The Elite Bullies- VII
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After some time I woke up and found myself in a dark place. There was nothing but pitch black all around me.

Did I just die?
I remember the last thing was the floor below me started collapsing and the next thing I woke up here.

Is this suppose to be the afterlife?
Is this Hell or Heaven, the people talked about?

As I stared in the pitch dark lost in my thoughts, all of a sudden excruciating pain felt on my crotch.

I sprang up from the heap of rubbles,


I was lying unconscious under the rubbles and when I saw below there was rodent who tried to nibble on my family jewels.
“The fuck do you want now! Now scram!” I shrieked at the mouse.
I tried to pick one of the debris to hurl at the mouse but I couldn’t stop the stone from slipping from my grip.

It seemed my other arm also ran out of fumes. My finger was also bruised pretty badly.
I glanced at my arms it was damaged severely. My arms were turning black along with my wounds. There were blisters in the joints in the other arm. My situation was a lot worse then I had imagined it to be. Even if I survive this ordeal, I would forever be physically disabled if I don’t get to a good healer as soon as possible.

I glanced around my surroundings to find rubble and debris all around me. It seems the entire building collapsed to the ground. There was a dust cloud formed that limited my vision. I quickly got up from the rubble and took a cover. The dust cloud started to clear but I had already spotted bitch standing in a daze a little meters away in the rubble.

If only the bitch was crushed under that rubble!

She still seemed yet to regain her total vision. I guess throwing that ash in her eyes really effective.

Welp, I don’t seem to see the crowbar anywhere and I don’t even think I can even hold the crowbar with my broken fingers.

Now my other arm was almost useless. I was really exhausted and the fatigue and after-effects of the injuries are coming back in my body. I was at my limit.

“AAAAAAAAHHHH…” the bitch started screaming on top of her throat.

She seemed to be doing well if she can scream so loudly.
I did hope that she get crushed under the rubble and die but I guess she still got hit on her head. She finally lost it.

“Hehe… Hahaha!” now she started laughing…?

Okay, she really went bonkers, I guess.
I better make my escape before her boy band bunch of lackeys return.


Just when…
“You are the first person to survive so long after making me lose my cool. Not only that but you also had the audacity to punch on my beautiful face. I can’t let that slide, can I?” she said and her creepy cutesy smile reappeared.


I sneakily peeked from the rubble of a big pillar.
There she was standing with her clothes and her red hair all dusty and messy.
She hasn’t noticed me as of yet, thankfully. She was bleeding from her head as I saw the blood drizzling from her forehead to the chin. Drop by drop the blood trickled down to the ground from her chin.

It seemed she really got injured on the head by the debris.
But the way she was talking, doesn’t seem the injury was any severe. I mean if she can talk and still keep up that creepy smile that means she was fine.

She was really a resilient woman for a pampered princess from a noble family.


“You and I both are similar in a way, aren’t we?” she said as she glared at the sky, “You are quite skilled and manipulative. Even when you are at the rope’s end you won’t give up. You try to act all nice and friendly but you are one evil bastard. I can do nothing but have words of praise for driving this fight to this point.”

She really injured her head pretty badly, it seems. How dare she tell that we both are similar! We are nothing alike!

Unlike you, I don’t wanna waste my time oppressing the weak or hang out with a bunch of numbskulls for my amusement.
You act like a slut showing off your cleavage and attracting attention left and right.

We are nothing alike!

I had no time to waste and listening to her babbling nonsense.
I once again checked around the surroundings to find a path to escape. After finding one of the paths, I again glanced at the bitch.

There she was staring at her hand which had a piece of iron bar.
She squeezed the iron piece with her hands and again opened her palm just to find iron particles that flew in the air.
Wait, wasn’t that my other half of the crowbar she snapped?


That glove she was equipped should be at least Iron class.
William had a similar gauntlet which was a bronze class gear. He managed to easily put a hole in a horse saddle.

But the gloves equipped by the bitch had even more power. One punch from her flattened the entire building down to rubbles. Although the building was old, still it was not that weak.

If her punch had landed that same punch on me, then she can whip out a squished cheese out of my corpse. It definitely won’t be a pretty sight.

It was about time her lackeys get here. My senses were telling me to flee from the site immediately.

I slowly and steadily started to make my way to my escape. I was having a hard time walking and staying on my feet. I had to take the support of nearby rubble structures to keep myself on my feet.

Just when I by mistakenly toppled a piece of loose rubble and it fell to the ground. It was just a chunk of small rock small enough to fit in my hand.

I am so screwed.

“There you are.” she scowled and turned towards me with a wide grin on her face.
She looked like the devil itself.

Before I could do anything, she quickly kicked a big chunk of rubble beside her at me.
I quickly jumped to take cover but the bloody rock was fucking huge. The big ass rubble blows away the cover along with me that I fell on the floor a couple of feet away.

I rolled on my back and laid motionless on the ground as I stared at the sky.
The big rock didn’t hit me but after it collided with the cover the shrapnel from the rubble did a number on my face.

The dusk evening was coming to an end and the sky was getting darker and darker. My vision had become hazy and my body ached like hell.

All I could hear was a buzz like sound. The shockwave from the impact of that rubble might have numbed my eardrums.

How long will this torture drag on?
Why did my first day turn out me becoming into a punching bag?
I wonder what Armin and Rose are doing right now…
I had asked one of the caretakers from the school to drop them at home because I might get late today.

I guess I won’t be able to make it home tonight.
But I still have a lot of things to do before I die.
I need to clear the name of our family name so that my siblings won’t be treated like shit.
I don’t want them to suffer the same treatment that I am getting right now.

I can’t die!
I need to go back!
I have a lot of things to do before I can die.

I must survive not for me but for Armin and Rose.

I tried moving my body but it didn’t respond. I couldn’t move my arm or legs. The exhaustion had now overwhelmed my body completely.

I tried a couple of times but no response in either of my limbs.
All I could do was tilt my head a little.

I raised my head a little to see around my surroundings. All I could see was the bitch approaching with a wide grin on her face.

Oh shit!
She really was scary like a hungry wolf approaching an injured rabbit on its last legs. If I could somehow move my legs a bit. If I can put a little ounce of strength in my arm, I might still have a chance.

I tried and tried but my body was banged up pretty badly. Even if I survived I doubt any healer could heal these wounds. I was bleeding all over now. My face was scarred from the shrapnels from the rubble that the bitch kicked. Also, some of it managed to pierce my chest. The bone in my left arm was completely broken. The other arm that worked for some time also stopped responding. Legs were completely exhausted as well. Not to mention my internal injuries and broken ribs.

I can raise my head a little, that could at least give me a chance to attack her. I can use my jaw as a weapon. If the bitch gets close enough I could just grab hold of her neck and tear out the Carotid Artery then I can drag her with me to hell.

That’s the only thing I could do right now.

It has already been a minute my hearing was restored. Finally, the loud buzz was cleared.
But for some reason, the bitch hasn’t reached here.

I raised my head and saw the bitch standing a couple of feet away.
For some reason, she was staring at something in front of her with a bit of perplexed expression.

Hmm, the thing she was staring should be in the direction above my head.

I tilted my head a little to see behind me.

To my surprise, there stood a girl dressed in all armor. She had long black hair and equipped with a long curved sword that was sheathed in her scabbard.

“What is the meaning of these barbaric actions, lady Ruxia?” she asked as she glared at the bitch “Depending on your answer, I will take appropriate action.”

Is this cliche plot armor where a hero comes to the protagonist’s aid when he/she is in the last legs?
Is this chic really defending me?

But wait for a second...
I have seen this chic before...