Chapter 9: A troublesome dress, A perverted brother, Now… a Familiar. Give me a break!
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Estel's Pov-Past incident:

As Estel watched her sister Esla guarded the black lance using magic in an attempt to shield her.
It shattered piercing Esla's chest deeply wounding her.
She watched her fall to the ground.
Estel rushed to her side in a desperate panic.
The lance dissolved as her chest began to flood with her blood.

"No!-no!-no!" in her arms blood poured from her chest,
Estel tears fell into her cheeks as she embraced her while mourning.

"This... can't be happening!
This isn't happening!"
While denying the reality in front of her.
Her sister's bloody hand reached her face.
She then said.

"Lit..tle... Sis... I'm... So-sorry..." As she gave her one final bright smile.
Her hand fell limp to the ground as she watched her life drift away.
Estel faces completely pale, helpless as she watched everything unfolds her.
Her blood began to boil as despair gripped her heart.
Then something strange happened.

She heard a voice.

"Do you wish for power?"
Was its question.

"Will this power... save her?"

"Will it turn back time?
Change her fate?
Turn this nightmare into a dream!"

As she questioned the being...
she felt her blood burn as her sorrows turned to anger and desperation.
But the voice was quiet as it spoke.

"It can do more than that."

Without realizing what was happening she saw a bright light around her.
Her tears shone to silver as each droplet dispersed the moment it fell into her sister.
She noticed figures and lines being carved around them.
As her sister blood began to boil only to see her large wound close around her chest.
But then felt sudden fatigue as it continued.
Unaware of what was happening.

"You should already know who I am, since the moment you were born."

"Call upon my name and I shall be at your side."
Estel mind was blank and helpless.
Vivid memories of her past life entered her mind.
She was sick of what was happening in front of her.
But as the being said those words, it felt familiar to her.

Finally, she whispered its name.


The being then said.

"I am your wings, that slept as you grew."

"I am the being that flowed in your veins."

"I am the last familiar that protects the blood of the white."

"It is a pleasure to meet you."


The white figure in front of her said.

Chapter 9: A troublesome dress, A perverted brother, Now... a Familiar. Give me a break!

As Estel woke from her dream.
She felt weight around her chest.
But the voice in her dreams continued to pester her.

"Jeez... how long were you going to call me?"

"Did you forget I was waiting this whole time!"

"Uhhhn..." as Estel opened her eyes,
She saw a strange creature of white scale and cute appearance along with its draconic silver eyes.

Her initial reaction was.

"@%#$@%#@&#^&*!^@" In shock and surprise, she fell from her bed with large *Thud* as her bottom struck the hard wooden floor.
It looked like a young white dragon in the size of her palm.

[Ugh... that's right...
The moment I recalled the memories of my past life.
This thing also came out.]

"Don't call me a thing!?
It took a lot of effort to save your sister you know!
I was completely knocked out for weeks!?"

It's cute angry voice and proud poise agitated Estel.
She then carried it with one hand on the back of its neck as she raised above her head while gazing at its eyes directly with her own.

"I have work to deal with...
I want you to stay in this room without causing trouble."

"Haaa? you want me to stay in this room alone?" But as the familiar said these words.

Indeed the room given to Estel was small, but it fits her clothes, tools and other amenities so it didn't bother her.
In actual fact, she was grateful for it because reaching Leanne's room was easier and she was able to use an improved bathroom that was used by the head maid and other higher ranking female servants in the palace.

She didn't need to bother with the servants quarters where she had to be mindful of the people around her while she worked and prepared. Because of this, she expressed an angry smile with a large vein popping out of her head.

"Are-We-Clear?" with a threatening voice she asked again.

"Fine! Fine! I'm sorry!" the creature expressed its apologies as it noticed the cause of her wrath.

Swiftly the air around her calmed down.

"I'll give you a reward if you keep quiet."
As she said this words, she gently placed the creature back to her bed then reached out to the maid outfit neatly hanged in the corner of her room but flinched a bit.

It was the maid-dress that shines silver lines like drawings shaping itself into a dress when exposed to dark places. The purple color of the dress troubled her, she then pulled out a white apron to hide its interior appearance. As she gazed at herself in the mirror.

Dark-blue hair and purple eyes paired quite well together with the dress.
As purple color on its side were fairly noticeable.
The white apron kept most of its extravagant features well hidden,
but the fine texture of the cloth was still brimming with color.

[This ridiculous thing...
Even with the apron on,
it's purple and fluttery design is still springing out.

Not only that...
I can't believe, this thing appeared...
But why now?]

The creature responded with her thoughts.

"Because It's close to a month already since you've used our ability."

"What kind of ability?" She asked the creature.

"Seriously? I need to explain that as well!?" it angrily stomps its legs.

