Imperial Palace Grounds
The head of palace guards surrounding the second prince Matthaeus had a rare smile on his face.
"Did something good happen, Duke Hellenberg?" The little prince asked.
The big blonde man tipped his head down to reply to His Highness' question. "There is indeed cause for joy, Your Highness. My son has finally recovered from his illness."
"Great news indeed," Prince Matthaeus beamed. "I have not seen brother Arius for quite a while now. One is so forlorn with the absence of a friend, the days inside the palace have become tedious."
The duke chuckled, "One of these days, I shall ask for permission to bring him here and—"
"If it isn't the duke himself," he was cut off by a surprisingly amused voice.
Raymund Hellenberg's face sank seeing the trifling fop that is Roy Sybil walking towards them with pomp and vanity in full display. With all the civility he was capable of from years of superb education, the duke managed to clean up his expression in front of the little prince. "The humblest palace staff have done better in court etiquette than you, Sir Sybil."
He is in the presence of His Highness the second prince, he must never forget the order of greeting. Feigning surprise now, Roy Sybil turned to Prince Matthaeus with a barely hidden reluctance flashing his eyes.
"As the duke said, I ought to give His Highness an apology. This humble one asks Your Highness' forgiveness, I have no excuse for my rude behaviour."
"Apology accepted." Prince Matthaeus adapted a mature air and said succinctly.
Duke Hellenberg then sent for six guards to escort the prince back to his palace. Alone now with Roy Sybil, the thin layer of amiability immediately collapsed.
"Goodness Your Grace, your distrust towards me has gone way overboard than necessary." Roy chuckled wretchedly. "I still have my restraints when inside the palace grounds."
There was obvious insinuation in his words for no one to mistake his meaning. The duke's eyes turned cold and his hand dropped to the handle of his sword.
"With you here— " Roy raised both hands in a playful act of surrender. "I was merely jesting, Your Grace. What my meaning was, even when given ten courage, with you here, I would not dare lay my hand on the little prince."
His words deserve him to be cut in half but instead of obliging and letting the lunatic rile him, he did as any rational man would do. The duke snapped the sword back to its sheath, gave him a warning glance before turning on his heels to leave. Of all things Roy Sybil hated the most, being ignored was at the top of them.
"Did you think about my offer, Your Grace?" Roy spoke eerily from behind. "The days are passing but you are yet to find the cure to your son's illness."
"My decision is firm."
Roy narrowed his eyes mockingly, "Are you sure you want to risk your child's life? There will be no other cure than the one I have in my hands."
There was enough persuasion in his tone to break a desperate man. The duke was being presented a chance by the trickiest and dishonest person there is. Roy Sybil is aware of their family's grief over his son's condition and he knew that he would gladly sell his soul to exchange all the pain and suffering his child felt. However, things have turned for the better now so he does not need to be coerced or gave in to the temptation. And he really could not have cared less by the lure no matter how he was coaxed.
Determinedly, he put his eyes forward and left the garden with big steady strides.
If Arius hadn't recovered, he may not have had the courage to step into the palace again.
The Duke Hellenberg Residence
The day of Ma-i's arrival…
Raymund Hellenberg stopped on the stairs landing as if contemplating something. In the vast hall right below him, silence prevailed like a heavy boulder pressing on him. Just last night he and his wife had gotten into a heated argument about their marriage. After years of estrangement, she finally decided to divorce him.
They had more than enough time to talk about the problem and repair the crumbling relationship but not one word has passed her lips on the subject. He tried many ways to approach her but his duchess seemed to only float farther away the more he tried. And he had never felt so lacking and insecure in his entire life. The only thing he was sure of was that she still loved him. But compared to the sorrow she harboured, it was nothing.
The truth was, she might have gotten tired of waiting for him. In those years where she freely expressed her love to her family, to her friends and to him she was jaunty and full of passion. She was the sunshine itself but he flatly refused her causing an indelible scar to her confidence which led his lady to think that he was forced into matrimony by the circumstances. And that he was just biding his time, waiting for an opportunity to be rid of her.
When he thought that he was able to put her worries to rest with his active care as years passed, the illusion was broken at the sudden eruption of their son's illness.
