3. Plot Armor?
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Argon is now 11 years old, he also looks taller than other children his age, of course this is all the result of the training he has done in the last two years.
At first Argon could not stand all the training given by Ol'gar, he finally tried to run away, but every time he ran, Ol'gar would always come and catch him.
It may sound cowardly to run away from this training, but Argon is just an ordinary young man from the earth, and all the training he underwent was so harsh and painful, he even nearly died several times.
Since Argon's training was more like torture to him, he even thought that Ol'gar was just a psycho old man, who didn't plan to train him, but only to torment him.
At the start of his training, Ol'gar almost break and changed all the joints in his body, even now, Argon has no idea how many times his bones have been broken, how much blood has been wasted, and how many times his teeth have been lost.
Even so, all the wounds on his body healed quickly, he only needed to eat a lot of meat, and drink a lot of milk, and the wounds on his body would heal faster. Yes, this world is very strange, because Argon thought that things like that only apply to certain people, but it seems like this is normal for humans in this world.
Argon also began to understand why Ol'gar was so hard at training him, didn't even hesitate to break his bones, it was because the human body in this world had better vitality, so the wounds on his body could heal quickly.
And after two years of training, Argon could clearly see all the changes that had happened to his body, he also felt very grateful to Ol'gar who had trained him all this time.
Argon is given one day off a week by Ol'gar, and today is his time off, Argon decides to take a walk around Swallow Island, even though he is not the strongest person on this island, but he is strong enough so he can take a walk around the island safely. Of course Argon was just strolling the side of the island, he didn't even dare to enter into the swallow-shaped mountains.
In these two years, he had only entered Swallow Mountain once, and that too had to be with Ol'gar, because there were many dangerous monsters in the Mountains.
As he was strolling around the island, he saw two brats beating someone. It was very common on this island, even though it was none of his business, but Argon decided to help him.
“Stop, why are you two beating him? What has he done to you?" asked Argon, while looking at two brats his age.
"Huhh? Oh look, does he want to be a hero? Let's beat him too !!” said one of the brats.
They both finally attacked Argon, of course they both couldn't beat him, couldn't even touch him, Argon could easily beat the two brats and make them both give up.
But Argon was surprised when he saw the person who had been beaten by these two brats, because it was a white bear, and immediately he realized who these three boys were, they were Bepo, Shachi and Penguin. They are would-be hearts pirate ! And if Shachi and Penguin are beating up Bepo right now, that means ...
Sure enough, not far from them, Argon could see other brats were watching them, the boy was wearing a strange hat on his head, yes, he is Trafalgar D Water Law, he continued to observe Argon and the others, it seemed that at first he wanted to help Bepo, but Argon had already helped him.
'Woww !! What is this? Is this Plot Armor? I just remembered now, that Law and the others will be on Swallow Island. Hmm ... should I join him? I think it will be interesting, especially since I also know a little about what he wants to do in the future. but I have to get stronger first before going to the outside world' thought Argon.
“Yoo !! what are you doing there ??" said Argon aloud.
"Nothing, I'm just walking around" after saying that Law immediately turned around and left.
“Whoa..Woaa ... wait a minute, why don't you come with me? Looks like you have no place to stay, and also look very hungry” said Argon.
"Grrrruuuu ..." sure enough, after Argon said that, a hungry voice came from Law's stomach, finally he went to follow Argon.
At first Argon took them to his house, but Ol'gar immediately scolded him and beat Argon hard. He said that he didn't want to take care of other brats in this house, finally Argon took them to a cave near the beach, that is where Argon lived when he first came to this world.
then argon lured some fish, and roasted them.
"So, what are the names of all of you?" asked Argon.
"I'm Bepo, thank you for saving me" said Bepo as he glanced at Shachi and Penguin.
"I'm Law, Trafalgar Law" Law said simply.
"My name is Shachi and he is a Penguin"
While waiting for the grilled fish to cook, they chat together. Shachi told that their parents had died because of the Tsunami, then they lived with their uncle and aunt, but they were treated like slaves, so they both fled.
As for Bepo, he was born on Zou At age eight, Bepo wanted to chase after his older brother, Zepo, and climbed down Zunesha's leg to get a better view of the sea, but he got swept away. He later boarded a ship heading for the North Blue, and he wandered through Swallow Island.
As for Law, he didn't say much, he just said that he wanted to become stronger because there was someone he had to kill in the future. The speech is a bit like certain Emo in other anime.
"So, what do you guys want to do next?" asked Argon.
"I think I want to find a place to practice ~ yaa" said Law.
"Yes, me too, I don't want to be beaten again" said Bepo.
"We don't know, we don't have a goal at the moment" said Shachi.
"Hmm, if you two want, I can take you to the marine orphanage, which is not far from here" said Argon while looking at Shachi and Penguin.
"Are we going to be marines?" Asked the Penguin.
"Yes, in that orphanage, you will learn and train to become marines in the future" Said Argon.
“Woahh! It was great! I want to go there!"
"I want to go there too" said Shachi and Penguin.
"How about you?" Argon asked while looking at Law and Bepo.
"No, I don't want to be a marine ~ yaa" Law replied.
“Even though that sounds great, it doesn't seem like I'm fit to be a marine. Because I'm very lazy and like sleeping” said Bepo.
"Okay, tomorrow I will take you two to the orphanage" Said Argon.
"How about you? Don't you want to be a marine too?" Asked Shachi.
"No, as you saw before, I have to take care of my grandfather" replied Argon.
"Woahh looks like the fish is cooked!"
"Yes, time to eat!"
Finally they all ate together and finally fell asleep in the small cave.