Chapter 49
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Anton finished attaching a cable to a large power cable in Luna’s airlock’s ceiling, “Got it! Let’s see how much this helps!”

Keeva hoped that hooking a gateway directly to Luna’s reactor would be more than enough power to run a Gateway indefinitely, “Hopefully a lot!”

Keeva could barely hear Anton over the noise of the frightened crowd already using other Gateways to go to the Museum of Ancient History and had to shout.

Niamh pushed a button on the control panel for the Gateway they’d set up at the base of Luna’s ramp, and shouted,  “I imagine it will be enough!”

The Gateway opened, revealing a now bustling city similar to Ildathach. They had decided sending the respective peoples to cities with architecture closest to their culture would be the best way to transition them to their new home.

Niamh gestured a command for them to move aside and let people start using the Gateway connected to Luna.

Keeva opened the new circuit leading to the neutrino devices used to charge the magic crystals and turned to Evan, “Let me know when to stop!”

Evan checked some sort of Dwarven device as Keeva gradually increased the power output to the Gateway.

When Luna’s reactor reached twenty seven percent of full capacity, Evan raised his hand, “Stop! This is sufficient!”

Keeva was happy it was this low, “Maybe we can hook two more Gateways to Luna?”

Niamh shook her head, “This should be more than adequate.”

Keeva shrugged, “What about the other cities?”

Niamh’s expression stayed neutral, “Several cities near the center of the continent have already been destroyed, but most of their populace was able to evacuate and have accepted our help. The cities farthest from the center are proving more troublesome as the damage is much less severe.”

Shina, who had been keeping Ryo company as he helped guard the Gateways, came over, “Keeva, can I ask you a favor?”

Keeva turned to Shina, “Um… sure?”

Shina looked uncertain and a little uncomfortable, “Can you visit the Japanese village? I want to save them.”

Shina bowed deeply.

Keeva wondered how the Japanese village was doing, “Didn’t you run away because the Chinese Adventurers kept attacking?”

Shina straightened up and nodded, “Yes, but only because Ryo wanted to keep me safe. They are still surviving.”

Keeva recalled the last images she had taken of that area of the continent and couldn’t tell who was in charge of where, “Hmm, Maybe I can send the Wizard’s Eye there. There’s still people living there, but I couldn’t say if the Chinese Adventurers took over or not.”

Shina bowed again, “Thank you very much!”

Keeva gave Shina a hug, “I’m sure they’re fine!”

Shina returned the hug.

Keeva had left the Mk. I near Mljos Tersa’s airlock to keep an eye on the spreading damage caused by the weakening containment field around the black hole and turned its attention towards the Japanese island.

The Japanese island was one of the settlements furthest from the center of the continent so it hadn’t taken much damage yet.

Keeva warped the Mk. I to the outskirts of the main settlement on the island.

It wasn’t big, maybe four to five thousand people in total. The architecture was more primitive than Ildathach with the exception of the Temple of Resurrection in the city center, which was Japanese themed. Most of the buildings were made of wood and paper like she’d seen from her brief study of Japanese history.

Near the Temple of Resurrection was a Japanese style castle, which appeared to be the only majorly fortified area of the city.

To the north she could see several outposts along the road leading towards the north shore of the island, where there was a port, inside of which were dozens of fishing boats and several large warships. The port itself was walled and looked to be heavily defended.

It looked like there had been a city near the port at one point, but had been torched and abandoned several years before.

Beyond the strait that separated the small Japanese island, she could see several larger settlements and a quick look showed obvious Chinese architecture.

Keeva warped the Mk. I to the castle, startling several Adventurers and other guardsmen.

Keeva immediately spoke, “Wait! I need to talk to your leader!”

The Adventurers raised their weapons and Keeva heard several remarks about aliens or sci fi.

A man in fancy Samurai gear fit for a king exited the castle, his equally fancy sword held at the ready, “Who are you and why should we not kill you for invading this place?”

