than keep running from here."

Silence fell over again, and Wasting muttered, "She's got a point."

"Don't encourage her," Citrus said.


Last match of the night. Stars out, making a canvas of dots. Braille writings discussing something in aether, although most observers thought it read beautiful.

Star gazing ended, as the two came out. A coyote holding head and tail high. Then, the wolf who slunk down low. Both came face to face with each other, staring the other down as if basilisks trying to flaunt. Both grinned. Then went back.

Bell rang, Khrystol went for a headbutt, but Citrus dropped to her back, causing Khrystol's head to meet air. Citrus slapped Khrystol's cheek. Khrystol backed up and shook her head.

Citrus jumped over Khrystol, and gave a horse kick to the backs of her knees. Grunt. But, Khrystol remained upright, and kicked the backs of Citrus' knees, buckling Citrus. She collapsed.

Khrystol smacked the ground. Vibrations rumbled in Citrus' lungs. She rolled out of the way to avoid impalement by several spikes.

Khrystol jumped onto the bright pink stones, planting her feet to avoid self-skewering. More shards fanned out around the original in a flower design. Audience members applauded.

More spikes, Citrus avoided.

Problem with Khrystol was she was an all-around fighter. With that strength, she could fight Swillow. With that magic, she could fight Snofall. With that speed...

Wait speed? Not that Khrystol was slow, and she was clearly dexterous, but maybe Citrus could outdo her in that department?

Khrystol hopped off of her shards, each falling like dominoes. The pattern dazzled the onlookers, but Citrus slipped between two of the falling shards. She slipped underneath nooks and crannies between the shards.

Khrystol sniffed around, trying to detect Citrus. Citrus tackled Khrystol from behind. Khrystol grunted, got back up, but Citrus rammed, pressing her against a shard.

Citrus overpowered Khrystol with every inch of effort used. Sweat flooded from her frame as she pressed a paw against Khrystol's head, squishing it against the mineral wall.

Khrystol pushed from the wall, and forced Citrus several feet away. Khrystol armored herself in pink crystal.

Citrus' eyes widened as Khrystol skidded in a skiing motion. Citrus jumped onto a crystal shard, and maneuvered the labyrinth.

With that armor, Citrus couldn't inflict any damage with her fragile body. Except... The advantage Citrus had was dexterity and speed and stealth. The armor blended in with the walls, but it also decreased dexterity and speed.

Citrus jumped in the way of Khrystol, before somersaulting at the legs of the armor. It hurt like a bitch against her spine, but Khrystol tripped over onto her chest.

The crystal provided no cushioning against impact, and Khrystol's chest bruised like Citrus' back. Khrystol flipped onto her side, and removed parts of armor to stand.

Khrystol bounded to Citrus, but Citrus anticipated her landing by doing a horse kick at Khrystol's arms. No armor, leaving them vulnerable to the hit. Khrystol tripped and fell onto her side again.

Preserving mana, Khrystol dissipated the armor. Fell to shards, and Citrus exacted a plan. The audience covered their ears as the horrible, hissing, shrieking sound ran around the arena. Lights reflected off the crystals, turning them bright pink and flooding everyone within almost a mile with bright pink light.

The referee couldn't see, and Citrus kicked Khrystol low several times.

Khrystol screamed and crumpled. When everyone's vision restored, Citrus threw Khrystol in the air. Citrus dropped, and Khrystol got speared on Citrus' feet before falling down from the Matrix Shift she did.

"This isn't fair, she kicked me in the damn balls!"

The referee counted to ten anyway, not believing her claims. Regardless, he couldn't prove anything.

"The winner is Citrus Snow!" Crimsons applauded. A door opened, allowing Citrus' pack came to celebrate with her.

"We don't know you'd do it!" Wasting said. He stared down, and admitted, "That was bad of us to think. We should have known you could do it." And Citrus kissed him on the lips.

Wasting's eyes widened. But both went down to the floor.

"Not polite in public I'd say," Snofall said.

But Swillow said, "Who needs to be polite when we've won? We are victorious until the end of days. Now, if you don't mind, we need to talk about our plan on how we're going to get all of us out."

Eventually, the mass separated. Wasting and Citrus became two again, while the king came down.

"I presume you've made your choice," Talizarin said as he approached Citrus Snow. Dryph flew down with him, with two leather bound books in gold script. Must have been travel papers.

Citrus said, "Actually, I think I have made my decision. My decision is none other than..."

Swillow stepped forward. Proud. Okay, Swillow wasn't the best. And yes, Swillow did mess around with some things sometimes, but in the end, worked out. Until Citrus said something wrong.

"Snofall, thank you."