Chapter 12 – Viridian City
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Chapter 12 – Viridian City

I was not in the best of moods. 

"Celeste, look over there! See all the trainers? *Pause* Are you excited to be in your first battle? *Pause* Oh? *Longer Pause* No, don't worry you are gonna do great! *Pause* I bet you are~~! *Pause* No, you're the cutest~!"

This. This is why I am not in the best of moods. Not the fact that they were getting along fantastically, or the fact that she hovered around Lara all night last night, nor even the fact that they had woken me up at 6 am giggling and baby talking with each other. No. What was getting under my skin was the literal hours of conversation that went on just like that as we walked. Lara talking out loud and waiting for Celeste to respond in her mind. I loved Lara, but the woman could talk forever...and so could Celeste apparently.

Pyra and Grace abandoned me 3 hours ago. They got fed up with it and returned to their Pokeballs. Angie was still with me, but only to sniff and smell new things. She walked about 40 feet ahead of us at all times. To make matters worse, there was nothing interesting to look at or do along the way. Lara was busy with Celeste and I didn't want to wander off on my own. God help me if they both got lost. No trainers, same old wild Pokemon, - cool and interesting the first few times, but not so much after the 100th - and to top it all off, it was a hot, humid, overcast day. I trudged on, up the last hill until we finally made it to the entrance gate to Viridian City. We had made it here in 3 days, which was about a day later than we planned. We reached the city right around 4 pm, according to my watch.

Couldn't you have just used the car your dad gave you? Nope. No roads on Route 1 and it is all uphill. The car wouldn't have made it. Besides, we forgot to register our PokeLicenses before we left. So I couldn't drive even if I wanted to. The PokeLicence was an all in one type thing. It held your trainer information, driver's license, aviation license, - yes that is a thing that required classes to get. Don't want kids flying into buildings after all - teleport license, - same as the last, just preventing even more gruesome deaths - boating license, - still called that, but mainly for use with Pokemon - as well as any League clearances you have. We had our old ones, from when we were minors, but we needed to update them.

In fact, we couldn't even battle with the trainers we were currently passing until we updated them, souring my mood even more. 

"Oh! We are here! Okay, love, you gotta stay quiet for a bit. Normal Abra's can't talk like that. *Pause* Aw! I love you too. No need to miss me, we will be right here with you. I promise we will talk again as soon as we can. *Pause* You bet we can cuddle again tonight. Alright, talk to you in a bit."

Lara catches up to me as I show my PokeLicence to the city guard. She kisses my cheek, before showing her license as well. The guard scowls at our display of affection but still takes the opportunity to look down Lara's shirt as she bends over to put her license back in her bag before slinging it back on her shoulder. I have the sudden urge to punch his lights out. Calm. Finn. Calm down. The last thing we need is an altercation with the city police. Just get to the League office, get your new ID, get some food, - preferably at a place that caters to Pokemon as well - and settle down in a nice hotel to sleep. I can do this.

We pass the checkpoint and head down the street towards where the guard directed us was the City League Office. Lara wraps her arm around mine and leans to say in a low voice, "Arceus, Finn, she is so cute! And we can talk to each other! I feel like I have a baby sister!"

"I'm glad you two are getting along," I say with fake cheer. No reason to lash out at her. Keep calm and keep centered, Finn.

"Babe...what's wrong?" Of course, she sees through me in a second. I lean in and kiss the side of her head. 

"Sorry love, I have a headache, it is super muggy, and I am a bit upset at myself for forgetting to get the licenses updated before we left. Pyra and I were really looking forward to battling today, but it doesn't look like we will be able to until tomorrow." All these things are true, so I don't feel bad not mentioning Celeste.

"You should have told me about the headache!" She says worriedly. "I have medicine I could have given you!"

"You were busy," I say before thinking. Fuck! So much for not lashing out. What are you, 5, Finn?

Thankfully, Lara takes it well. She smirks. "Aw~~, is my poor Finny jealous of me talking with Celeste all day?" She teases - no heat or real intent to wound in her words. 