Keeva made a hologram of Ryo and Shina, “Shina asked me to come help you evacuate.”

The hologram and name drop gave Keeva several mutters of recognition.

The man sheathed his sword, “So that coward Ryo survived.”

Ryan turned the hologram to a map of Mljos Tersa and highlighted Ildathach, “Yeah, they pretty much went to the other side of the continent.”

The man spit on the ground, “Tell that coward he is no longer welcome here.”

Keeva had to hold back growing anger, “Listen, this world is about to get swallowed by a black hole and they want you to live. We can take you to a new home.”

The man crossed his arms, “We have already turned away a long eared man making this same claim. We have no reason to trust you.”

“So the earthquakes aren’t enough to convince you, huh?”

The Samurai scoffed, “I don’t see how such weak earthquakes would kill us.”

Keeva was tempted to leave, “You’ve probably got about twenty hours left until that black hole proves you wrong.” She lowered the Mk. I, “If you want, I can give someone a ride and show you the giant hole that’s slowly spreading across the continent.”

The Samurai’s look showed no hint of interest, “And fall to my death or be taken somewhere to be taken captive?”

A short, wiry man in ragged armor barely fit for combat, raised his hand, “I’ll go! I’ve always wanted to ride a UFO!”

There were several comments from the men showing their lack of surprise that this man, Mamoru judging from the comments, had volunteered so readily, some joking, and others not so polite.

Keeva moved the Mk. I to the man, “What is your name? Mine is Keeva.”

The man stepped forward, “Tanaka Mamoru.” He bowed, “Pleased to meet you Lady Keeva.”

Keeva lowered the Mk. I onto the ground, “You don’t need permission?”

Mamoru turned to the Samurai, “General Takahashi, I request permission to board the UFO.”

General Takahashi waved a hand dismissively, “It’s your death.”

Mamoru smiled, “Then I will see you in three weeks.”

Keeva sighed, had no one told them the resurrection machines didn’t work anymore?

She decided to not say anything yet, “Sorry there’s no seatbelt. Use the wings to steady yourself. It won’t be a bumpy ride, but you could still slide off.”

Mamoru climbed onto the Mk. I, using the fairy wings as support, “Got it!”

As soon as Mamoru climbed on board, Keeva lifted the Mk. I off the ground, “Here we go!”

The Mk. I jumped to just a few hundred feet above from where the entrance to Mljos Tersa’s entrance had been just a few hours before.

The ground had collapsed into a crater from the increasing gravity escaping through the weakening field around the black hole.

Mamoru cursed, “That’s it? That’s where the black hole is?”

“Yup! It’s protected by some gravity blocking device, but it broke and whatever field that’s around it is getting weaker. It's already collapsed most of the ground around it.”

Mamoru looked at the area below them for a moment, “Umm… can you take me back, please?”

Keeva didn’t blame him, “Alright.”

The Mk. I appeared exactly where it had left.

The Samurai below didn’t seem too confused with how the Mk. I could disappear and reappear which kind of disappointed her. She guessed in a world of magic like technology one had to get used to the unexpected?

Mamoru jumped off once the Mk. I was low enough, “Lady Keeva is telling the truth, General. I saw at least two cities that were already destroyed from the collapsing ground.”

General Takahashi still looked unconvinced, “You are certain it was not a trick?”

Mamoru shook his head, “It’s real. There crater with cracks spreading from it.”

General Takahashi closed his eyes and appeared to be thinking.

Keeva turned her attention to the Samurai, “I can take someone else to see if you are not convinced.”

General Takahashi shook his head, “That will not be necessary.” He stepped forward, “What is it you plan on doing? The Aos Si ambassador said we can use something called a Gateway to take us to another world?”

Keeva bobbed the Mk. I up and down, “Yes. There is another place almost identical to this, just with less… magic. You’ll also need to bring your animals because there aren’t any there.”

The ground started shaking, including at Ildathach, causing everyone to brace themselves.

