An even more beautiful person hovered not far from Sam and Claire, watching what was happening. Her name was Cheryl and she was Claire's mother.
Their race was quite special and, with proper training, was able to subtly influence the emotions of others or induce illusions. As a weapon, this ability may not be much, but still, such skills can have various uses. For this reason, they should not show themselves off, or they should find a patron. Otherwise, those who want to use them may appear.
Her daughter never interacted with the outside world before and she really wanted everything to stay that way. Cheryl delayed this moment as much as she could, not wanting her daughter to see this dirty reality, but she could not wait forever. Claire "ran away" from home and went to see the world.
Cheryl didn't even had to adjust anything, soon her daughter stumbled upon three cultivators who happily volunteered to teach her her first lesson. Regardless of her cultivation stage, Cheryl felt like she could hardly hold back her tears as she imagined her innocent daughter facing the truth of this world. But this time she will not shield Claire from reality, she will allow her to feel pain and suffering. Better to let it happen in front of her than sometime in the future, when she is no longer around.
Claire - But ...
All the same, she apparently had some kind of brains, because she did not agree right away. At least Sam thought so.
But soon he heard something that put him into a stupor. Apparently she was thinking about something, but in the end she gave it away.
Claire - Really? Do you promise?
Villain - Of course we swear by our adventurer names. Right guys?
Villain - We swear.
Claire - Okay, just for a little while, and don't tell anyone ...
From his distance Sam could not feel what stage this fool was, he was hiding in the distance and hiding his aura.
But she was restricted by spells and not by chains or anything else that blocks cultivation, so she could resist if she wanted to. But instead, Sam saw the castle shrink and fell to the ground, apparently she voluntarily cut the connection with the artifact ...
Immediately after, the cultivators threw restraining chains on the girl to contain her Qi and left her on the ground, after which they moved to the artifact.
Claire - Hey, what are you doing? Why did you tie me up? I gave you the castle.
No one paid attention to her anymore, the cultivators looked at the artifact, and looked at each other predatory.
Sam found it hard to believe what he was watching at. Does that even happening? This stupid sheep grew up in a box?
This could not be a pretense, obviously she really gave the artifact, and even her own life in the hands of strangers, Sam had an unpleasant feeling.
And all because he remembered his own mother ... He terribly hated to remember this.
His mother was the most gullible person he has ever met.
A stranger on the street could come up to her and tell a heartbreaking story about how his children are suffering, how sick he is, or some other nonsense. She believed every word and even gave away all the money she had more than once.
Sam was still a child and did not know exactly how it happened, but she went to some kind of swindler hypnotist and they told her something. Since then, the nightmare began ...
If there was a person for whom the suggestions worked perfectly, it was his mother, after this incident she simply went off the rails and became completely crazy. Some kind of severe stage of schizophrenia.
How he hated these memories, looking at this cheap concert, he imagined some asshole telling his mother all sorts of shit, and of course she believed every word. How he inspires her with some kind of nonsense with the help of hypnosis, completely breaking her brain in the process.
She even subsequently carried a photo of this asshole with her and prayed for him as a deity.
At the same time, in other cases, she became completely insane, cursed into emptiness, became aggressive and completely inadequate. As if his mother just disappeared and was replaced by a completely different person.
All these memories flooded over him again, he grabbed his head and knelt down. He wanted to take a knife and cut these memories out of his head like a malignant tumor.
He has to get it out of his head. Meditation should help with this. Sam pulled himself together, started breathing deeply, and tried to get into meditation and take control of his hatred and rage.
Gradually his head emptied and he almost calmed down. After a short time, he came out of meditation, although his anger did not leave him completely.
It was one of those memories that was tearing him apart from the inside, Sam wasn't even sure who to kill. Only cultivators? Or this fool too?
Cultivators still fought over the artifact, with one already dead. The fool was lying on the ground and carrying some kind of nonsense.
Sam lunged forward and finally spread his spirit feeling. Fool was in the early stages of Core Formation, and the two remaining cultivators were in the middle.
They noticed him and tried to hold him back with spiritual chains, but Sam simply ripped them open with his wings in the blink of an eye and attacked the nearest one. He did not want to kill them, he hit the nearest one and he flew into the ground.
The second tried to escape, even released some kind of cloud of poison around him, shouting something that if Sam came up, he would die.
Sam of course did not pay attention to the stench coming out of his mouth and began to beat the bastard until he lost consciousness.
This poison instantly gobbled up Sam's clothes, but when it came to the body, the poison could not get through, Sam just felt his body melting and regenerating, but it did not bother him now.
When he knocked out and tied both of them, he brought them to the fool. Sam put on new clothes and looking at the three tied bodies, he began to think about what to do.
Claire - Will you let me go?
The fool looked at him with her wet eyes, did she begin to understand what was happening?
Claire - You can check the castle, there is nothing dangerous in it ...
Or maybe not ... Sam walked over to her and grabbed her by the hair.
Sam - Do you understand that you were deceived?
Sam should have just walked by, but all this concert and the memories that came to life later did not infuriate him weakly, he was going to release his anger out.