Chapter 8 clown does some planting
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Hades sure is a dismal place to live. There is no color, no excitement. Times like this calls for explosions to put some zest in life. ALWAYS WITH A SMILE. Paint the terrain with the blood of my victims. Look HAPPY STABBY this place looks so much better now. i'll put a wolf corpse statue over here and some work heads over there. Now we need to do something about these mountains. 

Plants. I never had a green thumb at home more like a black thumb. Maybe it would look cool to have a forest of limbs. What is wrong monsters? I will joy you in the donation of limbs, here I will plant my left arm here. Oh the blood is turning the ground black. Now everyone else donate some parts. 

SHIV I always forget about you suck up their blood while I go plant these limbs along the mountains. Add some magic so they will grow strong. Yes vegetation that smiles at you is the best it will make so many people happy when I'm done with it. SHIV is almost full I need to start making stuff with it, well another time.