I am about to respond, when Lara pulls my arm hard, drags me into a nearby alleyway, puts Celeste down on the ground, shoves me up against the wall, and kisses me intensely. We pull away after a few moments, panting, and she smiles up at me with love shining in her eyes. "If you want my attention, all you ever have to do is ask, baby. I am yours, always."

Damn. This is why I love her. I guess it is best to just say it and get it out of the way than bottling it up. I sigh and relax a bit, feeling muscles that were tense all day loosen up. My headache even lightens up. She is medicine herself, it would seem. Lara picks up the whining Celeste and consoles her quietly.

"Sorry, hun, the back and forth with you and Celeste all day was starting to get on my nerves. I guess I was just butt hurt on getting left out of the conversations."

{I can't talk to both of your minds at the same time yet, but I am happy to say things twice if you'd like? I am sorry if I was bothering you...} Celeste offers, looking depressed and making me feel even worse about it all. I kneel down and smile at the fake Abra. 

"Thanks, Celeste. I think this weather is just getting to me. You two enjoy yourselves and don't force it unless it is something you would like my input on." I rub the top of her head and she coos happily.

I then take the opportunity presented to me by Lara's hands being occupied and motorboat my fiance before stealing another kiss from the shocked and outraged woman.

"Dammit, Finn! You slobbered everywhere! Clean it off, you jerk!" She demands, pouting cutely.

'Ah, I feel much better now!'

* | * | *

Lying in the hotel bed, I am up on my elbow, shirtless and in only boxers, - the only correct male sleeping attire - and looking over at my fiance in her nightgown cradling a sleeping mythical Pokemon.

"So remind me again why we aren't challenging Lance tomorrow, but are still going to his Gym?" Lara says, yawning prettily.

"Picking up the third...fourth? member of my team. I am still not sure who Celeste is partnered with, you or me..."

"You, silly. You got the quest from the Watcher, you needed a guide for your grand adventure, and you wanted an Abra, of course she is here she is for you! ...She just loves me more." She says with a smug and teasing grin - again, not meaning bad anything by it.

Why do I always clarify that? Because if I don't someone, somewhere is going to flip out about how horrible my Lara is. Couples tease and banter without meaning to hurt each other. They get into fights and makeup strengthening their relationships like folded iron in a forge. This is real emotions and real love, not some fantasy about a guy getting everything he wants, going around with no issues or problems, and fucking all the hot chicks in sight. That may be what some like, but that is not me. That is not us...Who am I talking to, anyway?...

"And Finn...I can't believe you bought into that scam...Lance is a drunk, 'Disgraced Former Champion' all the tabloids say...10 mill (~$96,000 USD - Damn!) for a Pokemon, even a Dragon-type, is just insane. The Arodactyl in Pewter City I ordered only cost me 5 mill (~$48,000 USD). For a resurrected ancient Pokemon! You can find Dratini's in the wild not even a couple of weeks from here! *Sign* We need to be better about our spending habits, remember?"

"Relax, baby, would I do this without a plan? I know I can get one in the wild, but this is another variant Pokemon. That is why I agreed to the crazy amount. After seeing Pyra and that Golden Fearow-"

"You mean your mom?" She giggles and I stick my tongue out at her. 

"Ah, yes. After I saw Pyra and my dear, sweet mother Fearow's growth, I wanted to test a theory. If I am right, then not only are variant Pokemon rare, but they may even be further along the evolution scale as normal Pokemon of their kind. Evolutionary Deviation is the phrase Max's world had for it. Species that evolve in different ways or take different paths in their evolution."

"But there is an entire field of research dedicated to Pokemon evolution, Finn. I don't mean to criticize or undermine your curiosity, but what are you hoping to bring that hasn't already been recorded? The data on variant Pokemon and them usually being stronger is common knowledge..." She asks, worried for me.

"Yes, but remember what I said about normal animals in Max's world? They take millions of years to evolve, and it is not based on power levels or strength. They evolve based on necessity. From what I have seen, no one has looked into the theory that these variant Pokemon are not in the same evolutionary line as others of their species. Not only stronger in some regard, but they may have evolved to have unique abilities or even different typings! This is the bridge that could link variant Pokemon to Delta Pokemon!" I finish excitedly and my fiance smiles at me encouragingly, still not really understanding. I am not sure I understand myself, but I am following a hunch and having fun, so who cares.