"I don't suppose my wife is out for tea?" Raymund inquired of their butler.
"Milord," a soft feminine voice came to reply. "Her Grace packed her luggage heading to the country estate."
"She… left?" Loss can be heard from his voice.
The elegant woman in a beige dress is named Miss Simone Dhall, a teacher and a friend of the duchess. Seeing the visible change in the man's expression, Simone's eyes flickered. "Dianne— I mean Her Grace said she wanted to take young master Arius to recuperate in your fief. I have persuaded her to remain because the travel might only aggravate the young master's illness but alas," she paused looking troubled. "She wouldn't listen saying that the imperial capital is bustling these days."
Raymund's eyebrows furrowed deeply. "Why of all times she had to leave now! The road is dangerous."
"Her Grace can be stubborn sometimes once she makes up her mind." Simone sighed while taking a furtive glance at the duke.
Frantic all of a sudden, Raymund descended the remaining flight of steps in a hurry. Today is the arrival of the delegates from another kingdom, the knights stationed outside to patrol were recalled to guard around Ava leaving several places empty and without protection.
"Prepare my horse!" He commanded while reaching for his coat.
A hand extended from the side and touched his arm, "Where does Your Grace plan to go? The delegates are arriving soon and your presence is needed in the palace."
Raymund exhaled a heavy breath. "I'm going to get my wife."
"Your Grace need not to worry," Simone said calmly, "The duchess brought several knights with her. However the palace—"
"It doesn't matter." He snapped impatiently then frowned at the woman, "Miss Simone, what brings you here to the mansion?"
Suddenly being asked like this caught her off-guard. "I, I came by for a visit."
"As you can see, my wife is not around as of the moment. Forgive me for no one will be able to entertain you." Raymund replied unemotionally. As he was about to turn to his heel the woman spoke again.
"Raymund," she said gently. Having his name spoken by her mouth seemed to have a different effect as it caused a very bright smile on her face to bloom. "You must understand how distraught Dianne was about your son's condition. Arius is the child she had been waiting for, for more than ten years and it is only natural that she pours all her love to him." While saying so, she once again tried to put his hand on his arm to show her concern.
But Raymund was already simmering with impatience over her several attempts to stall him into rushing to his wife. It was further aggravated when she kept hinting that Dianne prioritized her son more than her relationship with him, which was true, however, it did not faze him since he understood why she had gone and poured everything into the boy.
"If I were in her position I would also do anything I can to save him but," Simone bit her lower lip sadly, "Leaving you out in the cold like this is simply unfair and cruel. As a couple, she should have confided more in you rather than erecting barriers around herself—"
"What do you know?" The duke's cold voice cut through her shabby concern.
Simone fidgeted slightly, "Raymund, I heard that Dianne is about to divorce you."
"I know my wife more than you do," Raymund Hellenberg no longer bothered with etiquette and spoke openly, "Of course, she loves Arius. He is our son, our flesh and blood. It doesn't matter how indifferent she had become to me because I deserved it."
The words echoed all over the hall making the woman blink in disbelief.
"I deserved every bit of it and it doesn't matter how long she despises me, I will patiently wait for the day her anger is spent the same as she patiently waited for the day I came to ask her hand in marriage." Then as if letting out the repressed emotion, the duke calmly turned to her and in a tone that heeded no argument he spoke, "There was no talk of divorce, Miss Simone might have heard the wrong news."
As he vowed solemnly, he coldly glanced at her hand about to touch him.
"Remember your position." He reminded her unemotionally.
A soft sob was heard behind them making the duke turn abruptly. His lady carrying their sleeping son is standing on the entrance with tears streaming down her face. "Raymund…"
"My lady," he hurried towards Dianne and wrapped her in his arms. "You're back. Thank God you're back…"
"Raymund," the duchess' sobs turned into crying. She buried her face into his chest, "Arius, our son…"
Raymund's heart sank in fear, making his embrace tighter. For a moment he was terrified to know what became of their little boy.
"Arius recovered," Dianne whispered, "He is well, Raymund. He is well."
