Chapter 06 – In the darkness
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Helgar opens his eyes slightly to find complete darkness surrounding him. He realizes that they have covered his eyes with some dark leather blindfold. Trying to move his hands that were chained behind him, he could feel the cold heavy metal covering a big part of his forearm and locking them close to each other in an uncomfortable position that caused pressure to his arms and back. The weight of them adding tiredness to his shoulder as he tried to defy gravity by keeping them on air.

 And then again, he coughs, having trouble breathing as a shackle surrounded his neck that was chained to the wall pulling him in a standing position to his knees and consuming what left of his energy. He tried desperately to balance between not being choked by the chuckle and releasing the strain of raising his body from the ground. 

Finally, it was clear that they took out his sneakers, leaving him with bare feet  as each ankle was also locked with a cuff chained to the wall. 

He is not sure how to track time, however his senses is getting stronger. So as he tries to weave his thoughts away from his pain; he started focusing on the surroundings... a dripping sound *a single drip matches one second. * He talks to himself, his body shaking in seizure because of its situation. *one…two…* He starts to count the drips feeling the desperation of the moment. 

Staying in this situation for longer than hours, he could hear steps distorting the water drips' sound. "Helgar Ozaki; we meet again." Colonel Ralf said.

 "Ten thousand, five hundred, ninety-three," Helgar says aloud, frowning at the Colonel's disturbing voice, taking Colonel Ralf into surprise.

"Now that you are here, you have to obey the rules." Colonel Ralf says, his tone more serious and less cheerful than his first sentence. 

Still, Helgar continues playing the game he mastered best in his life, silence, he was hit by another seizure that struck him as if electricity through his whole body and caused a substantial shock to him. 

A cold smile is curved on Colonel Ralfs lips, watching Helgar going through this pain. 

" We have suffered too. It has been years looking for you, sleepless nights, and now you are finally here" The corner of Colonel Ralf's lips curls as his laughter is erupted echoing in the void prison room. 

"Ten thousand, six hundred, seventy-eight," Helgar replies. His voice is shaking but steady, which hits the nerves of Colonel Ralf. With the heat of the moment, the Colonel raises his shoes, kicking Helgar on his face and causing his nose and upper lips to start bleeding and dripping on the floor.

"Cheap, pitiful creature!!!" Colonel Ralf shouts in Helgars face, "…you can act calm all you want, but you cannot escape your destiny. And your destiny is mine."

 "Ten thousand, seven hundred and four," Helgar says, his lips are shaking; his voice was unsettled and suffocated.  

Colonel Ralf gets ready to kick him again before holding his nerves and bending on one knee to get closer to Helgar. "You will not be able to run; you will not be able to use your power here, you lost your humanity the moment you acquired this power, and I will show no mercy to you! Because of you, everyone suffers, the world is a safer place without you. When you are ready we can talk," 

Colonel Ralf says, his voice is not showing any sympathy while he stood up again. Just the moment he rises to his feet, he pulls one back with great force, and he pushes it forward kicking Helgars' on the stomach before turning and walking away. 

"You can chain my body, but you will never be able to chain my soul," Helgar says in a muffled voice that could barely be heard.

Colonel Ralf stops and looks back at him from the corner of his shoulder as a smirk was drawn at the edge of his lips. "We shall see," he says, walking away and leaving Helgar behind him.