61. A New Home
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Good grief, Diwa wanted to leave Asturia so badly having enough of its rules and high-handed aristocrats. Speaking of aristocrats, why hadn’t she found out something about her saviour other than his name? She didn’t know how old he was, where he came from or whether he was a good person or not. She’d heard a lot of stories from tradesmen about the empire's people being real tyrants that lord over their subjects with iron fists and cruel means.  

In those days when she was abducted, she had a firsthand experience of the horror of being under those kinds of mean fellows. She should have thought twice before jumping right at Kanon and letting him whisk her away just like that. What if he was one of them? 

Diwa bit her lip and looked at herself. Suppose if she ran away now Kanon would not chase after her being in an open place filled with people just like where they are currently. There is still time, she thought, and it's not as if he had her hands bound. Problem was, she is yet to see some signs of Kanon being a bad person. She hasn't found anything that could put her mind at ease either. 

After a few days' delay in that small town, she was sure she would eventually find clues about his person. But circumstances wouldn't give her any more time. The news of Ma-i coming to the empire was announced, catching her attention. If only she could go to them… it was then that she realized her situation. She is in a strange land with no money and most importantly no idea where the imperial capital was located. Her pride as a priestess was broken into pieces.

Ashamed, she had no choice but to come to Kanon to strike up the most absurd deal she would never dare do under normal circumstances: Hire the man's service on credit. 

As the first princess and Ma-i's precious holy maiden, there are hundreds of guards under her employ, countless jewels and gold more than any ordinary girl could hope for but here she is asking a stranger to deliver her safely to her family without a single coin in her pocket. 

Her dilemma doesn't seem to bother Kanon. After all, this was exactly what he was hoping to achieve when he purposefully let her hear about the news of her family. For him, the mission is half accomplished. It's better to be walking with an obedient client than carrying one that is kicking and screaming, isn't it?  

They have to leave south as soon as possible and catch up with the lord's convoy. Fortunately, under good weather and better road conditions, they managed to arrive in the Crown Prince's estate in Bayberry.  


Ayan and the boys settled in the newly built riverside mansion in Lilium Park Clayton had prepared. It took two years for this dwelling to be built and another couple of years to find the rarest collections adorning the abode and while in its construction the doubts surrounding its generous display and the mystery of the person behind it are not too few either. Some said it was owned by a wealthy foreigner who decided to take the Asturia Empire as their new home. 

The Circle had always been intrigued with anything new to their eyes. It was a pity that there wouldn't be any chance to come close to it. Although the merchant class has risen a lot in the past decades, it was still impossible to mingle with the aristocrats in such an open manner. It wasn't until a group of carriages drove in the wide streets of Lilium Park and stopped right in front of the large iron gates that everyone finally recognized who the new neighbour was. 

Ava's gossip mill that is yet to cool down from the grand parade began to turn again.  

The controversial mansion in Lilium Park is owned by none other than Clayton Rozenberg, the young commander who escorted the people of Ma-i himself! Double surprise.  

"Here at last," Johann stretched his sore back after dismounting. The heavy iron gates closed behind, shutting out the remaining view outside. Then everyone began the work of moving chests and luggage inside the house under his guidance. Immediately as the lord and lady came out, a man in a black coat approached. 

"Welcome back, milord, milady," his gaze then turned to the little ones clinging on Ayan's skirt. "Young masters." 

"Uncle Gaspar." the twins called out sweetly with a wave. 

Gaspar is no stranger to them as he had been their steward/bodyguard in the rented house back in Arpeggio. He spoke with a polite accent much better than most bloody aristocrats and was even cleaner in his manners. Quite a tall and steady frame with muscles that can rival Knoll’s and sharp eyes suggesting he is not someone easy to fool with. His gazes were so direct there had been a number of people intimidated by it. However, the naughty tykes liked him a lot and seeing that he was suited for the day job, Clayton decided to let him stay to take over the dismissed steward's duty.  

"Lemme, look at you." The big guy beamed. "Seems as if Master Raven has grown an inch."

Raven proudly puffed his chest. It was his goal to grow taller than his brother and he's been secretly doubling his consumption of milk behind his back. The effort has paid off, thank goodness.

"Master Carmine… look at how round your face has become!" 

Carmine panicked, grabbed his cheeks and subconsciously looked at his mother: I'm fat?

"No," Ayan blinked playfully. "Just squishy, my dear." 

( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`) It's the same! 

Milk chose this time to mewl and announce his presence. After several months of nourishment, from a tiny kitten, he had now grown into the size of a corgi. The moment he jumped from the carriage, the onlooker's eyes went to him.

"The little ones' chambers have been arranged. My lord and lady must be parched from the long travels, allow me to bring you to the salon, tea has been served." Gaspar bowed his head solemnly. 

