The old lady in front stopped for a moment, her eyes drawn to the girl beside her panicking grandniece.
Ayan’s heart was beating fast and for some reason, she also couldn’t look away.
Grand duchess Tatiana Havenstorm is a force to be reckoned with. She wore a mild unreadable expression while inspecting the new face. The girl looked positively fine in a dark purple riding outfit, a strong colour that only made her white skin shine. Her feet fitted with boots as stylish as the white silk ribbon at her throat. A fat pink diamond set in silver wire winked there, it was surely calling for notice if the girl’s blazing red hair wasn’t. “It appears you have company.”
“A-Aunt Tatiana…” Lady Dianne stammered breathlessly.
The graceful and dignified Duchess Hellenberg became flustered as a child in a matter of seconds. The old lady suspects her niece might faint soon.
Lady Tatiana stood in her green brocade dress with puffed slashed sleeves. Hair perfectly coiffed, a squint in her clear and sharp eyes, she carefully scrutinized the two ladies. The maids standing on the sidelines had collectively turned into life-like sculptures. They do not even dare move their eyeballs.
“Good day, Your Grace.” Ayan lifted her skirt, bent her knee slightly and made a spontaneous curtsy to break the growing tension.
“Elegantly done.” The senior matron spoke evenly. “One must know the name of this young lady.”
Everyone inside the tent had popped their eyes wide. The… the grand duchess personally asks for an acquaintance? Subtly they peeked to see if it was raining fire outside. It wasn’t.
Lady Dianne came to her senses, “May I have the honor of presenting the Grand Duchess Tatiana Havenstorm." Then she turned to introduce Ayan, “and Your Ladyship, may I introduce you to Lady Ayan Rozenberg, the wife of Sir Clayton Rozenberg.”
“I’m glad to meet your acquaintance, Your Ladyship.” Ayan greeted.
“She is a mother of two children, Your Ladyship.”
“Two at once, I heard.”
“Yes, twins.” Lady Dianne chirped.
A barely noticeable gleam flashed within the old lady’s pale grey eyes.
“The marquess from Lattice,” she pondered then, corrected, “No, it should be called duke soon.”
Lady Dianne was genuinely surprised. So was Ayan. It stands to reason that someone like the grand duchess who rarely listens to the latest trends outside of her home shouldn't have paid their humble family any mind. And yet she appears to know them.
“You cannot possibly be thinking about how the reclusive crone such as I have heard about the affairs of you younglings.” She said with a lift of a regal eyebrow, an affectation the Circle recognized as known only to her.
“I dare not, Your Grace,” Aya pursed her mouth to keep herself from giggling.
Lady Tatiana put a bejewelled finger to her chin, “Well, I am indeed that old, aren’t I?”
Ayan had to bite back a smile.
“The Rozenberg family, bless their soul for managing to save an offshoot, are the descendants of the former ducal house from the northeast.” She made a hum and a tap of her cane, “And here I thought those hot-headed lots have long gone but who would have expected that after centuries an heir who sprouted from another side of the continent returns? Those ancients must be over the moon with joy. Ha! Cheering on their grave now since the blood of their blood settled back to their homeland. At least Thornwood would no longer remain a masterless domain.”
Ayan was amused by the lengthy speech. She sure is sharp-tongued but there were no malicious barbs in them. She decided she liked this old lady. Occupying the nearby seat, Lady Tatiana joined them for tea. This was the scene Beatrice came into when she rushed in after hearing some ladies gossip outside.
“Begging your pardon, Your Grace!” She panted and curtsied while her eyes were glued to Ayan.
“Not excused.” The grand duchess said with another of those formidable squints. “I do believe we discussed your unladylike outbursts before Beatrice.”
“Aunt,” Lady Dianne wanted to mediate.
The girl bit her lip, “Yes, Your Grace,”
“And here you are repeating it again.”
“I’m sorry…?” Beatrice squirmed on where she stood.
The old lady practically rolled her eyes and reprimanded, “Goodness, you look at me as if I’m going to eat your friend.”
Beatrice was horrified, Lady Dianne was no better but they hastened to school their expressions.
Was she too obvious? Damn. Beatrice thought. Oh, just blast it! What’s wrong with being worried?!
Moments later, the table who originally only had two ladies now caters to four. Lady Dianne couldn’t be happier. The expected bloodbath did not occur and contrary to what people believed outside, the atmosphere was rather light and cheery.
"Where are your children, by the way?" the grand duchess inquired.
