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Day 2 as a store 

Well I have myself a new employee although it is as dumb as a sack of rocks. Wait, I never did an interview, or contacted HR, what about the pay contract and benefits. This is a nightmare. As I tried to wrap my head of having an employee as a dungeon, the automaton cleaned the floors and went back to saluting the U-scan. This is going to be a challenge going forward. I looked at the empty shelves and the prospect of paying employees, I need products on the shelves that will sell. PURCHASE ALCAMY POTION MAKER FOR 250DP. That's over half of my points. I want to complain, this is unjust inflation. Can I earn DP from the sales of items at least? SYSTEM CAN CONVERT U-SCAN TO PROVIDE DP FOR SALES. So instead of money I would get DP for any sale? BUT CONVERSION OF GOLD TO DP WILL 25:1. :O No!!!!! I get one DP for every 250 gold. I can't take this system, where is the administrator I want to file a complaint. THE SYSTEM'S ARCITECT ARE BOTH GODDESS MELISSA AND DEMIGOD DECAFORD AS BOTH HAD A HAND MAKING THE ARROW SYSTEM. Well, I want to speak to one of them, get me in touch with Demigod Decaford since Melissa is troublesome to deal with. TO REACH THE DESIRED PARTY DEVINE POWER IS NEEDED, PLEASE TRY AGAIN AT A LATER DATE. 

So getting in touch with the gods of this world is still a work in progress. The AUTOMATON had some basic understanding of blacksmithing and began to fill the shelves with stone and clay tools. Using the surrounding cave were the shop was located provided with enough rocks for its needs. So the shelves were packed for our grand opening. Now would anyone come and buy a bunch of rocks.

What should the name for the store be?
  • Hidden Gems Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Random Shop in the Caves Votes: 0 0.0%
  • House of the Metal Ape Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stop and Shop Votes: 0 0.0%
Total voters: 0 · This poll was closed on Dec 29, 2020 01:51 PM.