Chapter 13 – The Sergeant’s small victory
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General Arthur Walter, a sixty-five-year-old man having a big and tall figure, making anyone who stood by him to look insignificant and small. He had coal-black hair, with a moustache that stood under a large nose, perfectly fitting his squared face and visible wrinkles around his eyes. He was known to be always behind the curtains. In no way, he would be defined as the man of the spotlight. Yet he was highly trusted by the King, and he had a very close relation to the Colonels of each branch, Ralf and Adeno in that case. 

Unlike Colonel Ralf, no one understood General Walter's motivation. In the few times he had appeared, he kept a great distance between him and the other Majors and Sergeants. Moreover, he gave full trust and flexibility to his subordinates -the Colonels- to act independently and as they would wish. 

Sergeant Gil was the youngest of the two men standing in the room and had the lowest rank among them. However, that did not seem to bother him much or to put his spirit down. After all, Colonel Ralf had offered him several times to quit the battlefield and get promoted to a Major for a cluster of squads. Nevertheless, Sergeant Gil declined these offers without a glimpse of a second thought. He had a fondness for the battlefield, and training soldiers gave him a sensation of pleasure that traveled through his veins. The idea of becoming a major was dreadful to such a character, explicitly giving orders from the comfort of an operational seat away from the frontline. With all that in mind, The highest military rank officers gave him sufficient endorsement and high tolerance to his arrogance and presumptuous manners.

"Congratulation on capturing the spawn of the devil, Colonel." General Walters mentioned to the Colonel. All the three men were standing in the room.

"Greetings Sir Walters. such a great event indeed, thank you," Colonel Ralf stated, standing in the middle of the room and waving his hand politely for the General to sit on the office chair. 

"Gentlemen. Please sit," General Walters said, sitting on of one of the four modest guest chairs instead. Allowing in return for both the Colonel and the Sergeant to sit on the opposite guests' chairs. 

"I want to train Helgar, sir. I do think it is a wasted resource to mangle him in the basments of this dungeons." Invading the discussion right at the beginning, Sergeant Gil pitched his intention with courage and determination. He did not mind being unexcused to talk.

Colonel Ralf knitted his brows, frowning but rather keeping silent to that rude manner. 

"What does Colonel Ralf think?" General Walters questioned, waving his eyes away from the Sergeant and setting all his focus on to the Colonel. He wanted to give the Sergeant a bold sign that overcoming superiors is not tolerated. 

"Sergeant Gil is seeking to reinforce his squad. So that they can score better victories in the abandoned towns of Kingdom Selenyth. " saying that, Colonel Ralf was justifying the improper manner of Sergeant Gil.

"Is that your intention, Sergeant?" General Walters raised an eyebrow at him.

"That is correct, I have three reasons why I think Helgar should join the falcon's squad, Sir." Sergeant Gil set his tone lower, feeling already taunted with the earlier sign the General hinted to him.

"And these are?"

Sergeant Gil lifted his three fingers in the air. His body gestures are as enthusiastic as his words, "First, Helgar is captured for a couple of days. If he was dangerous or capable of controlling his power he would have already escaped this place. Or at least destroyed it." 

The Sergeant closed one finger leaving two in the air. "Second, to transfer the power from Helgar to anyone, you need two things, a choice, and an amulet. Naji cheated on us heavily on the will part, and to make this worse, we have lost the talisman ten years ago at the same day we had lost Naji. This magic power that Helgar owns, it will be wasted with his death. We have to be smart and purpose his power to our side, in other words to our Kingdom." Closing his fist, Sergeant Gil tilted his chin down to his hand and fell into an intentional silence.

"What is your third argument Sergeant." General Walters asked, setting both hands low, before steepling his fingers in a gesture of positive agreement to what the Sergeant had said so far.

The Sergeant gave an evil smirk at the sign he received, holding one finger up."Finally, Helgar is young and naive. I can shape him the way I want. I know the idea of having him as an ally is far-fetched. But if he strays, I will exterminate him immediately." He snapped he closed his hand snapping it in the air, his smirk becoming wider and his eyes narrowing with a sinister glow. "Out of the whole Kingdom Promesus Warriors, I am the only one who was able to slaughter hundreds of the demonic creatures in Kingdom Selenyth. Other sergeants were not even able to set foot in there, and the ones who did are already dead. Sir, if you allow me to purpose Helgar I will score victories that we have not even dared to reach in years from now" 

General Walters smiled, feeling aroused at the sinister desire of the Sergeant. "Colonel, what do you say?" The General questioned, he knew that he was not giving enough space for him to choose.

The Colonel sighed, raking his fingers through his hair. "Go Ahead, Sergeant, you can claim Helgar." 

Sergeant Gil clenched his hand, his heart beating faster in victory. "I do not know what to say. But thank you sir"  The Sergeant could not help but to rise up from his chair.

"Sergeant, I will not tolerate mistakes. If something unplanned happens, then I will wipe you and your squad off the face of this planet "

"You can trust me, sir," The Sergeant answered with a handful amount of confidence. The threatens did not seem to concern him. 

"Wait" The Colonel sprang up and stepped to his desk. He grabbed a small box and tossed it in the air for the Sergeant to catch it. "It is an injection, to keep Helgar alive. He has been refusing to eat and drink." 

*It will be fun to tame you Helgar* The Sergeant thought hiding a hint of a smile on his lips. "Thank you, Sir. Now if I may." Sergeant Gil bowed to both officers, his head is already in another place. He wanted to stay longer and discuss about Helgar and the next plans, but he was smart not to do so. He did not want any rules imposed on him and he did not want the assence of the confirmation to change. He walked with confident yet rushed steps to the door. Opening it and leaving the room behind.

"So excited, isnt he?" General Walters sneered. He did recognize that he pushed Colonel Ralf to accept and he could see that the Colonel was not happy with that decision. "You would lose him." 

"Huh?" The Colonel shook his head, looking puzzled at the General.

"Sergeant Gil, if you told him not to intervene, you would have lost him with that. And we cannot afford to lose a talented person like him," The General explained why he used his authorities to push such a decision. 

"That was not my reason. I only accepted because Naji would disapprove. I cannot buy the idea of Helgar becoming loyal to the Kingdom military. However, I would love to see, how the Sergeant would make an obeying dog out of him." The Colonel leered, his mind is already delighted by these thoughts.