2 things of note here: 

  1. Animals exist here as well but most species went extinct long ago. Those that are left are bred for human consumption. It is kind of sad, really, but in a world of powerful monsters that everyone seems to prefer, no one minded as the ones without powers died off. Just natural selection at its best, I suppose. Who wants a normal dog when you can have a dog that can shoot water, fire, or thunder from its mouth? 
  2. Variant colored Pokemon are generally considered to be stronger than normal Pokemon. This is why Prya was prepared specifically for Jeremy all those years ago. When they are seen in the wild, they are quickly caught and sold off to the rich and powerful. The League isn't a fan of this practice, but money is king, even here, and there is not much they can do about giant companies and conglomerates. They have done their best, however, to set up laws and rules about how Pokemon caught in this way must be handled and cared for before they are sold. No rooms full of caged Pokemon. Companies that deal in the sale of rare and variant Pokemon often have to set up their own special reserves for them and are always under inspection or audits. Fail to meet the League's requirements, and you will have the Rangers descend on you faster than you can say Ralts. The atrocities of Team Rocket and other gangs are still fresh in many people's minds, even after their disbandment. 

"Ok, babe. I am with you no matter what, and I will support you with whatever I can. You are doing the same for me, so I can't slack off either, now can I?" She says with a confident smile, grasping my hand in hers.

"Thanks, Lara." I lean in and kiss her nose sweetly and she giggles again.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow then?"

"Breakfast with the girls, bullying some trainers until my meeting with Lance at 3 pm, getting my new team member and spending some time with him, then I thought we could go on a date to see the town at night, just the two of us."

"That sounds great to me." She says, her eyes sparkling, "I know Grace has been getting antsy waiting for a new challenge. She and Pyra know each other so well that their battles look like choreographed dances now and I fear they are not learning anything from each other. Angie is still too weak to train with them and we haven't really tested Celeste yet..."

"Don't worry, love. Tomorrow all our girls will get to battle to their heart's content. I can't wait to show the world just how much of beast Pyra is and to show off Angie's training. We will get to see what Celeste is made of as well and Grace can finally let loose. It is gonna be so much fun. We are gonna make some new trainers cry for sure." I say with a laugh and a roguish smile.

"God, you are so sexy when you get in your 'Confident Mode...'" She says biting her lower lip and giving me The Look. Capitals. The one I mentioned a while back. 

I look at her with wide eyes, realizing what usually follows this look. I glance at her, glance at Celeste, then back at her with a look of exacerbation of my own saying, "What do you want me to do about it?"

She glances down at the cute, pink bundle in her arms and whispers, "Celeste, sweety, Finn and I need some alone time now, can you join the rest in their Pokeballs?"

Celeste just "Mew"'s sleepily and buries herself deeper in Lara's arms. *Pause* "I know I said I would cuddle with you sweetie, but we have cuddled all night already..." *Pause* "No, of course, I don't hate you!" She says looking panicked. I say nothing and just smirk at my struggling fiance. Their talking doesn't seem to bother me as much this time for some reason...

"Celeste, Finn and I just need some hour or so then we can..." *Pause* "No! I won't break my promise with you I just..."

She shoots me another look screaming, 'Help me!' but my smirk just grows into a full shit-eating grin. I love being intimate with my fiance, don't get me wrong, but she definitely has the larger libido out of the two of us. Plus, I am getting a sick sense of satisfaction watching her squirm...Am I a sadist too?

"Yes...alright, Celeste. But tomorrow I need some alone time with Finn, okay?" *Pause* "Yes we can still cuddle tomorrow, but just not all night..."

She shoots me one last look saying, "Can't we just..."

I lean over and kiss her forehead before saying. "Night Lara. Night Celeste. Sleep well." Before rolling over and turning off the bedside table light. I can hear Lara's teeth grinding in the darkness and my grin stays in place for long minutes until I finally fall asleep.  