The couple hadn't moved for a while. The duke held his family carefully as if holding a fragile treasure in his arms. With utmost care and trembling hands, Duke Raymund Hellenberg lifted the soft velvet covering their child.
"Arius…" he called softly at the sleeping boy with healthy pink cheeks.
Seeing him well and recovering with his own eyes made the duke's eyes sting with emotion. The heavy feeling pressing on his chest disappeared in an instant making him breathe lighter.
Several days after that, the duke and duchess who had always been reserved with their appearances in the society shocked the imperial capital for paying particular attention to the Rozenberg couple— to Ayan Rozenberg especially. Why so suddenly that the Hellenberg House who does not partake in day to day issues of their fellow aristocrats began to associate themselves with the former marquess house? The answer was clear, it was a declaration of protection!
Since then, the two houses did not shy away from their exchanges. Sometimes even the young miss of Marquess Blackwood would be there to join them. The ladies interacted a lot and can be seen frequenting aplenty of well-known places like the Royal Theater watching operas and plays. The Bond Street where all high-quality textiles can be bought and customized. And lastly in the famous shops surrounding Park Lane.
Hall of Valor. Emperor’s Office
Present day…
Across the room, Queen Elisse approached the emperor and the empress dowager. She was so nervous she was nearly trembling but she didn’t hesitate. She’d made the decision, with her brother’s help, to finally make the move of bringing out their trump card— confessing the real motive of the tribal people for suddenly coming to Asturia.
It was a day away from the royal hunt, the opening ceremony for the founding celebration of Asturia and the imperial banquet. The pieces had been moved and it’s about time they put the plan into action. She had never wanted to be confined, to begin with, her dream was to become the most exalted woman of the empire after entering the palace and marrying the person she loved. But some people had forced her to lower knees and succumbed to customs anyway. Roy said she should be patient since he wanted her to catch the emperor’s eye. She did but it didn’t last long for her to enjoy any benefits.
It had been a series of joy and disappointment though for over a year that she came here. Something she never thought it would be. But she was done with waiting. She was tired of sitting idly inside her palace while the whole empire celebrated the arrival of those heathens. It was time their family rose back especially now that they hold important information in their hand that would surely interest His Majesty.
The faraway island of Ma-i is rich in resources, aside from its abundant minerals there were various species of plants that they have never before seen in the empire. With this, they can surely enrich the sparsely blessed land of Asturia. However, she knows that the emperor will not condone attacking a peaceful kingdom which is why her brother came up with a plan.
If the Ma-i made the first move, only then can the empire righteously raise its arms to retaliate. The perfect opportunity has come, she just needed to condition His Majesty firsthand. Clutching the sides of her brocade clothes, Queen Elisse tentatively raised her eyes and clashed with the deep sea green ones of Emperor Aeris.
"Your Majesty?"
A cold feeling swept over her. Whenever she gazed into his eyes, her whole body would always be in a constant state of stress. It was nothing like that night when she entered his chambers and had a passionate exchange with the man. He at that time was neither gentle nor restrained, he was far detached from the image he reflected on the throne. He took her with wild abandon caring so little of what etiquette there was that a ruler should adhere to. Elisse couldn’t help but think more of that night. The emperor’s vigour and frivolity were not shown to anyone but to herself. With that, she held hope and felt far superior to the empress.
But at this moment, not a trace of desire can be found whenever he is looking at her like this.
Emperor Aeris had known of her arrival after the announcement from outside. He was talking with the dowager about the welcoming ball the night right after the royal hunt. They both turned to her as she offered her greeting. Later, the dowager left the office to return to her palace but not after she cast the queen with a tepid glance.
Elisse had little doubt that the dowager liked her presence. She had no doubt at all that she was displeased with her if not for the royal seed in her belly. With her gone, she breathes a sigh of relief and gathered enough courage to state her purpose. Now that she is alone with His Majesty, the best she could do is play her cards well. However, when she faced him, the smile was frozen on her face because he was eyeing her with an arctic gaze.
The queen bit her bottom lip pitifully. He ought to be glad about the news she brings him but Emperor Aeris’ is one unpredictable person. The man in front was colder than ice but she couldn’t help her obsessive eyes on him. The memories of that night came back unbidden making her face blush. She could almost imagine his handsome face, those sharp flawless features looking at her tenderly.