Ayan paused between nibbling an almond cookie. "Carmine and Raven stayed inside the palace to play with Arius and the second prince, Your Grace."
The grand duchess nodded, "The hunting field is a vast place. It was wise of you to keep them out as many accidents happen here every year. And Arius," she then turned to Lady Dianne. "I am delighted to hear his recovery."
The ladies had a pleasant morning tea enjoying the baked desserts Ayan brought until the symbolic trumpets sounded as a signal to gather in the presence of the emperor.
Beatrice retracted her paw from the basket of goodies reluctantly. Wiped the crumbs off her face and patted her clothes in place. "It begins too soon," she mumbled.
“Any talent to display, girls?” The grand duchess looked at them with a brow up, finishing her last gulp of lapsang souchong.
Lady Dianne smiled, “I believe my rapier skills are still up to par.”
“I trained with the bow and arrow.” Beatrice shrugged.
Then three pairs of eyes went to Ayan. Her smile nearly collapsed. Talents, huh. Aren’t they talking about dancing, singing, poetry and the like? Why does everyone sound as if they are heading to war?
“I can use a sword.” and a halberd as well if there is a need for it but it was better to keep that to herself lest they think she was some kind of a barbarian.
“Marvelous,” Lady Dianne clapped, “With this, we can be sure to have a good hunt.”
I hope they’re referring to rabbits and birds. Ayan thought crying inside.
The scattered people on the field began moving like a large flock of fashionable ducks towards the edge of the valley. The men stood handsome in their hunting outfits, while the ladies donned their skirts to facilitate agile movements during the sport. This kind of display has both amazed and horrified the people of Ma-i who came along with the imperial family. Princess Mara was in high spirits, even though most of the noble ladies had treated her with lukewarm enthusiasm even after knowing her status.
So, this is how the empire conducts its hunts? This should be easy. According to her observation, these dainty and carefully raised ladies would have nothing to do with the actual hunt. They would be participating for fun at most but anything arduous and bloody should be left to a servant.
Princess Mara secretly disdained the priggish and squeamish behaviour while on the other hand, she rejoiced that she could have this moment to display her full skills and highlight her advantages not only to make her father change his mind but also to impress Asturia’s imperial family. The princess subtly moved her eyes to the farthest side of the platform where they stood and caught a glimpse of the golden hair swaying with the wind.
The imperial crown prince, Reginald Ludvig Asturia.
Mara was lost in thought when a piercing gaze caught her unprepared. She quickly turned to find the source but against the hundreds of people below, she failed. Was it her imagination? She frowned and shook off the uncomfortable feeling.
“Easy there, lass. You ain’t going up there to slug your own sister in front of this crowd.” Kanon said to the disguised priestess when he pulled her back to the tree trunk where they hid while watching the merry ceremony.
“No, I wasn’t.”
“With all that murderous stare, I was beginning to think you were about to cast away the disguise and make a new plan of your own.”
Diwa’s eyes flared and she had the tendency to get physical with him, “I’m not that ungrateful.”
“Easy there, I didn’t say you are. I was just saying— wait, your dear sister is moving out now. Shall we follow?”
Diwa sighed, “It’s way easier to nab a ferocious red boar’s piglet in their cave than Mara.”
Did she just compare her sister to a wild pig?
“I would agree, but her security detail wasn’t as strict as you thought it would be. Look, she only has ten people at most. I say we should take this opportunity to get closer.”
Diwa shook her head, “You don’t understand. Those ten bodyguards are the best trained under the chieftain. They were people with a quarter of Talia blood in them.”
Kanon nearly tripped on his two feet. Those people are clearly impostors. He couldn’t get a tiny whiff of his clansmen’s aura in them. Hell, he doesn’t even recognize which clan these critters crawled out from. They smell so foul.
“I wanted to take this chance to meet with my father but there are too many people around. Let’s wait for everyone to disperse first.”
She wants to be discreet. Who was the one about to throw a punch at her sister's face in front of a large crowd? Kanon thought funnily.
He looked up at the platform where the chieftain sat near the imperial family. “They will return to the tents for a brief rest, it wouldn’t be too crowded by then. Besides, aristocrats simply minded their own business during the sport. Who will notice if we quickly sneak him into our place instead of his?”
Diwa felt her palms sweat. She urgently needed to talk to her father about what the second wife and Mara did to her. All this time, he might have assumed she died in the forest— or worse. Ayan told her that there was a hidden conspiracy between those people who abducted her and someone from the island. They wanted to use her absence to sow discord for two countries to go to war.