* | * | *

"Ha! You have 0 wins. Are you sure you want to challenge me? You only get money if you win, you know. I have 27 wins and 3 losses with my Rhyhorn. And your Charmelon is the size of a Charmander, maybe even smaller! And...And it's Pink!" The idiot trainer mocks and laughs at me and Pyra. Ah, the sweet, sweet game of hustling newbs. He looks like a biker from the games, all black leather and spikey accessories. He has black hair tied back in a ponytail and has a classic bad-boy vibe going on. I picked him specifically because he had bullied his last two trainers after stomping them. He should be decently strong and I was here to prove that payback is a bitch.

Pyra looks up at me worriedly in her minimized form, just like we practiced, and while she appears timid, her eyes are burning with a passion to crush this asshole.

"I don't know, babe... Are you sure you can beat him?" Lara goads from the side, fighting hard to keep a smile from her face. Grace is laying down in the grass next to her curled up with Angie uninterestedly. She seems to not approve of this game and Angie just likes spending time with her big sister. Celeste is in Lara's arms in her Abra disguise and is laughing amusedly at the proceedings.  

"Yea, you better listen to your girlfriend, bud. In fact, why don't we bet her on it? We can even make it an unofficial match so I don't bring you into the negatives on your Trainer ID. What do you say, sweetheart? How about I show you a good time around town? Women say I am really good~, if you know what I mean." He says waggling his eyebrows at Lara. 

She loses all mirth in that instant and gives him a frosty scowl. "Enough, Finn. Kick his ass or I will do it myself."

I also am no longer amused and ask, "Are you gonna accept or not?"

"Alright, chill dude, chill. And it is your loss sweet tits. Let's do this. You wanna ref beautiful?"

"I would love nothing more," she says cooly moving to the side of the battlefield with the rest of our Pokemon.

We are just outside the city on a grassy field at the end of Route 1 that has many such battlefields set up, all marked in white paint. Trainers of all different types and kinds battle all up and down this long stretch of land. Most cities have places like these for training and friendly battles...but this battle had turned decidedly unfriendly real quick and I was ready to destroy his Pokemon and maybe even knock a tooth or two out.

"Both trainers ready? This will be a 1 on 1 standard fight. No substitutions. KO defeat conditions, agreed?"

"Agreed," Says the guy smugly

"Agreed," I growl.   

"Start!" Lara commands as a small crowd is starting to form around. Pyra is drawing in a lot of attention.

"I'll let you have the first move, it looks like you are gonna need a handicap..." He says with a bored wave of his hand.

I smirk. "Thanks for that. Pyra, cancel minimize and move in for Plan F-6. Don't torment the Rhyhorn. It is not its fault its owner is a douchebag."

Pyra grows to her full 8 1/2 foot glory and roars before charging forward deceptively quick. 

"Fuck! Rhyhorn use bulldoze!"

Pyra is nearly on top of the giant Rock Pokemon as it starts to shuffle its feet and charge. If a feat of raw strength, Pyra stops the just beginning attack and grabs both front legs of the confused Rhyhorn. She lifts the heavy Pokemon up, her arms bulging with the strain, and starts to spin on her heels using her massive tail as a counterbalance. They spin together once, twice, three-time gaining speed and momentum with each spin before Pyra launches the Rhyhorn straight up into the air with a Seismic Toss and lets gravity do the rest. 

The Rhyhorn lands hard on the soft ground and small cracks appear in its armored hide. It groans before standing up again. As Pyra is breathing silver fire on her tail, the chump trainer yells,

"Horn Attack, now, you useless pile of rocks!"  

The Rhyhorn's shoulders seem to sag a bit but it follows its trainer's command. It charges again and rams its horn deep into Pyra's stomach, gouging out a bit of her hide and leading to an explosion of blood from the wound.

'Fuck! A critical hit? Really?' I grind my teeth in worry for my partner. 

Pyra whines with the pain but keeps up her fire which now has her tail glowing red, covered in liquid metal. She whirls around as the Rhyhorn attempts another bulldoze and meets its charge head-on with a massive and powerful Iron Tail that stops it in its tracks and forms a large crater in the face shield of the rocky Pokemon's hide. It screams in pain before falling to the ground, motionless. 