Once it finished, General Takahashi turned to a Samurai with armor a little fancier than the others, “We are evacuating! Tell everyone to grab what food and clothing they can and meet on the road to Minato.” 

The soldier saluted and he and several others ran off to spread the message.

General Takahashi turned back to the Mk. I, the expression on his face showing his disgust at having to accept help, “Tell the Aos Si we are ready for their assistance.”

Keeva rolled her eyes at General Takahashi’s reluctance, but she wasn’t going to complain as she was happy he had come around, “Alright.” She turned in her real body to Niamh, “I got permission from the Japanese leader for us to help.”

Niamh raised an eyebrow, “How is it that you managed to do what a trained diplomat could not?”

Keeva warped the Mk. I back to Luna, “I gave someone a ride and showed them the damage. That seemed to be enough to convince him. Although the earthquake that happened while I was there helped too. Probably.”

Niamh considered something before turning back to Keeva, “Perhaps you can assist the other diplomats. It appears sometimes all that is needed is to show proof instead of relying on flowery words.”

Keeva shrugged, “I think he was just being stubborn and used me as an excuse.”

Niamh’s expression showed understanding, “Yes, that is what I thought. Some leaders do not want to appear weak by accepting the help of others.”

Keeva shrugged again, “Or they’re stubborn. Or both.”

Niamh turned to a nearby aide and said something Keeva couldn’t hear over the crowd, but she imagined it was about the news she’d brought.

Keeva turned to the crowd. It was getting smaller fairly quickly, but she guessed it would take at least another hour.

Shina approached Keeva again, “What did my people say?”

Keeva smiled as she turned to Shina, “Oh! They accepted our help. I’m going to help Niamh with the other cities that are being stubborn too.”

Niamh’s assistant came back with a map and handed it to Keeva, “The Lady Ambassador requests that you visit the cities marked on this map. There will be those waiting to help translate should you need it.”

Keeva took the map and looked it over, “Thank you.”

Niamh’s assistant bowed her head, then returned to her post.

Keeva turned back to Shina, “Sorry, I better get on this.”

Shina nodded and bowed, “Good luck Keeva.”

Keeva smiled, “Uh, thank you.”

Shina returned to Ryo.

Keeva walked to Niamh and got to work.

An hour and a half later, the last of Ildathach’s people passed through the Gateway. Anton and Evan had also left to help at other settlements.

Keeva turned to the now mostly empty Ildathach, “I can’t believe people would choose to stay and die.”

Several hundred residents were refusing to leave their homes, either refusing to believe there was any danger or content on dying in their home over starting over.

Niamh turned to Hy Brasil that was visible in the distance, “Perhaps they feel that by leaving they will lose those that have died. Our homes contain strong emotions and memories that are irreplaceable. By leaving, we are in a way leaving some of the memories behind.”

Keeva turned to study Niamh’s face, and wondered what kind of memories Niamh had there, “You don’t miss it?”

Niamh’s expression very slightly turned melancholic, “Sometimes.” She touched the scar on her face, “I came to terms with the fact I would never live there again many years ago, but it will still always be my homeland.” She smiled, “But, looking back, I think being banished was a blessing. If I had not, I never would have realized how vain and narcissistic our people are.” Her expression turned sad, “Even your… Etien’s father abandoned me,” she touched the mask covering her scarred face, “all because I lost my beauty.”

Keeva turned to look at the other Aos Si that were now packing up the Gateways and felt contempt for them, especially after the many looks of contempt they’d shown for her mother when they thought she wasn’t looking, “Think they’ll change?”

Niamh shook her head, “Our immortality and beauty are all we have over the other races. It may be possible to raise Aos Si children to think differently, but only if we raise them away from the influence of our culture. Even then, it is not difficult for those blessed with beauty to fall to narcissism. Part of the reason I was so… strict with raising Etien was to avoid letting herself compare herself to others.”

Keeva had always known Niamh only did what she thought was best for Etien, “Still, you could have let her make a couple friends.”

