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What is going to happen today? I am nervous for today, everything has been getting weirder than usual. We remained close for the day and boarded up the entrance with flesh trees. Armed with rusty swords left by the little goblins. What would come today? 

I did have 50 DP, so I ordered 5 more brunoes for extra protection. We waited for hours for something to happen. The weather turned again, this time normal rain. I was worried this rain was like the fog and ordered everyone to be vigilant but nothing. 

I noticed, there were no little goblins since it rained. Maybe the rain was harmful to individuals. The flesh trees seemed to be fine. This called for a test subject. Brunoes 16 thru 20 were perfect for this job. 

There was no way I would use the original brunoes. They were family and Aleeya was a friend and employee, so no either on her. Mr. Armadillo, well that would be animal cruelty and I do not want a visit from PETA. Bruno 16 please were this rat meat suit and exit the building. 

I decided to have bruno 16 wear a suit of rat meat to test further since the brunoes were all metal apes. It poked its head out and armed with a broom. Further it went, looking around for enemies. He other brunoes would encourage it with the standard grunts they made. 

Nothing at first. Bruno 16 was completely outside getting drenched. It seemed fine and the rat meat was not hissing, so no to acid rain. I urged it back in when I noticed the rat meat was starting to bleed. Now this was already processed meat that was stripped and cut into portions to sell after the great dairy fiasco. 

Bruno 16 slowly began returning when its leg was leaking. Something was happening and the brunoes were not happy. It dropped the broom, I noticed its fingers were disintegrating into what looked to be water. 

Run bruno 16 (Aleeya) 

It tried to do a trademark ape run on all fours but was stumbling with each step. More and more of its body was becoming what looked to be water as its horrified face was the last to go. The brunoes raised howls and beated their shields on the ground over their fallen comrade. This was my first time losing someone, this was strange. 

I was to blame for bruno 16's death. The rain was strange but maybe we should of just waited it out instead of sending someone out. But, my way of thinking was that the brunoes were expendable. It was only later that brunoes 1 thru 5 actually meant something to me. I am a horrible manager that did not think of all the brunoes as my employees. As I thought some more on my actions for the day, Aleeya spoke to me. 

Manager, pull yourself together. We now know what the rain does thanks to bruno 16. 

Am I a bad person, Aleeya? I sent him out there thinking he will be fine, he is made of metal. I summoned him just to test to see if something was dangerous. I give all the brunoes numbers for names. Bruno 10, I even turned it into a car type creature without a second thought. I sent nine brunoes out into a world called Hades to try to earn a profit. 

Manager, they are summons of a dungeon. You trying to individualize each of them is weird for a dungeon. But we need to figure out a way around this rain. Who knows how long it will last? 

We need to give it a day. I will ask the system tomorrow if it does not stop after that. I am to depressed to continue today Aleeya. See you tomorrow Aleeya. 

Manager, you being this entire store do you even sleep? 

It is more like my consciousness fades out and I loss focus of my surroundings. It is fine because someone starts singing to me. 

Singing. What do they sing, Manager? 

I am not to sure but I think it is like 🎶they wrap you up in a clean white sheet. Then throw you down six feet deep. It goes alright for a couple of weeks. Then your body begins to leak.🎶  

What a creepy song Manager. 

Sleep tight for the next verse kids, it's kind of gross. 🎶Worms crawl in, worms crawl out.🎶