4. Ara Araa…
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Several weeks later, Argon was seen practicing or rather being beaten by Ol'gar. While Law and Bepo, just watched it with horror and pity. The reason Law and Bepo came was to ask Ol'gar to train them as well, but Ol'gar flatly refused on the grounds that it was too troublesome to train the other brats.
Even so, Ol'gar gave them a more normal way of training, which the Marines usually do. Of course the training was also very tough, so that Law and Bepo had to faint several times during their training.
Law can also make Argon his experiment, because Law wants to become a doctor and Argon is always full of wounds after his training.
At night, Argon, Law and Bepo were in a cave by the beach, they were grilling the meat of the animals they had hunted before.
"Hey, you never told us who you wanted to kill, would you mind telling us?" Asked Argon, even though he already knew it.
"He is Doflamingo ..." then Law also briefly told Argon.
"Woww, he's so strong, you might take a long time to kill him" said Argon.
"Hmm? Do you know who he is?" Asked Law.
"Of course, he is the captain of the Donquixote Pirates, and also a Former World Noble" Argon said casually.
"How do you know all that?" asked Law curiously.
"Of course from my grandfather, he is quite knowledgeable about the situation in this world" said Argon, he decided to use Ol'gar as his shield if a situation like this happened.
"Is it true? I think I'll ask him tomorrow ~yaa" said Law.
"He will not say, you must know that my grandfather is very strange, maybe later you will be invited to train with me" said Argon.
After hearing that, Law immediately swallowed hard, even though the training he was going through was tough, but Argon's training was way beyond that, and looked more like torture. Even Bepo was very scared, it could be seen from all the hairs on his standing body.
"Anoo, does your grandfather also know about Zou Island?" asked Bepo.
“Yes, he knows, and you can rest easy, because I also know, but at the moment I don't have access to Zou Island. I'll let you know when I find out” said Argon, chewing on his grilled meat.
"Is it true?? Thank you....!!" said Bepo excitedly, hugging Argon.
"Ok ok, let me go! And also, Law. You don't need to worry about Dofy, because I'll help you later"
"Hmm? Why do you want to help me? It's none of your business, I can do it myself” Law said nonchalantly.
"I'm sorry, Law. But as a Captain, it's my job to help the crew” said Argon, who shamelessly claimed to be a captain.
"Captain? You mean pirates?" said Law Amazingly.
“Yes, in the future, we will be strong people. Because we don't want to be marines, we can only be pirates” said Argon.
“But, can't we be pirate hunters? Or maybe an ordinary merchant?" asked Bepo.
“Being a merchant is quite troublesome, and with our strength, there will definitely be a lot of people who think we are pirates in disguise. And being a pirate hunter ... yes, that's pretty good, but it won't last long. The Marines definitely want us to join them, and if we refuse, we will be lucky if they will ignore us, but if we are unlucky, we will be made scapegoats by them so that they are labeled as pirates" said Argon.
"Is it true? Aren't they very cruel?" asked Bepo.
"Yes. Of course not all marines are like that, they just want people who have the power to remain under their control. Don't think the marines are bad people, bepo, even though they are sometimes very unreasonable, but we have to admit that the marines have guarded many islands, caught many criminals etc. An example is this island, we are on the safe side of the island, and why is it safe here? Because here is a marine base that prevents crimes from happening” said Argon.
"I agree with that, but there is a big problem here that we need to talk about ~yaa ..." Law said.
"And what is that ??"
"Why must you be the captain? Who appointed you to be captain?" said Law.
“Ara ... Ara ... looks like someone else wants to be captain. Ufufufu ... ” said Argon jokingly.
"Yes, I object, since I intend to become a pirate just to kill Doflamingo, it means I'll be the captain" Law said firmly.
“Like I said before, I will help you defeat Dofy, and I also have a lot of information about him, besides, I am also stronger than you. Ghahaha… ” Argon laughed with satisfaction which irritated Law.
“You're a great doctor too, Law. And I need you in my crew later" said Argon seriously.
"Okay, but don't blame me if you die ~yaa" said Law.
"Ghahaha ... take it easy, I won't blame anyone"
“Woww, Captain !! Are we going to Zoo Island later ??" Bepo asked excitedly, he even immediately recognized Argon as his captain.
"Of course we will go there, you don't need to worry!" Argon replied confidently.
The next morning, While Law and Bepo are still asleep, Argon is already awake and starting to warm up, he starts running around Swallow Island until the sun rises.
“Brat, you're strong enough to train in the mountains. Today we will go there" said Or'gal.
"But, grandfather, I'm still too weak, I can't even fight the weakest beasts there" said Argon fearfully.
“Who said you were going to fight beasts there? You just need to run away, Ghahaha ... !!” Said Or'gal with a laugh.
“No buts! You might be able to find something interesting there"
"Hmm? Is it true?" asked Argon skeptically.
"Yes, I'm not lying. Can you see the shape of the mountains?" said Or'gal, pointing to the mountain at the center of the island.
"Ohh, yes, it looks like Swallow" said Argon while looking at the mountain.
"Are you an idiot? Take a better look!" said Or'gal, hitting Argon's head.
“It's like... Damn it !! That ,,,, Don't tell me it's a fossilized ship ??" Argon said incredulously.
"You are right, it is a fossilized Ship, a very large ship, maybe it's been thousands of years so that it makes the ship a fossil, and there are also many treasures inside" said Ol'gar.
“But, how do you know that? Is it really a Fossil ship? Maybe it's a natural mountain range” said Argon who was incredulous.
“You don't need to know how I know this, but right now, I'm sure only I in this world know that the Mountain is a fossilized ship. I hope you will keep this a secret” Ol'gar said seriously.
"If it's a secret, why are you telling me all this?" said Argon doubtfully.
"Because you are my successor, Brat!"
"Ehh, successor? What do you mean?"
“Very well, I will tell you the truth, that I am the protector of this island, or rather the protector of the Ship's Fossil. I've lived too long, and I don't know when I'll die. So I trained you so that you could continue my duty to guard Mount Swallow” said Or'gal.
"Ehh ?? But ... I plan to leave this island and ... "
"You don't need to worry, you can go wherever you want, but on one condition, when this island is in danger, you must immediately come and protect this island."
"But, what if I'm very far from this island, when this island is in danger?"
“You don't have to worry about that. So, do you accept it? Become my successor and guard this island?”
"Okay, I accept it. I hope you will not regret making me your successor"
“Ghahaha ... !! Of course not, because I will train you to the best of my ability !!”
'Gulp, Shit !! I feel like something bad is going to happen to me' thought Argon.
And the Argon began to be trained with more rigorous training than before. Unlike the protagonists in this world, Argon has a weaker body. Luffy, ace and sobo can even beat beasts at their age, but Argon can't, maybe because he's not 'D', or maybe because he's not the protagonist in this world.
But Argon did not despair, he continued to train even though it tormented him, because it was the main condition for him to survive in this world. In fact, Argon's hands and feet are often cut off because of the hard training he is doing. But what happened to Argon made Law quite happy, because he could train his medicine while treating Argon.