Chapter 2 one skill to rule them all
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Not again. Why is it that everyone pushes me to my death. Not that I will die according to Decaford I will revive from anything but it is painful. But I had MELISSA'S PARTY HAT it would help me as I fumbled through it a display appeared. Item draw cooldown three days whatever I pulled something out and a pair of scissors. HAPPY STABBY INFLICTS BLEED STATUS ON ANYTHING IT STABS. So my weapon is a pair of scissors! Why is my luck so bad, did I kick puppies before I died. No, I was a failed thief that got shot robbing a gas station. Status page. A transparent board appeared in front of me: 

Name: Clown

Race: Demon

Job: Clown monster 

Skills: immortal soul, regenerate, Always with a smile. 

So I am no longer human, well now that makes sense. But, being immortal like Decaford means I am going to have to get along eventually. But a clown monster? Can Melissa not think of any unique names for things or is the little girl not all there. Always with a smile: anything can be obtained as long as you have a smile. What does that mean? Can I get to the ground just by smiling? No, such a skill would the ultimate of broken skills. I give it a try and smile with my new razor sharp teeth showing and get sucked into a cavern deep inside a giant metal golem broken along the coastline. Vines have ensnared the brute and a coat of rust and limestone envelops the cave. In all the cave is deep and animal sounds can be heard further down. I equip my trusty HAPPY STABBY and venture further into the abyss. I remember the other weapon I got and equip SHIV in my other hand. My clothes have been replaced by Melissa when I was sent here. A red and yellow two piece suit along with MELISSA PARTY HAT made up the ensemble. I must look like a freak but the two piece suit gave me the ability to use stealth and booasted defense. As I saw my first animal, it was a giant snake that blended into the cave but my appearance brought fear into the beast that turned and ran from me. I gave the beast a quick chop with SHIV and stored the DNA of Rock Snake into the bio dome feature of SHIV. 

Many of the monsters in the cave were of the Rock family with thick outer shells and impressive defense. When put in a bind my ALWAYS WITH A SMILE skill would give me an upper hand as my will to win and having fun killing monsters would bring a smile to my face and the beasts would burst into a bloodbath that dyed my clothes a reddish copper before I knew it. The white face paint with my trademark clownish features turned to blood with my eyes a yellowish tint due to my poor eating habits. Eating, the monsters were all rocks. I was the only one made of meat. So if you are hungry and can regenerate what would you eat? Yes, as I tore into a juicy bicep strolling the cave. The sight of a tall man walking eating an arm that was caked in blood and mud must be revolting. I have learned to deal with the pain of regeneration over the endless hunger. Maybe, I am turning into an undead instead of a demon. I have not looked at my status page or used appraisal due to being immortal was fun. If I got owned by a monster, I wasted time regenerating. My suit would also regerate with me but its previous color was gone even if i attempted to wash them. But today I decided to look at my status page. 

Name: Sickening Clown

Race: Demon Lord

Job: Professional Killer

Skills: immortal soul, regeneration, Always with a Smile, Dagger Arts, Laughing Madly. 

What is with the weird name skills!