Chapter 27 – Who is she trying to seduce with that cheap appearance?
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WT 27 - Who is she trying to seduce with that cheap appearance?


It was a coincidence that the thrashing earthworm with fire covering the length of its body helped them to achieve a great distraction. The fire had spread to the other buildings and the Shadow Tree sect disciples placed priority on saving their sect rather than dealing with their enemies.


Jiu wanted to chase after them, not willing to eat this lost, but a thunderous voice in his head had him stop his movement.


“Our sect is the priority!”


No matter how unwilling, Jiu could not go against his Sect Master’s orders, especially with him very angry about his failure. With a last murderous gaze on Wan Ting, he turned around and deal with the undying fire.


Since the fire could not be put out, Prince Heng tossed his fan away. This fan had a rare painting by a famous painter and was personally gifted to him. He would need to request a new one from the painter and this one will need to be a better one. 


Prince Heng was indeed one that raked fortune from the misfortune. 


“I’m sorry.” Wan Ting’s head lowered in guilt, knowing Prince Heng valued his folding fan very much. Although it was fortunate that it was not the person himself she had set on fire, she still feels bad for unable to extinguish the fire created by her.


She had never thought the fire she manifested could be so big, very fierce, and uncontrollable. 


Owner Yu looked regretful. “Hmm, looks like the talisman I’ve stuck around the buildings will be wasted…” Those talismans will immediately light up in fire with a single hand sign from him, which he planned to use as a distraction. 


But Miss Wan's fire was even more ferocious and hard to put out, which worked better as a distraction. If it also helped them deal a big blow to the evil sect, it will be even better!


Towards her apology, Prince Heng answered without frustration or blame. “You helped to get rid of the bothersome worm. There is nothing to apologize about. A paper fan held less importance compared to our lives.”


“You will need to learn to control your fire first before you are allowed back to work,” Owner Yu added.


“Understood…” Wan Ting was unable to refute, knowing that the success of her pill forging heavily relied on her Flame Spirit. 


Ning Ke managed to trace back to where they came from, including which direction they were facing when they first appeared. His clues helped Bao Hai to quickly locate a large, plain-looking pot of wine on the ground with other similar pots as the exit of the secret realm. 


Most of them started to relax after managing to find the exit and watching their fellow disciples disappear after touching the pot. But after they came out, they encountered Shiyi with a group of disciples and a strong elder, with the injured Shiba with them. 


They were in the Fruity Herb shop where they had locked Shiba in!


It was one-sided slaughter until stronger disciples exited from the secret realm and joined the fight. Wan Ting looked as if she wanted to join, but Prince Heng pulled her back, afraid that she would set something on fire on their ally’s base and unable to extinguish it. 


“Tsk, this time you are lucky. Next time, we will kill you all,” Shiyi promised cruelly and brought the remainder of Shadow Tree sect members to escape when he sensed a group of people heading towards their direction.


It was fortunate the Shadow Tree Sect retreated because Fruity Tree and Prince Heng’s shadow guards were unable to fight for long either. Their fight today had caused them to lose a lot of their people. 


“Who’s there! Stop fighting!” 


A group of police armed with swords barged into the shop, ready to beat up those that resist, only to be greeted by puzzled gazes on them. As the owner of the shop, Owner Yu went to them to explain the matters to the police, who had come over because they got a report of hearing people fighting from the shop that had been sealed off for this early evening's incident. 


When no one was noticing, Wan Ting was pulled into a room by Prince Heng with Liu Bing following them. Being around a familiar place, she suddenly felt as if doused with cold water and finally back to reality. 


She had been unconsciously relying on Prince Heng to fix everything all this time! “Prince Heng, my parents-”


“They are recuperating in my residence.”


Liu Bing helped out by elaborating when he saw her anxious expression. “They are safe, so please do not worry, Miss Wan.”


“Thank you, but why are they there?” Wan Ting asked blankly, unable to understand. “Are we still in danger, until that evil sect finally gives up?”


"Fruity Tree Sect will take on the active role in eliminating the Shadow Tree sect," Prince Heng explained. "Until the danger passes, it's best if you are protected."


Owner Yu finally got rid of the police and they can finally leave.


When Wan Ting stepped out of Fruity Herb shop through the back door with a carriage of Heng household waiting, she gazed at the dark sky with peaceful silence from the street. She does not know what she had expected to see, but she felt as if many days had passed while she was inside that cauldron. 


It was actually the same day, currently midnight. 


"Are you sure you do not want to stay behind to do a further check on your body? Your little maid is staying too."


Bao Hai had volunteered to stay behind to help treat Hao Li, but that was after she asked Wan Ting if she could. She felt a little bemused and told the living pill that she can do what she wants. It was only a few days since Bao Hai became her maidservant, but Wan Ting had not truly treated her as one yet. Hence, it was easy to give her up and set her free. 


Wan Ting glanced back at Owner Yu. "Do I need to stay? Owner Yu had also checked that I'm fine, isn't it?"


"My level is only enough for basics. My senior brothers and senior martial aunt will be arriving tomorrow morning. Perhaps one of them can check your state in more detail."


Having a thoughtful and generous employer felt great for her heart. "Thank you. Then I will come by tomorrow."


Prince Heng's residence was brightly lit, unlike the nearby residence, clearly waiting for the owner's return. At the opposite corner with a short alley hid two figures, their attention on the gates to Prince Heng's residence.


Miss Sheng had been nearby Fruity Herb shop during the afternoon incident and heard of Prince Heng's involvement in it. But the magistrate had sealed the shop, pushing everyone away, and refused anyone from approaching the shop. 


So Miss Sheng could only wait outside Prince Heng's manor for his return and calm her worry by seeing him with her own eyes. This was not the first time she had done this, as Prince Heng's refusal to her shy confessions caused her to fulfill her desire to be close to him in a different way.


Miss Sheng knew that Prince Heng would always return to his manor every night, regardless of how busy he was. 


"Miss, have some warm water. Old madam will worry if you catch a cold again," her maidservant said worriedly. The best choice was to have her young miss return home, but her words always fell onto deaf ears and she could only think of other ways to avoid her miss from catching a cold.


"He's coming back!" Miss Sheng ignored her maid, her trained ears already caught the sound of a wheel coming from afar in the silent street. 


Waiting with bated breath, Miss Sheng did not blink her eyes as she patiently stared at the door of the carriage for his tall, handsome figure to come out. 


A little impatient with Sir Liu Bing being the first to get off, she urged him away in her mind, eager to watch her beloved next. Her wish came true when Prince Heng stepped out next and she nearly swoons from how handsome he looked even if it was the end of the day.


Miss Sheng silently watched on with a smile on her face, thinking that he was truly worthy of her affection. Instead of entering the manor like he usually does, Prince Heng was facing the carriage, clearly speaking to someone inside. He then helped someone out, who was wearing a familiar robe around her frame.


She recognized the person to be a female, looking improper with her loose hair and messy attire. The familiar robe belonged to a man, seemingly belong to Prince Heng that was coincidentally missing his outer robe. Her breath hitched when she saw Wan Ting's face.


"That slut-"


"Miss! Don't be too loud or we will be caught!" Her maid hurriedly said in fear as she grabbed Miss Sheng's arms to stop her from barging out of their hiding place. Prince Heng will have them punished if they were caught.


"I can't let that shameless hussy pollute my Prince Heng! Look at her shameful appearance, who is she trying to seduce with that cheap appearance?"


The maid hurriedly leaned over to whisper something to Miss Sheng's ears before she slowly calmed down.


Miss Sheng sneered. "Good. Let everyone know how desperate she is!"