Kanon kept his eyes on Princess Mara who was strolling by the lakeside, “Your sister is having a mighty fine time— she even met an acquaintance.” He frowned when he recognized Roy Sybil’s adjutant Florent approaching the princess. “She looks happy.”
“Maybe she knows him.” Diwa squinted at the couple but couldn’t recognize the man. “He’s handsome enough for her to be delighted.”
“Hm, priestess, I don’t think your sister looks happy any longer.” Florent bent down and whispered something to Mara making her face distort.
Diwa closed her eyes and let her mana spread but she quickly retracted it back with a shiver. “Goodness, what kind of people did those mother and daughter contract with!”
“I say, we should meet your father as soon as possible,” Kanon said, grabbing her hand.
Aristocrats, knights and servants alike stood in their respective places to pay heed to the monarch seated above. Along the way, the entrance of the Grand Duchess and Lady Dianne has taken plenty of attention and naturally the two companions failed to escape the scrutiny no matter how inconspicuous they appear.
The raised voices of the crowd are a mixture of both envy and admiration.
“Am I seeing the Grandduchess of Havenstorm walking together with the redhead?”
“You’re not imagining it,” a lady replied in amazement. “This means that Her Grace approves of her!”
“Who started the rumour that she is going to end up bald?!”
“Unbelievable!” Countess Baxter’s exclamation made those around look at her strangely. “How could the Grandduchess walk with that woman?!”
“M-Milady, please calm down.” Simone Dhall reminded her.
The countess came to her senses with a pale face. “How could I possibly… this can’t be happening.”
What happened to the confrontation they carefully laid? She needs to tell the queen about it right away!
“Ayan Rozenberg…” Baroness Malory was also in a complicated mood.
Not long ago, Lady Lucia asked her husband to lend their people to search for a man. The Diviner said she was looking for her remaining relatives who are here in the empire and the person she mentioned is a trusted aid of that relative. However, the baroness was a little confused. If Lady Lucia knows she has a relative, how could she not know of their name or whereabouts but instead, have the details of the servant instead?
It was quite suspicious but they had to agree since it was the Diviner’s request. They investigated and followed the trail according to her description. But the result led them to a shocking revelation— the man they were looking for was none other than Sir Emil, the head butler of the Grand Duchess Tatiana Havenstorm!
Does this mean that Lady Lucia’s mysterious relative is the Grand Duchess herself? If she is then, not only can Lady Lucia have more stable standing, a strong guardian and a powerful family. Their small Malory house may also receive some benefits. The baroness was elated. However, looking up front, she suddenly felt a sense of crisis. The Rozenberg woman seems to have come a step closer than Lady Lucia, if this goes on she might lose her chance with the grand duchess!
Like Countess Baxter, Baroness Malory hastily excused herself and left.
Lady Georgina didn’t care about their departure and continued to pay attention to the ceremony. The last blare of trumpets signals departure.
The men are now ready to mount their horses while the ladies, according to tradition, will tie a band on their right arm as a symbol of good luck. From married couples, and relatives to pairs that are betrothed this is a small highlight where they can show off their intimacy in public. Duke Hellenberg will not be participating in the hunt because he is in charge of the imperial family’s safety. Sir Dylan Blackwood is sure to join but the devastatingly charming man although not engaged to anyone is already booked to be tied by his cousin, Miss Beatrice Feldt.
Lady Georgina, flushed and sparkly-eyed, intended to step forward when a familiar cane stopped her in time.
“Stay where you are.” the grand duchess said.
With this, Beatrice reluctantly stepped out and walked to where Dylan stood.
“That country bumpkin dares…” Lady Georgina scowled, wringing her handkerchief out of proportion.
Lucille Guilford broke into coughing fits. “Milady… they are… cousins.”
Cousins? Georgina almost broke all her teeth in anger seeing the ‘passionate’ exchange between the two.
A few meters away…
“Here you are brat, I’ve been looking all over for you,” Dylan said. “By the way, heed my advice and stay around Ayan while I’m out. Don’t get yourself injured during the hunt. We all know you have the best physical coordination, bumping on some innocent walls and tripping over brick paths for no reason.”
Beatrice smiled sweetly as she tightened the blue ribbon on his arm to the point of strangling the poor blood vessels. “Even if you didn’t tell me to, I will follow Ayan, cousin.”
“Hiss— damn have I offended you lately?”
