Thank you for reading this story. I always enjoy writing Tibs’s stories, but it’s especially rewarding to know it is enjoyed by others too.
I expect some people will not care for how it ended. I’m sorry to say this was always the planned ending for this Arc. I’m a firm believer in people having to earn their victories, and that those victories come at a cost.
As indicated, this isn’t the end of Tibs’s story, far from it. I don’t know if it’s been mentioned before, but the plan (if I can pull it off) is for this series to be 10 books. Three trilogies, and the final book.
As you are reading this, I’ve started working on book 4, which has the working title of ‘Stepping Wild’ which is book one in the second arc of the series, with the current working title of “Tibs of the Wilds.”
This arc will, among other things, have Tibs traveling the world and learning more about it and find out yet more things the guild never taught him about. There will be meetings with old friends, and making new ones. There will be realizations and the resolution of something Tibs set for himself early in his life.
If you don't want to wait for Tib's next story, you can head over to Ream Story https://reamstories.com/fantsylvain where chapters of the first draft are already being posted.
Royal Road, and other free sites, I’ll be updated as to how the writing is going every 20 chapters or so, and when I get to writing the second draft, you will get those.
Again, thank you for reading and your support, regardless of the site you give it on.
Do you have opinions and suggestions? feel free to leave them in the comments.
Thank you for reading this chapter.
If you want to watch me writing this story, I do so on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thetigerwrites Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 8 AM to 11:30 EST
If you want to read ahead, My Patron, https://www.patreon.com/kindar, is multiple chapters ahead even at the lowest tier, and the support helps ensure I can work with a minimum of real-life interruption.