Niamh’s expression turned regretful, “It is difficult finding friends in a position such as mine. More often than not their friendship is superficial.”

Keeva thought she understood, “I guess that makes sense. You wouldn’t know if her friends really were her friends or just acting that way.”

Niamh nodded and turned back to look at Hy Brasil.

Keeva had a question she’d been meaning to ask for a while but hadn’t quite gotten the courage to speak up about it, “Um… you mentioned Etien’s dad? Has he heard about… well… you know…”

Niamh’s posture straightened a little and her expression returned to her normal neutral one, “I told him as soon as I could. He expressed regret at her death.”

Keeva scowled, “That’s it!?”

Niamh smiled sadly, “He is still ashamed to have been married to a maimed Aos Si.” A malicious smile flashed briefly on her face, “It is a shame he cannot find a new wife because of his reputation.”

Keeva scowled and clenched her fist, “What!? No one wants to marry him because he was married to you!?”

Niamh chuckled, “It is one of the only joys I have received from this injury, knowing that my ex husband is also getting punished by our foolish customs.”

Keeva was about to say something when the largest earthquake yet happened. This one was different as what sounded like cracking glass came from above.

Keeva steadied herself once the trembling stopped and looked around.

Someone pointed to the sky, “Look! The sky is cracking!”

Keeva looked to where they pointed and saw a large crack had developed in the dome, “Crap! I’m gonna take a closer look!”

Niamh’s face had darkened, “Hurry!”

Keeva jumped the Mk. I to the crack, “There’s some air leaking out, but not too bad.” She surveyed the rest of the dome and found four more cracks, “Looks like there’s five. We better hurry!”

Niamh nodded and began yelling orders for the Gateway crews to hurry and finish loading them onto Luna.

Charlotte nervously approached Keeva, “Wh… What happened?”

Keeva turned to the nearest Gateway to help them finish packing it, “The dome is cracking! If it breaks all the air will escape, so we might not have much time left!”

Charlotte gulped and turned to the Gateways, “I’ll help!”

There wasn’t much left to do, and soon the three Gateways were aboard, where the two not connected to Luna before were also connected to charge their magic crystals. 

Everyone assigned to help guard and manage the crystals also boarded Luna.

Keeva jumped Luna to the largest city near the center of the continent.

The city itself was in ruins now so it was hard to tell what culture it was based on just by looking, but from what Keeva recalled it was Babylon.

There was already a large crowd of people waiting, probably half the size of the Ildathach’s, and they were rushing through a single Gateway already set up and running.

Only a few in the crowd noticed Luna at first, but soon more and more turned to watch.

Keeva started lowering the ramp before Luna touched down, and the security guards jumped out as soon as they could to keep the crowd at bay as the three Gateways Luna held were unloaded and set up.

The setup this time went quickly and soon the Babylonians were using the new Gateways.

Anton pushed his way through the crowd, “Good timing! We only had a few more minutes left before our Gateway died!” He looked up at the growing cracks in the dome, “We’re not gonna make it, huh.”

Keeva wanted to say they would have time to evacuate everyone, but at the rate the dome was breaking, they’d be lucky to evacuate a third of Mljos Tersa’s residents, “No…”

Charlotte, who had followed Keeva after she’d finished helping set up a Gateway, puffed her cheeks in irritation and her tail swishing back and forth angrily, “We… we’re gonna do it! We have to! If… If not…”

Keeva shook her head, “If the dome holds, we might…” she looked up, “but…”

Anton looked frustrated, “I’m gonna go grab a drink from the mess hall. I’ll try ta think of a way to make the dome hold longer.”

Anton looked exhausted as he climbed up the ramp, only stopping and shaking his head at the hole in the ramp.

Keeva turned to Charlotte, “We’re lucky we’re getting we’ve evacuated as many as we have. Who knew the Aos Si had so many Gateways.”

Charlotte looked at the nearest Gateway, “My sisters said every Aos Si has one. They all live in places like Niamh… um, your mom does.”