She had to take several deep breaths before she could get the words out. "Your Majesty, I received the most alarming news from a confidant about the Ma-i people."
"A what?"
Her blushing cheeks paled. "Please hear me out first Your Majesty. I know I was being presumptuous but believe me, I am only doing this for the sake of the empire."
"I am allowing you to speak. What puzzles me however is your sudden interest in our honoured guests."
The disinterest in his tone was obvious— but at least he wasn’t sending her out yet. Elisse tremblingly held out a piece of parchment and put it on his table. She lowered her head humbly in an attempt to evoke his pity.
Emperor Aeris took the parchment. After a glance, his expression slightly altered.
"In your opinion, the Ma-i came to our land with ulterior motives?"
Her palms were sweating.
"Your Majesty, do not let their outward gentleness bewitch you. For so many years, the people beyond the sea have been notorious for their reputation."
"We have reasons to keep our guard up. You must never trust them.” Queen Elisse said, gripping the edge of the table. “The rumour about Ma-i cannot be entirely baseless. We know so little about them and yet here they are suddenly in our land asking for a dialogue. In fact, this should be the time when we should be most vigilant. My brother who guarded the northeast territory knows them best. He experienced how vile and treacherous those tribesmen are when using the dark arts."
"Queen, you are saying that a group of fewer than two hundred tribespeople would dare raise arms when they are inside the empire?" Emperor Aeris raised a sardonic brow.
He caught the queen off guard again. She lost her speech at his analogy and just stared blankly for several moments. And then his humourless smile came the cold one that usually twists her stomach into knots.
"You may not believe it for now but," she struggled to speak. "It might be too late when the time comes."
"The Ma-i are peace-loving citizens. You know as well as many out there that they have suffered slanders from thoughtless people who are prejudiced against them. You are a queen, I expect you to act more like one rather than casting judgments."
The words pierced her like a lance.
"Peace-loving yes, but their violence is not unheard of either." She said, "I implore you, Your Majesty, for the sake of everyone else…"
Her revelation managed to chink the emotionless mask the emperor wore. Done delivering her message, Elisse left the office with a strange smile on her face.
Of course, it will happen, she thought inwardly. A strange feeling of gloating came from within her. How could it not? Once the chieftain receives the letter about his precious daughter being held hostage and treated as a slave by one of Asturia’s nobles, even the most patient and kind person will blow up in rage. Roy specifically, sent out the invitation to the man to ensure he will bring the tribal wench on the day of the hunt.
The moment the Ma-i saw how their beloved princess had fallen and been sullied, bloodshed was inevitable.
Empress Palace
“The preparation for the imperial banquet was set, Your Majesty. The great lords from House Grell, House Latimer, House Hellenberg, House Havenstorm and House LeGivre invited the rest of the lesser lords who wished to join the opening event.” Knox, the emperor’s close aid, reported accurately without missing a beat.
“The duke and duchess Hellenberg appears to have settled their differences.” the empress smiled despite the fatigue on her face. “But why is it that they only sent four invitations for the royal hunt this time?”
Knox cleared his throat, “Duchess Hellenberg quietly cut ties with Marquess Breitling, the Count Eidloth’s family and the merchant house of Dhall for reasons that they do not meet the standard etiquette.”
As for the gossip behind, Knox cleverly recounted from beginning to end. The Breitling marquessate house is the former family of the abandoned Sir Lachlan Morrigan. A year ago when the young heir was poisoned in the battle with the pirates, before they could get the verdict of his life and death, his father and stepmother made changes in the house to transfer the title succession to the second son. At the reason of Lachlan’s certain death, they successfully convinced the clansmen. But who would have predicted that even the dying and abandoned person would still receive His Majesty’s grace? He was bestowed the title Viscount Stellaris for his glorious service, gold, a land of his own, along with the properties of his deceased mother, the Morrigan estate.
Not only that, news came that the young viscount is now well and recovered making the Breitling house choke with regret.
The Eidloth and Dhall family’s transgression was unknown but Knox caught rumours that it was because of the eldest Lady Georgina Eidloth and Miss Simone that the duchess removed them from the invitation.
