Ch. 20 – Friends
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It was midday, Yuri and Kaizer were standing on a plateau.

In front of them, was a lizard. Not a dragon, but a lizard.

A lizard, so mundane in fact, that it didn't even do anything. It was just laying on a rock. Its lips curled up to a smirk.

Kaizer was frustrated and just a few seconds short of slicing the poor thing apart. Yuri went past the lizard, and kept walking, so Kaizer abandoned taking his rage out on it and followed her.

They had reached the middle of the plateau, and in front of them was a steep drop into a canyon below.

"How do we get over there?" Kaizer lamented.

"Don't worry about it." Yuri assured him, as she snapped her fingers.

The slates of the two sides began to stretch out of the edges and met in the middle to create a bridge, large enough for 5 people to cross at once.

"Let's go." Yuri said, "Don't look down."



They were taking a rest behind some rocks, drinking water and chewing on dried meat.

"Hey. Tell me about how you killed a dragon, Yuri."

"If you want to hear it." Yuri looked up at the sky, "I'll start with how I got into the fight in the first place. I was out and about in a forest on a warm summer day, when I found a hill. I climbed atop the hill and found that the view was so great, I leaned against the tree growing on the hill and fell asleep."

"I awoke to the hill shaking and rising, and got off of it as quickly as I could. It turns out, I was sleeping on a dragon.
He had been laying there for a long time, so long grass and a tree grew on his back. He was very angry about being awoken from his slumber. We fought and I won."

"That's interesting, but I want to know how you killed it."

"Ah. That's easy. I destroyed its heart."

"That's not what I expected." Kaizer sighed, "Is there a way to win without destroying the Heart?"


"That's good to hear."

"At least I think there is."

"Sometimes I have the feeling your thoughts are elsewhere."

"Maybe they are."

Suddenly, they heard a bellowing roar, as loud as thunder, shaking the ground. When they looked above, they saw it.

A dragon.

They packed their stuff up in seconds. The dragon had landed atop a plateau that was a mountain over.

They were now running towards a cliff, Kaizer screamed at Yuri, "We're gonna fall!"

Yuri snapped her fingers, not slowing down, she screamed back at Kaizer "JUMP!"

As their feet reached the edge of the cliff, they jumped at the same time, seemingly defying gravity and flying over to the other side of the cliff, more than 30 meters away. 

After running a but further, theey could see the dragon, a large, majestic being. 

With white scales shinier than Kaizer's hair. Pristine, sharp claws and atop her head, large horns, akin to Yuri's own.

She turned her head to them slowly.

She spoke in a smooth, kindred, but fear inducing voice,

"Ho. A demon and a human. 

What do you seek?"

Kaizer put his hand on the grip of his sword, but Yuri held him off. She made a bow, "Benevolent dragon, may I know your name?"

"It is I, Arazania, the forgotten." She seemed to snort, as her head knocked forward and a small blue flame released from her nostrils, leaving a trail of smoke. "What is your name, oh demon?"

"I am Yuri Sophia, Ruler of Kirznah."

"Ah. One of the many demon kings, I assume?"

"Indeed. Though I am the only one that remains."

"It seems that your country has been unified, demon." The dragon swung her gaze to Kaizer, "What is your name, human?"

"I.. I am Kaizer, crown prince of Goran."

"Ah. The son of the unifying human king."


"What has this unlikely pair come in search of?"

Yuri spoke up, "We have come in search of a dragon."

"And, now that you have found one, what is it that you plan to do?"

Kaizer threw a questioning look to Yuri, as if asking what her other plan was.

"I bid you a plea, O' Arazania."

"A plea?"

"Yes. This young emperor-to-be feels that he himself is not enough for his country to accept him as a Ruler, due to the schemes of his step-mother. I wish for you to be his companion." 

"You want me to be his... bond?"

"No. It is nothing to that extreme. I merely wish for you to watch over him for a while."

Arazania's nose released smoke, before it came out of her mouth and made the sound of meat in a frying pan. She was snickering in earth shaking breaths.
After she had calmed, she asked, "What do I have to gain from this?"

"Whatever you may desire."

"Your soul, too?"

"I am afraid not."

Arazania snickered again, "I suppose that is a little too much to ask, even for me. I will demand my compensation at a later date, then. I accept your request, as it seems interesting enough."

"Than-" Yuri was cut off by Kaizer, bowing, "Thank you." which seemdd to be directed at both Yuri and Arazania.

"It is nothing, human."

"I'm glad i could help you, prince. Attaining the strength of a dragon does not mean you have to fight it."

"Yes, thank you."

"So, human, where shall we go?"

"Kaizer. I have a little surprise for you. Would you come back home with me?"

"Of course. But we don't have much time."

"It wont take long."

Well, we're close to the end, which doesn't mean it's over for our Mcs, but yk. This is one of the most fun things ive done. Hope you enjoy till the end. ^~^

Also i made a discord server. Drop by if you have the time. Its nothing too interesting but ill post updates and what not. You might even be able to wring some info out of me.