Keeva crossed her arms, “No wonder Hy Brasil looked so empty.”

The weather in the Babylonian region was hot and Keeva was beginning to sweat and she began to understand why Anton had retreated to the mess hall for a drink, “Let’s go inside Luna. I don’t think there’s anything we’re needed for out here.”

Charlotte’s tail lowered in a show of fear as she glanced at the dome, then to the crowd, “Um… I feel bad… feel bad going inside when they have to… have to stay out here.”

Beads of sweat had already formed on her skin, and it was obvious she was uncomfortable in the heat.

Keeva shrugged and began walking up Luna’s ramp, “They live here, they’re used to it.”

Charlotte’s ears flattened as she took one last look at the crowd, a look of guilt on her face as she did so, then turned to follow Keeva, “O… okay…”

Keeva took the opportunity to track down the rest of the crew.

Becky was in a city on the north of the continent that looked Norse, and was nearly done evacuating the people there because of their fewer numbers.

Mayu was now on the Japanese island where the evacuation had finally started. The Japanese had the least amount of people so it’d probably take less than an hour to finish evacuating them.

Evan and River were at the Ancient Greek settlement and were nearly done evacuating them.

The last place Keeva checked out was the Chinese settlements, which were the most populous, something that seemed fitting considering it was the most populous on Earth too.

It was here that they were having the biggest issue.

Keeva approached the Aos Si ambassador that was currently in a standoff with a contingent of Chinese soldiers, the ambassador and his guards hiding inside a guest annex of a Chinese style castle, “Need some help?”

The ambassador, a tall Aos Si man with a narrow face, long nose, and thin lips, turned to the Mk. I, “I am not sure you can. They are demanding we turn over the Gateway and your device to their control, but by law I cannot do that.”

Keeva turned the Mk. I to look at the Chinese troops, “I can always get the Cats to steal it back for you.”

The ambassador shook his head, “They would immediately suspect us and we do not desire that sort of reputation to be associated with our race. Besides, the Gateways are our people’s most closely guarded secret. People such as this obtaining it would disrupt the order of things.”

Keeva thought about their takeover attempts of the Japanese island and some rumors she’d heard they’d successfully done the same to other small settlements, “Yeah. Probably not a good idea.”

A man in fine traditional Chinese clothing shouted something at them in Chinese.

The ambassador replied in broken Chinese, then turned to the Mk. I, “I believe the Chinese general finds your presence here threatening and demands to hand your… machine over to them with the Gateway.”

Keeva looked around at the Adventurers guarding the ambassador, then back to the ambassador, “Should we give up? Not sure we have enough time left to evacuate them anymore, anyway.”

The ambassador looked out a nearby window, “I agree.” He put his hand in his pocket, and a Gateway opened. He then turned to the Adventurers and yelled in English, “We are leaving!”

The Adventurers looked relieved and quickly followed the ambassador through the Gateway to the Aos Si outpost on the Museum of Ancient History.

Keeva moved the Mk. I where she could get a better look at the Chinese city and shook her head, “What a bunch of idiots.”

Apparently she’d said it with her body, and Charlotte and Anton both turned to look at her.

Anton raised an eyebrow, “Who's a bunch of idiots?”

Keeva sighed, “The Chinese leadership. They’re demanding the Aos Si give them a Gateway before they’ll evacuate.”

Anton scoffed, “Yeah, bunch of idiots.”

Charlotte’s ears flattened against her head and she looked extremely disappointed, but didn’t say anything.

Keeva sipped on her water and decided to pass the time watching the evacuations.

After twentyish minutes, Keeva noticed an especially well dressed Aos Si approach Luna, “Looks like we have a guest. I’ll go see what they want.”

Anton didn’t seem too interested and went back to sipping on a soda while he talked to himself on different ways they could reinforce the dome.

Charlotte stood up, “C… can I come too?”

Keeva didn’t think it would hurt, “Sure, why not?”

