Chapter 192
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Chapter 192: Reception

Dinner was served afterward. People enjoyed it. Then the cake, which was a few feet high, was cut into portions. Much like the dinner, everyone seemed to enjoy the cake as well. Emelia smiled as she ate each bite. Hugh and Sylphy started feeding pieces to one another. This might have been the longest Hugh has held a smile on his face in a long time. He often was compared to his father in terms of attitude but as of now, he seemed quite joyous.

The garden was lit up brightly as music and dancing began. Quite the spectacle for any passing ships that noticed the colorful light atop the clip.

Sylphy and Hugh danced for a little while but eventually Rose took his place as he went to have a drink and rest a moment. He watched his bride's continuous smile and drank half the glass he held. Almost ready to go out once again. His mother walked up to him hugging him tightly, her height was about two heads lower than his and he had to turn down to see who it was.

Luna: “I’m so happy my boy has finally gotten married. Maybe I’ll have a few more grandchildren in a year or two.”

His arm held around her shoulder as he spoke.

Hugh: “Maybe, it might take longer though since Sylphy is an Elf.”

Luna: “Your father worried about that too, when it came to me and him. Though I  doubt it’ll be a problem.”

Hugh: “I think we both have someone waiting for us to dance with, so why don’t we go out there.”

She laughed as she walked to her husband.

Hugh swooped in and took Rose’s place, though she had a partner who was ready to dance as well.

The whole family was dancing, well there was one sitting down watching the events go by.

She planned most of them and was glad to see them all turn out nicely.

A man walked up close to her.

Red: “You’re Princess Emelia correct?”

Emelia looked at the familiar red-headed gentleman who look before her.

Emelia: “Yes I am. Aren't you one of my brother's friends?”

Red: “Yes, my name is Red, I’m one of His Highness’s close friends and soldiers.”

She laughed and spoke.

Emelia: “Red like your hair.?”

He smiled trying not to get annoyed. It wasn’t her fault and he didn’t blame her but he often got annoyed by the number of times people made such an obvious comparison.

Red: “You really are His Highness’ sister. He asked me the same question when we first met... Princess, would it be too bold of me to ask you to dance?”

Emelia hesitated for a moment. She wanted to dance with Sir Val. However, he didn’t ask her yet. He wasn’t in her general vicinity so she had no way of knowing if he’d appear However being as she was the only one seemingly not enjoying the music she grasped his hand and smiled. She wasn’t accepting a marriage proposal just a simple dance.

They walked out and smiled while they did.

After a little while, Emelia locked eyes with Val. He stood at the edge of the crowd who was watching the dancers. He didn’t look necessarily hurt by Emelia dancing and smiling with another man. He had no claim on her and made it clear that he wasn’t going to court her so he shouldn’t get mad by it at all. He just bit his lip without showing teeth and continued to look her way.

She noticed a slight bit of lilac color appear in the interior of his eye. Brighter than the rest of his pupils. She couldn’t tell why it came but she enjoyed the color.

The song ended and there was a short intermission before the next.

The couple made it clear that it was time for them to retire for the night. However, they reassured the crowd that everyone should continue with the festivities. Hugh and Sylphy were hand in hand as they walked away from the center of attention, though Luke ran to Hugh just before they were about to leave.

Luke: “Your Highness, I apologize for stopping you but I need to speak with you for a moment.”

Hugh: “Can’t this wait till tomorrow.?”

Luke: “It will only take a moment of your time.”

Hugh looked to his wife and she let go of his hand.

Sylphy: “I’ll be in the room, waiting.”

She whispered it to him and he was determined to hurry up the conversation with Luke.

As she left Hugh questioned what it was Luke wanted to say.

Luke leaned in and whispered it to Hugh.

Luke: “Just a tip from an Elf, our race has sensitive ears..”

Hugh: “What's that have to do with anything.?”

Luke: “Use that information as you will Your Highness... I just thought now would be the best time for you to know it.”

Luke bowed and spoke before walking away.

Luke: “Please enjoy your night Your Highness. I do hope you take what I’ve shared to heart.”

Hugh wasn’t fully grasping the point of Luke’s statement. He walked away up the stairs and thought about it more.


To be continued