A line of ten footmen came to take their personal luggage and deliver them to the chambers above. Ayan raised an amused eyebrow, impressed by his attentiveness she could not find any fault from it. Gaspar is indeed destined for this meticulous job. Rather than hiding his talents in the shadows, it is best to utilize them outside. At times, Gaspar, reminds Ayan of her brother's secretary in another world. Not the typical strict and staunch man, he was professional yet approachable at the same time. And he always gets the job done. Impeccably so. 

Her brother… She misses him a lot. Her parents too and Monica. 

Seeing her mood turning overcast, Clayton held her hand. "Tired?" 

She squeezed out a smile. "I must be."

Fatigue can do wonders for your hormones. One moment you are brimming with energy, the next you are grumpy as hell. The lack of decent sleep and worries must be catching up on her. 

"We can skip tea and head straight upstairs." her worried husband suggested. 

Ayan shook her head and picked up herself. She just missed her other family but there is little she could do about it. Besides, she knows that they are doing just fine in that place. 

"I should have brought you home earlier." Clayton pulled her close and kissed her cheek. He was distressed at the dark circles under her eyes. 

"I'm quite alright," She assured him with a gentle pat. 

In fact, they could have arrived earlier if the second princess did not insist on leisurely strolling on the streets. The convoy had made several stops whenever they came across beautiful shops selling clothes, shoes and other lady stuff new to her eyes. Ayan was feeling a bit spent by the time they reached home, fortunately, she did not have to face the willful and capricious brat Princess Mara in the following days. 

Their home is very lovely, though not as richly exaggerated as those in the inner ring of the imperial capital which leans heavily towards baroque interiors; theirs had a touch of warmth and subdued elegance in its ivory and light blue colours. Ayan began to relax as she slowly took in the surroundings. Finally, after months of wandering, they came to a place they can call their own. 

What's even more surprising is the efforts Clayton put in. As it turns out, many of the special collections they had in the house in Lattice were also transferred here. Old mementoes, some valuable porcelain, silver treasures and sculptures for example, then those several exquisite paintings. And lastly— a lump lodged on her throat as her eyes went to the landing of the grand staircase, in there hangs quietly the large wedding portrait of her and Clayton. 

Ayan's hand automatically came up to her mouth to keep herself from crying and spoiling the moment. Then a warm and heavy body pressed up on her from behind. "I hope my lady liked the surprise," Clayton whispered gently. 

Unable to articulate how she feels, Ayan just nodded her head and tearfully turned around to give him a quick kiss. "Thank you." 

Clayton smiled more openly and brought up her gloved hand to his lips. "Anything for you, my love." 


Late at night when every household had snuffed out their lamps, the study room of Rozenberg's house remained brightly lit. Diwa was on her second cup of tea when Lady Rozenberg came. While they were travelling she was told that right after catching up with the slave trader's caravan, he intended to meet with his employers who were on their way to Ava. Kanon had briefly introduced them to her as noblemen but aside from that he no longer disclosed more information. 

It wasn't until they arrived in Bayberry that she was shocked to find out that his employers were the ones in-charge of escorting her family! 

"We didn't have enough time to talk earlier, did we?" Ayan approached the fidgety first princess and occupied the seat across from her. 

"A-About bringing me here." Diwa hesitated. 

Ayan, as the case was, turned out to be the marchioness of Rozenberg. But she was a very young matron, only twenty-one years old and no bigger than Diwa. She could not sense any ill-intent from the lady but the series of coincidences greatly puzzled her and made her insecure for some reason. Kanon had done his job well. Perhaps it was because she had no complete grasp of the situation that she felt that she had no control of her fate. And now, looking at Lady Rozenberg…

"Don't fret, we brought you here for safety, that is all." Ayan smiled. "As you noticed earlier, aside from your father, your sister also came here."  

Diwa's face remained calm but her hand holding the teacup shook making the porcelain clatter. Yes, Mara also came. She raised her ruby eyes to Ayan imploringly. 

"I am aware of what took place and the reason behind why you ended up here in the empire. Some details might not be too clear but I more or less have an idea. Right now you are under our care, as long as you stay here no one can harm you until we make enough time to arrange a meeting with your father." 

The anger inside her was again stoked as she remembered the days of being taken away from her homeland and caged by those evil men. She had fulfilled her duty as the priestess, devoting her life to guide her people and yet because of the greed of some they are willing to plunge the whole tribe into hell. Without the priestess' blessing, the monsters will spread beyond the infected forests and swamps. 

"If you believe me, I can help you save Ma-i and wipe your grudge." 

Ayan is no stranger to betrayal that is why she knows exactly what pain the princess was feeling. 

"Can you?"

"I can." 

Diwa's tightly wounded nerves relaxed a lot. She had nothing in this land. No friends, no connection nor people she can trust. It was probably due to the calming breath Ayan exudes that she felt little to no resistance. Besides, a person who is well-liked by the spirits can never have any evil thoughts. So even if Ayan had other purposes, it was fine by her. During the conversation, she also found, to her relief, that Ayan was immensely likeable personally. She has children but she finds her very lively, charming, witty and quite, quite outspoken. She'd been brimming with humour and curiosity especially after she mentioned how she travelled with Kanon. "Actually, it was my request to intercept the caravan going down south in hopes of finding you as soon as possible." 