“Simone Dhall fell out of favour?” Empress Delphine had a rare gossipy look in her eyes.
Knox replied with a conspiratorial nod. “As stated, Your Majesty. This Miss Dhall was once suspected of harbouring affection for Duke Hellenberg and that she is using her friendship with the duchess to get closer to him but it was the Duchess herself who denied such things and was even worried about her friend’s reputation.”
But there could be an even deeper reason why Duchess Dianne Hellenberg suddenly cut ties with the said friend.
“I see,” Empress Delphine murmured thoughtfully.
A few seconds passed, she looked at the names again, “House Grell is coming…”
With war imminent against the southern territories, it was rather strange to know he intended to participate in the celebration. The grain supply was one-sidedly cut off leaving the army guarding their borders in a helpless situation, once he attends the celebration there is no doubt that criticisms and accusations will fall upon him. Is he willing to receive all of it?
“He was either thick-skinned or too twisted to witness how this game develops first hand.”
The empress turned to see the young man that was her son practically rushing like a tornado and slammed right to the cushion of the seat just beside her. “Hello, there beauty.” He smiled naughtily, not even bothered how he rattled the chair and scared the soul out of his mother.
Knox, who was standing on the side also suffered a little fright.
“Oh, you!” The empress’ response was to clout his ear.
“Mother— mind the earring— aw!”
It took a while for the mother and son duo to settle down and return to the topic at hand.
“Lord Grell from the south will join the hunt, the matter has been set. Why do you think he comes for another purpose?”
“If not for the Grell house, there will be no Sybil inside the palace.” It was their support that made it possible for the likes of Elisse Sybil to climb so high despite her origin and with the siblings slowly falling out of favour, Grell house needed to take action.
The empress was looking at another angle, “That aside, perhaps he came to explain about the problem with the grains.”
“Or stir chaos.” Was Beck’s response and that with a frown. “We will know about his real motive for attending the moment he arrives in the capital.”
The empress sighed, “This year’s royal hunt may not be as peaceful as it should be.”
“Don’t worry mother, we set up enough precautions to prevent unwanted situations from happening. I also doubled the guards escorting you and Matthaeus.” Beck said lightly then added, “Just in case.”
I love the chaos in this story, it might link up or it might not, it's still quite intriguing.
looking forward to the next chpter.
"What my meaning was, even when given ten courage, with you here, I would not dare lay my hand on the little prince."
If Roy dares touch Ayan's cute nephew, oh there are no words to describe the horror that will fall on Roy's head.
"Across the room, Queen Elisse approached the emperor and the empress dowager. She was so nervous she was nearly trembling but she didn't hesitate. She'd made the decision, with her brother's help, to finally make the move of bringing out their trump card— confessing the real motive of the tribal people for suddenly coming to Asturia."
*everything blows up in her face* And it couldn't have happened to a more deserving ****
"She had never wanted to be confined, to begin with, her dream was to become the most exalted woman of the empire after entering the palace and marrying the person she loved."
I'm straight calling bullsh*t here-Elisse doesn't love, or even care about, a single damn person aside from herself.
"It was nothing like that night when she entered his tent and had a passionate exchange with the man. He at that time was neither gentle nor restrained, he was far detached from the image he reflected on the throne. He took her with wild abandon caring so little of what etiquette there was that a ruler should adhere to."
Ok, I'm 99% sure the emperor was drugged with aphrodisiacs or something
"The man in front was colder than ice but she couldn't help her obsessive eyes on him. The memories of that night came back unbidden making her face blush. She could almost imagine his handsome face, those sharp flawless features looking at her tenderly."
So she's obsessed with Aeris because of one night of sex? Good lord…
Actually-thinking about it-she went into his tent at night, was that actually even Aeris there? I have my doubts. It could have been someone under an illusion, or someone who's the emperor's body double or something. …Why are my instincts telling me it was probably Roy in disguise? He'd definitely be willing to do something like that if it meant he could get more power
And still I have to wonder-how the f*ck did Elisse somehow worm her way into being able to marry the emperor? It just seems more and more absurd as time goes on