"Listen!? your part of a clan of dragons known as the whites!"

As the creature began to explain she was already dressing up her clothes and hair.

"You... are you listening at all?" it voiced its complaints

"No... I really don't want to hear it."

"Eeehh!? but..."

"Nothing good will come if I start learning more than I need to know.
Now I have work to do..." As she puts on her foot-wear used by maids she said her farewell.

"So... goodbye."

With quick movement, her hair properly tied up with a [French Seam].
She swiftly left the room with a large *Thud* on the door.

"What kind of half-dragon princess serves as a maid amongst the humans!"
The familiar complained with a dumbfounded expression on its face.



As Estel looks around the maids and servants were bowing to her as she followed.
They proceeded with their work as though respecting her new position.

[Even though I hid the cloth with an apron, It's still noticeable isn't it?]
She said with a tired expression.

As she opens the door to Leanne's Room.
She saw her slovenly sleeping with a tired expression.
Lana was already at her side yawning while having tea on the table.

She then greeted her.

"Looking sharp with that new dress Luria."

"Please don't remind me...
When I left that room with the dress on,
Everyone in the hallway was gazing at me with bright eyes." she complained.

"Isn't that good?" while Lana sips her tea.

"No! that's bad!
It felt completely unnatural for someone like me.
Who would rather be left unnoticed while working!"

Estel in her life as a thief, being unnoticed is an important thing that gave her a peace of mind.

But things have changed.
Now that her clothes are showing an elegant flavor compared to her usual wear.
Everyone eyes are like piercing gazes where a single mistake in her movement would cause her stress.

The is due to her training as a Queen.
To be aware of one's own movement when others are watching are one of the aspect of her training which is now haunting her mind.

She subconsciously moves in (Elegance Mode) without realizing it when others are gazing at her.
But when there are none, she shows a more relax and normal movement when she feels safe.

Right now she constantly feels [Danger.]
As her movements are now stuck in (Elegance Mode).
While worrying about other people's glances.

Leanne and Lana are people she considers as safe.
So she can relax when the moment she entered Leanne's room.
Though the moment she leaves the room. (Elegance Mode) activates as their piercing glances are observing Estel's movements.

As the two converse...
Leanne slowly woke as she heard Estel cry her complaints to Lana.
Upon Estel notice, she swiftly hopped to her work.


Leanne was now fully dressed with her hair properly tied up in a pony-tail.

"Today is finally the day..."


"Today is the day Leanne Queen education is postponed."

"But why?"

"It is because she is finally going to enter her debut in a school.
The dress given to you by the Queen is to improve her social standing amongst the student."

Estel swiftly hangs her head as she heard Lana's explanation.

"Why wasn't I told of this..."

"We tried to tell you, until that tea you brought completely distracted us."
As Leanne sips her tea her body shook reacting to the taste.

"What about your brothers?
It's been a week and a day since I worked as your maid,
But never once have I seen them." Estel asked the two.

Lana and Leanne gave her a wry smile.

"Uhh... Leanne's brothers and father schedules were separated from Leanne." Lana explains.

"What do you mean by that?" Estel complained.

But Leanne gave her a wry smile while blushing she clasps her hands together while looking away at the large window of her room.

"Let's just say, I did something stupid when I was young...
And well... I caused a mistake and made them all angry." Were her words.

"But you said it was thanks to your brother words, you discovered I was a demon-kin."

"Ah... that was unique as we were both called by my mother to investigate it.
Though my foolish brother couldn't piece the puzzle together as I have though.
He seemed more fascinated with-"

Lana swiftly shut Leanne's mouth and continued her words for her.

"with knowledge.
He's a smart man who likes to research things about magic and mysterious things.
As well as manages a bit of the finance of the city."

Estel gave a wry smile as she noticed Lana's strange actions.
Leanne, however, was going red with embarrassment as she realized why Lana spoke for her.
But she then moved her hand as she said.

"What she said is true.
Although..." She closed her eyes while feeling a bit embarrassed.

"It's best that you see him for your own eyes."

Lana, however, was surprised.

"Leanne what are you!?"

"Luria will only get angry at us if we hide the fact that my brother..." She then paused.

"Ugh... It would be best for you to see it for yourself.
Hopefully, he had already thrown "That" away already."

Lana sighed while Leanne had an embarrassed expression on her face.
Both of them hoped he had truly throw it away.
But Estel was still clueless asked.

"What are you two talking about?"
The both of them could only answer her by their silence.


They soon moved to her brother's door.
It's fine wooden exterior had an elegantly carved sign hanging from the door that says.
[Prince Lance's Room]

"Your Highness, are you sure you want her to see it?" Lana whispered to her ears.
As she replied.
"You should know full well what my brother did to her hair.
All I can only say, it's simply up to Estel how she will deal with the situation."