Diwa was taken aback. She thought Ayan was only helping her because she sympathized with her and that it could also rake in certain benefits, "Why?" she asked shakily.

"I've dreamed of it." Was all the reason she offered. 

Diwa quickly stopped herself from prying more. Her position was no different from a Diviner— even closer to a Saintess when based on the amount of mana alone so she was no stranger to receiving intermittent visions. Whenever a catastrophe or blessing arrives she can feel it as clearly as feeling the breeze. She had to be contended by what Ayan said. However, it was her first time hearing that someone had such a vivid clue and acted upon it with precision. This also tells her that she owes her life to the lady in front of her. 

"So Kanon's target was me all along?" She asked after a while. 

Ayan looked amusingly blank, "He didn't tell you?" 

"I was told he received a request to look for a missing girl and I believed him," Diwa said slowly, processing what she heard. 

"He was indeed looking for a girl. He just didn't say it was you."

Well, she has a point. But all this time, Kanon showed no inclination that he came for her sake. He even made it so that he was letting her go on her own. There was not an indication that he would be troubled if she left… she snorted. 

And why would he do that when it was she who voluntarily hung herself to his side?!

To think that she embarrassedly lowered her pride to urge him to take her aboard. She thought it was shameless of her to make the man exert any effort without paying for an equal amount. Turns out it was free and she was being played. The damn man must be grinning from ear to ear having his errand accomplished so smoothly! 

"If Kanon told you outright that he came to rescue you, would you believe him though?" Ayan put up the question. 

She shook her head. 

"No, right? After all, who would be so nice to send someone to lift you out of the predicament, they could be enemies for all you know. And if he insisted on taking you or forcibly argued the reason, even if it is true there is no way you are coming peacefully with him." 

Diwa sighed inwardly. Considering her misgivings about Kanon on their first encounter, what Ayan said was likely to be the scenario. She should be thankful but damn, why does she still feel unbalanced? Her emotion was shown clearly to her face that Ayan couldn't help asking. 

"Did you two fight?"

"Not really," she mumbled sulkily. 

"Were you treated harshly during the journey?" 

She blushed. "No. He was a gentleman."

"I suppose Kanon didn't really have the heart to be harsh on the fairer sex despite that poker face."

Diwa scoffed indignantly, "He didn't when he scolded me so harshly after offering him breakfast?! To think that I found such a fruit… oh, never mind."   

Fruit? Ayan smiled to herself, she could more or less tell why. Fruits in this world are unlike the ones she had in her other life. They were hard, unpalatable and some were even notoriously deadly. 

"Depending on the situation, he might be saving your life," Ayan explained lightly. For Kanon's reputation sake, let's not make the dear girl misunderstand further.  

Diwa was glowering now. "He didn't have to look at me as if I were a stupid child." She's a princess for God's sake, those who dare raise their voice or even make faces in front of her can only be counted on one hand. But he, he scolded her so badly she dare not pick anything from the road after that.   

Ayan found her reactions amusing. Did something happen between this girl and their poker-faced captain? 

Before separating that night, Diwa thanked her for temporarily sheltering her in their home. She promised to follow the plan until the culprit of her kidnapping is brought to light and punished. A welcoming ball will be held in the palace on the fortnight. Ayan said that a huge event will take place and her cooperation is a must during that time.  


Later that week when all had been settled, Ayan was finally able to formally meet Clayton's long-time friend, the one who made it possible for their transfer procedures to go smoothly. Sir Dylan Blackwood. So the Rozenbergs and their entourage packed up their picnic utensils and rode a carriage towards the famous racecourse of Ava. He had always been looking forward to touring his beloved all over the city and since the opportunity came, he happily went with it.

The plan was to publicly announce the friendship of the two families before others could speculate. It wasn't that they were afraid of the high society gossiping. Likely they would, but having less to worry about is a much better choice, isn't it? Few people are aware of their connection, suddenly seeing them together could evoke malicious stories especially when one is involved in the military and the other is a mercenary. If you're a person with a title, you must learn to conform with the rules whether you like it or not and a formal meeting is, of course, to be done. 

Ayan and the boys dressed lightly for the outing. He liked that about her, as well, she wasn't someone to stay long hours on her mirror fussing over her clothes, preening and caking her face with powders wanting to appear as pleasing as she can be, and yet she always ended up looking just as delightful to his eyes every time. The children's dressings were also always comfortable and presentable, which was a hard task since they tend to have little patience with cumbersome outfits. But in her hands, he had not heard them complain even once. 

Ever since she recovered her memory, everything has returned to the way it was. Frankly, even better now that they have children. The weather is warmer now so he took her to an open carriage to show her the sights. Another is to show off his lovely wife and children which coincidentally turned out to be the best decision in the end.