Beatrice glowered at him. “Half of the single ladies out here had been itching to drag me to the woods and beat me black and blue. Who do you think was the cause of it?”
“Those ladies have always been like that.” He replied matter-of-factly. “Don’t worry, if any of them did try to start anything with you, you have my permission to beat them back.” Beatrice loosened the loop making him breathe.
“Gosh, do you take me as a murderer?” She asked, her chocolate eyes widening in sham horror.
“I was suggesting a method that would effectively relieve your anger,” Dylan replied with a nasty grin.
“Your suggestion could have me end up in prison.” Beatrice proceeded to tie the bow and suddenly tightened the knot.
“Hells, better tie the darn thing around my neck.” He yelped. “Might have effectively let off some steam then.”
Her smile looked eerie. “I might consider the option next time.”
“You evil little witch!”
Beatrice could have cheerfully killed her cousin by then but thankfully, she still has restraints.
In some inconspicuous corner, Clayton looked at his wife’s well-ravished mouth and dazed eyes before pulling the ribbon off her hand. Ayan watched him tie the bow by himself and leaned over to plant a kiss on her forehead. “I’m leaving for a little while so be obedient and wait for me, alright?”
“If trouble comes, Kanon and Diwa are just around. Johann, Fatty Lam, Knoll and the rest of the Thorns are with the children inside the emperor’s estate.” He was about to mount when Ayan caught his arm.
“What about you? Who did you bring?”
He chuckled, his voice deep and magnetic. “What monster can be more dangerous than the ones we saw in Crucible Mountain?”
Her heart skipped a beat seeing his resolute eyes and confident silhouette.
Oh, this man. The longer they know each other, the more unruly he becomes.
She almost forgot about his incredible battle prowess. He has single-handedly fought demons and furies just to keep them safe. Ayan breathed a sigh of relief assured of his safety and the children.
As for her, she had no idea that danger was closing in. The sound of gong put an end to goodbyes. As the men rushed towards the woodlands leading to the depths of the forest the ladies also dispersed.
“Ayan, something is wrong with this place,” Coco’s hesitant voice sounded in her ear.
Ayan paused, vigilantly keeping her eyes on the surroundings. There were more than three hundred people out in the fields. Aristocratic women both young and old, their servants and pets frolicking.
She was walking aimlessly when she bumped into another person.
“I’m sorry,” Ayan apologized. “Did you get hurt?”
The girl shook her head, looked up and smiled faintly. Her face was morbidly pale, perhaps from lack of sunlight or some illness. She did not stay long and hurried to walk away.
“That girl,” Coco said. “Something's not right with her.”
“Is she terribly ill?” Ayan asked.
“I can’t tell exactly what the reason is— Ayan, quick send us out!”
Ayan did as told and released the six fairies just in time before a black bolt of lightning hit her.
Inside the emperor’s mansion, Milk’s ferocious roar tore through the roof as he grew in size. Four children were currently hiding under him clutching his large forelegs.
“What are those?” the tearful Prince Matthaeus pointed a shaky finger towards two skeletal beasts that emerged from the walls.
Carmine swallowed. “Demons.”
“A mother of two… a barely noticeable gleam flashed within the old lady’s pale grey eyes.”
Yep, you’re a great grandma!
“Goodness, you look at me as if I’m going to eat your friend.”
Beatrice was horrified, Lady Dianne was no better but they hastened to school their expressions.”
“I’ll leave that to her husband.”
Beatrice and Dianne both gasp and blush.’
“I can use a sword.” and a halberd as well if there is a need for it but it was better to keep that to herself lest they think she was some kind of a barbarian.”
“Oh please Ayan, we know your husband *adores* the lady warrior look.”
“Marvelous,” Lady Dianne clapped, “With this, we can be sure to have a good hunt.”
I hope they’re referring to rabbits and birds. Ayan thought crying inside. “
Nope, you’re going after bears and wolves! Big game hunting only!
“Diwa sighed, “It’s way easier to nab a ferocious red boar’s piglet in their cave than Mara.”
Did she just compare her sister to a wild pig?”
“Pigs are too good to be compared to my sister.”
“She wants to be discreet. Who was the one about to throw a punch at her sister's face in front of a large crowd? Kanon thought funnily. “
“Ah, she is quite amusing and fierce. She’s going to make a lovely bride for me.”
Beatrice and Dylan’s interaction was entertaining. He better be careful not to tease her too much or she might take him up on his offer of wrapping the next ribbon around his neck
Nope, author is busy