As she ends the conversation with her and approached the door.
She then knocked.
"Brother, It's me."

"Come in." He said in reply while inside his room.

The door opened and a large room is now seen.
Bed properly made, fine furniture and a window leading to a balcony outside.
Also, a fire-place when winter comes.
Though all seems normal, as they entered.

Her brother was sitting in a table in the dark corner of his room with his assistant butler by his side.
It was there, Estel then paled in both disgust and horror as she saw it.
Her hair properly collected after being thrown away.
Its dark-blue color remained were now shining as though it was cared for...
The silver color on its tips glowing in the dark inside a glass container with a tiny hand-made rack made out of wood.

"Is... is... that?" as she pointed at the hair to both Leanne and Lana.

Both of them could only nod in embarrassment.

[I should be flattered...
No... I should be disgusted...
No... I Should be angry...
No... If I do anything right now I'd be exposed.
If this was a normal situation...

Was her honest cry inside her mind.

There was a large vein pumping in her head, as blood circulated.
But the prince unaware of her sudden burst of frustration.
Were gazing at Leanne.

"Ah... sister what a surprise?
It's rare for you to come and meet me like this."

"Ahh.. so you still kept it didn't you?" she placed her right hand on her face full of worry.

He nods to her in delight while explaining.
"I also preserved it with glue and using a glass container I preserved it's lifetime properly.
The tiny hand-made rack was also made by me, you know."

In Leanne's thoughts, she could only say:
[Ah... he's a handsome and reliable brother.
No doubt about it.
how he managed to care for something already thrown away.

But looking at Estel's reaction,
She probably wants to strangle him by now.

It would be best we leave the room and
discuss what she feels before things get out of hand.]

As she collects her thoughts on her next action she then moved.
With a bright smile, her sister said.

"How very pleasant brother.
But I only came here to see, how you were doing.
So if you would excuse us..."

But her brother refused as he stood.

"Hey... wait aren't you the little maid at the party?"

Unfortunately, the prince swiftly noticed Estel who was in a bad mood.
As he stood from his chair he came to greet her once again.
His assistant right at his side he then said.

"So you were chosen as my sister's personal assistant.
As expected of my sister she has good eyes.
A pleasure to meet you?"

as he moved his hand to shake hers.
But Estel replied.

"My name is Luria a pleasure to meet you."
There was stiffness on her face as she smiled at him.

Lana and Leanne both placed their right hand on their face.
As the oblivious prince continued to converse with her.
Estel was close enough that she wanted to hit him.
But endured as she politely said.

"Prince, I recall your words were:
You wouldn't want to do anything to a girl such as myself?"
He was taken aback by her words.
But before he could retort, she then said.

"Now if you would excuse us.
The princess seems to wish for us to go elsewhere.
It's rare for her to receive free-time for her training after all."

Her brother had an annoyed expression while the butler beside him was surprised at the maid's words.


As he was about to say a word her sister then cried out.

"Brother!? If you're going to pick a fight with my maid."
She then glanced at him with sharp and angry eyes.
"You should know full well, you're also picking a fight with me."

Her brother then swiftly took a two step backward.
"No... definitely not sister!"

"Good, now then if you shall excuse us..."

In a moment notice the three of them had left her brothers room.
"What is up with that crazy little maid of hers!?" he angrily said.
The butler spoke to him to calm him down.
"Now... your sister is about to make her debut for her school.
You wouldn't want her to cause a scene because of this."

"Ugh... your right Sebastian.
Sorry, that maid of hers just got on my nerves.
But still...
How dare a servant to talk to me like that!"

Try and find a way to separate my sister from her if you can.
In the meantime, I'll speak with father about this..."


As he said this words,  he bit his lips with anger in his eyes before returning to his work.


As the three returned to Leanne's room.

"Estel! what were you thinking!? picking a fight with her brother like that!?"
Lana was scolding her, But Leanne was laughing and chuckling.

I never expected Estel to talk back to my brother.
So tell me... what did you think?"

"He's a perverted man." was her reply.

"Indeed. Ufu~fu~fu~" while holding back her laughter.

 "But he's quite capable, I fear you just made an enemy.
I'll try and keep him off your back...
but stay at my side where I can see you.


Estel sighed as she had caused another problem to worry about.
[ugh!? All I wanted was to live my life here peacefully...

First this dress...
Now her brother!

Give me a break!
How the heck did my life end up like this!]

As she continued to complain in her mind.
She then recalled.

"Ah, also... that familiar."
She sighed once again, as she thinks of a gift for it.


Finally the punchline.
Though the first part of the chapter is purely Estel's perspective
Explaining why she have a familiar...

Later chapter's is when she is dragged outside.