Keeva and Charlotte made their way to the airlock where the important looking Aos Si waited, several well armed and armored guards behind him.

The important looking Aos Si, a very tall and beautiful man with large green eyes, a refined nose, and high cheekbones, long black hair that flowed freely down his back, and had a lithe body of an athlete, bowed to Keeva, “It is a pleasure to finally meet you… I believe you are called Keeva now after that unfortunate incident?”

Keeva returned the man’s bow, and felt she should use her most polite language, “Yes, my name is Keeva now. Who am I having the pleasure of speaking to?”

The man studied Keeva as he replied, “I am Flaithri, King of the Aos Si. I have heard much about you and your ship and the help you have given to save the people of this land despite asking for nothing in return.”

Keeva barely stopped herself from gulping. The king of the Aos Si! She hadn’t even known they’d had one, even though it made sense now that she thought about it.

The hair on Charlotte’s tail stood up, and she hid behind some boxes filled with supplies.

She bowed again, “I apologize! I would have worn something more befitting of a meeting with a king if I had known you were coming!”

Keeva was currently wearing a one piece tunic with lots of pockets filled with tools that she needed to help put together and take apart the Gateways. She was also a little dirty, though not too bad, but still had to resist the temptation to sniff her armpits to make sure she didn’t have BO.

King Flaithri didn’t react to Keeva’s concern, “I have a request to make of you.”

Keeva wondered what request a king would want from her, “Um… Okay…”

King Flaithri turned towards Hy Brasil, “I have heard this amazing ship can make Gateways much larger than what our devices are capable of. I have not heard of the full capabilities of your Gateway, but would it be possible to take Hy Brasil through?”

Keeva immediately knew the answer, and shook her head, “No. The Gateway Luna, my ship, makes is not much bigger than the ship itself and we have never tried making it larger than this. Maybe if we had more time, we could find a way.”

King Flaithri didn’t look surprised, “I see. I suspected that would be so.” He turned his attention back towards Luna, “I have heard you can make armor that allows one to breathe in places with no air. I would request several dozen of these. We can move Hy Brasil to our new home, but it will take several months of travel through the airless void.”

Keeva saw no problem with that, “Sure! I have a couple I can give you now, but it’ll be a while before I can give you more.”

King Flaithri nodded in approval, “I will see to it that you are rewarded.”

He turned and left through a Gateway that opened with impeccable timing and all but one retainer left with the king.

Keeva let out a deep breath and muttered to herself, “I hate royalty…”

The retainer eyed Keeva angrily.

Keeva shrugged, “Better get those space suits ready.”

Charlotte stepped out from behind a pile of nearby boxes, “Umm… He’s… he’s gone?”

Keeva giggled, “Yeah, he’s gone.”

Niamh appeared from behind Luna, “To think King Flaithri would come visit personally.”

Keeva turned to the approaching Niamh, “Were you hiding too, mother?”

Niamh had a very subtle reaction that showed she’d been found out, “As I am an outcast of sorts, I would dishonor the king if I…”

There was another earthquake which was much stronger than any Keeva had felt before thanks to how close they were now to the black hole.

Keeva crouched on all fours and looked to the dome.

The cracks spread until three met and a triangular piece of dome centered on them fell towards the ground. It wouldn’t land on them, but it was the sudden wind blowing towards the newly created hole that brought a sudden sense of dread to her.

Keeva looked around to find the remaining hundreds recovering from the earthquake. They had taken it well and hadn’t panicked, but Keeva knew that they only had minutes before all the air on Mljos Tersa escaped into space.

Keeva turned to Niamh, who also seemed to understand how dire the situation had become, “We’re out of time!” She turned to Luna, “I’m going to disconnect the Gateway from the reactor!”

Niamh nodded and ran towards her aide.

Charlotte looked confused, but followed Keeva, “What happened?”

Keeva jumped the Mk. I into Luna and used it to reach the Gateway’s charging cable, “We ran out of time!”