Chapter 12 – An Egoistical Sergeant
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Above Ferro dungeon, where Helgars was captivated, stood a military operational building that consisted of three stories. The entire building was rusty and old. The halls were narrow, long, and obviously dark due to the inadequate maintenance of the unevenly scattered mostly defect or flickering bulbs. 

  Colonel Ralf, the head of Promesus Warrior and the most important person in that division, had chosen to spend these days at his secondary office in Ferro Dungeon.

For him capturing Helgar was like finding a treasure and that was enough to make him stay close to where Helgar is, even when he disliked the accommodation, the sweat of victory had still diminished the dread of this place. 

  He was sitting on a swivel-leathered chair that had punctures and rips on every side of it.  Colonel Ralf was inhaling his cigarette with a shaky hand, the anxiety and lack of sleep was reflected on his body. Hearing knocks on the door, he was thrilled  "Come in"

A Soldier came in, saluting the Colonel "Sir, Sergent Gil is outside waiting"

"Let him in.." Colonel Ralf grunted. This place already bored him enough to accept any visitor. Hence that person was slightly special.

 A handsome man, with long dark hair that was cued behind his shoulders and hazel almond shape eyes, came in. His carelessly yet elegant hair reflected arrogance, while his sharp eyes gave a sign of fierce character. The man seemed at his mid thirties, wearing the standard army Black jacket and pants with the decorated red edges and the white shirt beneath "Colonel Ralf.."

 Colonel Ralf jumped with excitement from his chair "Sergeant... please have a seat"

 Sergeant Gil stepped closer and sat on one of the guest chairs, crossing one leg over the other. A deliberate rude manner, that Colonel Ralf normally disapprove. yet Sergeant Gil was the man of difficult missions, which made the Colonel more tolerant to such behaviors.

 "So did you meet Helgar Ozaki already? “ Colonel Ralf asked, getting fully alert to what would the Sergeant say. 

 Sergeant Gil let a sneaky smile slide to his lips, while his eyes narrowed "the dead rat in the dungeon prison you mean"

"is he dead?!!" he barked at the Sergeant jumping from his seat and leaning forward in his office.

  Becoming irritated with the high pitch, Sergeant Gil waved his eyes away tapping with one of his hands on his leg "not yet. I think he will die in a matter of hours considering the situation I had seen him in"

"Hmph...Sergeant just do not understand" Colonel Ralf growled with a frown. He sat back on his chair, breathing some air after the fleet panic moment he has just got.

"Colonel..what is your goal here? I have the feeling, that you are pouring your hatred into Helgar" He paused for a moment, without hearing a response.  " I do understand that finding Helgar was a painful journey. Moreover, I also know that you want to revenge on what Naji did. But What I do not understand, is the goal of this impulsive torturing. Is it pure joy? and if so, why did you care when I said that he is dead?" 

"Sergeant Gil. please" The Colonel raised his voice with anger catching one-pointed pen and thrusting it into his cracked desk. The lack of sleep showed this irrational irritated behavior Colonel Ralf was showing. "This stupid creature is the reason why I have suffered all these years. Watching him grieve is an indulgence. I do not want him dead yet. Helgar is not a human, and should not be treated as one"

Sergeant Gil kept calm at his place, still tapping with his fingers on his leg "You are letting your inner desire decide for you. Helgar has a rare power and you definitely need him as an ally. " Sergeant Gil was about to continue as he got interrupted with aggressive manners.

" YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!! NO..NO....NO!" Colonel Ralf shouted at him, his hand started shaking as he stood up again getting close to where the Sergeant was sitting "Helgar is Naji...we have tried this with Naji before. to have him as an ally that is. it never worked. he fooled us"

"Then why did you call after me? Let him die. Keep torturing and mastering all the cruelty over him. Isn't that what you want, Sir? To crush Helgar body and soul?" His voice is still low and calm. He looked up at the standing Colonel not moving an inch from the comfort of his chair.

"Are you rooting for Helgar , Sergeant?" The Colonel questioned him

"I am never standing for stupid creature...I am just saying that Helgar inherited his power and for years he was hiding scared wanting his power to diminish. There is no point in torturing him.. we need to be smarter than this. Colonel" Sergeant Gil replied.

"Helgar the spawn of the devil, I do crave to see him dead. But first I want to rip this power out of his chest " Colonel Ralf leaned back with his both hands on the edge of the table, giving Sergeant Gil a chance to speak 

"I do not want to play the kind-hearted card, you know how many people I have tortured and killed myself...And I would enjoy seeing Helgar suffering to death as much as you do." Sergeant Gil sensed how Colonel Ralf gave him the stage to speak, causing him to adjust his posture and to bend forward,  leaning both his arms on his thighs. 

 Colonel Ralf looked at him still relaxed at his posture "Back to the same idea,  you want Helgar as an ally?" 

"Neither that Colonel. I do not want Helgar as an ally."

"Then what do you want Sergeant? What is it that you want?" Colonel Ralf started to lose his patience

"I want to tame Helgar ...I want to be his master" Sergeant Gil finally spitted out his intention, him being an ambitious Sergeant, he was eager for leaving an impact.

"Then No is my answer. Helgar will stay in this prison. I will make sure that he stays alive. But no training, no nothing. I think our meeting is over anyways" Colonel Ralf stood to his feet, he was very resistant to the idea of having Helgar out of the prison, no matter how Sergeant Gil rephrased it.

"Thanks, Colonel, I think calling after me, was a waste of both times" ending the talk with a rude comment, Sergeant Gil stood from his seat pulling some of his hair back. "It is a mistake though. You know even with our best elite Warriors. Our impact in the abandoned Kingdom Selenyth was mere. We couldn't leave a dent even in the corners"

"You are thinking tactics Sergeant, I am thinking strategic" Colonel Ralf replied to him.

*what a horrible strategic thinking you have Colonel* Sergeant Gil bit his tongue not to say these words. "Thanks, Sir, now if I may" He excused himself heading to the door and opening it to be surprised with a man standing behind the door.

 Arthur Walters, General of Kingdom Promethus Warriors and Saviours. The main head of the military, and the direct Vice President to King Artemis.  Very rare was his appearance if any to the soldiers.

Sergeant Gil set both arms at the side of his body saluting the General "Sir Walters, I have not noticed that you were waiting here, apologize" 

The General placed his hand on the shoulder of Sergeant Gil , expressing superiority "Sergent Gil, we are not done here. Come in please"