"End! Finn is the hunky winner~~!" Lara says with a huge smug smile on her face. Grace, Angie, and Celeste all scream their applause, and several others around us clap. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! You lying, cheating son of a whore!"

I ignore him and rush over to Pyra giving her 2 sprays of Super Potion in her mouth and 1 directly on the wound to numb the pain. "Great work, girl. Take a break and get some water from my bag." She nods and winces as the wound starts to close and heal before our very eyes.

"Hey, shit for brains, I'm talking to you!"

I turn to the raging biker who looks more like a kid throwing a tantrum than an adult now and ask, "What? I won. I'm not you're mommy, so why don't you go cry to someone who cares?"

People around us chuckle and his face gets even redder as he yells, "Oh yeah? Well, why don't I bend your little slut over here now and show her what a real man feels like?"

I snap. Standing slowly I start to make my way over to him seeing red as he begins to square up, "Yeah, that's right chicken shit. Let's fucking go!"

Lara is in front of me in an instant, holding me back, or at least trying to. These muscles aren't just for show and I weigh a lot, after all. "Finn. Stop. Dammit, stop! We have a lot of shit to do today, we don't have time to get arrested for public brawling. Ah...Fuck it."

At this last, she pulls my head down forces her tongue into my mouth kissing me hard and passionately. It works, as I am brought from anger to confusion to arousal real quick. We break the kiss, panting hard, to whoops and catcalls all around and we both blush. She wasn't holding back there...did she get a little too into it?

"Fuck you guys. And fuck this lousy hunk of rock. Do you hear me, Stoner? I release you. I hope you get hit by a truck." The biker kicks the wounded Pokemon in it's still cracked, but slowly healing, head and storms off. Unfortunately for him, a Pokemon Ranger had joined the crowd, drawn in by Pyra, and was quick to arrest him. Fucking dumbass through and through.

"Thanks, babe. I am sorry for causing a scene," I say and look down. but Lara is not there. She is, instead, over at the Rhyhorn's side, spraying a Full Restore on its wounds and in its mouth. 

Damn... those things cost nearly 3 mill each! Each spray is 3k wasted, so they say. It looks like she is getting full use out of it, however, as the Rhyhorn is quickly back to full and looking thankfully at her. I glance back at Pyra, who has a crowd of admirers - mostly girls - around her, but they stay far enough away for me not to worry. Grace, Angie, and Celeste have made their way over to her to congratulate her again. 

I walk over to Lara and the Rhyhorn and hear her talking to it, "-nasty man. He released you, so how would you like to join a team that will care for you? I won't force you, but you are exactly what I have been looking for! I could really use your strength and endurance on my team, and Grace over there, the Flareon, needs a big brother to watch out for her. Plus," She continues as I walk up smiling and patting her shoulder, "I travel with Finn here so you can train and have a rematch with Pyra anytime! If you'd rather leave, no problem, but I would really like to work with you as an equal, as a partner. What do you say?" 

She holds out its Pokeball that was tossed aside by the asshole now in Ranger custody. The Rhyhorn doesn't even hesitate. It immediately hits the button on the ball with its snout and gets sucked inside in a stream of red light. Lara smiles and kisses the top of the ball after making sure to wipe it off on her shirt. "Welcome to the team. We will work on getting you a better name than 'Stoner' soon."

She stands up and I hug her, whispering in her ear, "You always wanted a Rhyhorn?"

She whispers back, "He was suffering and abandoned, Finn. I could use him on my team, so why not? Artiodactyl is Rock-type as well, but that is Okay. They are different enough that I think it should be fine. Besides, I couldn't leave it behind like that...I know it is not optimal but-"

I stop her with a kiss and tell her, "Your compassion and understanding is one of the main reasons I fell for you, Lara. You don't have to apologize or explain anything to me. I am proud that you saved that Pokemon. He will be an excellent member of your team, I am sure."

She hugs me and we stay like that for a second before a voice calls out to us.

"Hey...when you are done...would one of you want to battle me?"

I smile down at Lara and say, "Looks like you're up!"

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it. =D