“Just one? Nobody else?” I asked, recalling the drawings made by Big Marcy. The island had three rivers flowing out to the sea. Each had arrows and notes about guards posted. They must be rotating the entrance they used. Smart. I wanted to check the drawings but didn’t want Jubjub to know about them. My connection to Big Marcy was an ace Dario’s side wouldn’t expect.
“None that I detected,” Jubjub replied. “It’s possible an Adumbrae with stealth powers on par with mine is also lurking around.”
“If they have someone like you,” I said, “there’s no need for the guy on a tree. They don’t have that many Adumbrae, much less those suited for nightguard duty, to sprinkle everywhere.”
“I’m here as an assurance.” Deen raised her hand. “Gabe will warn us if there’s more danger.”
“Which means that you have to stay as backup.” I turned to Jubjub. “That leaves me and Jubjub to deal with the guy. I think it’s better if I go and then—”
“Why you?” Deen interjected. “Gabe will—”
“Will tell you to run away,” I cut in. “We’re not avoiding this guy. We need to capture him for interrogation, which is much harder than killing him. Trust me on this one. Here’s my plan…”
“Hello? Anyone there?” I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled. It was difficult to put a bitchy edge to my voice. I imagined myself to be a self-important, irate customer. “I got freaking left behind! What kind of service is this?”
Only insects answered me. To get even more noticeable, I used Deen’s flashlight as I made my way to the tree Jubjub mentioned.
The Adumbrae must be scratching his head about what to do with me. Problem was if he radioed headquarters to check if the boats were missing a passenger. That’d alert the whole island to our presence before we could do anything. Jubjub was stationed near him to keep watch. If he didn’t follow our script, we’d dispose of him as fast as possible instead of trying to question him.
Trying to question… We did need information, so Deen went along with my plan that I should meet our friend on a tree. Deen might have her Guardian Angel, but she didn’t have the strength to restrain a strong Adumbrae, which this guy would be. Even just fighting to survive might be too much for her. My true intention, however, was to be the main character and have some banter with the bad guys. The Red Island theme park experience would have a good start.
Jubjub provided me with some intel about my prey. He had a beast-like form—tall, long-limbed, and hairy. This guy must have a heightened predator sense to be assigned in the jungle. Or forest. He’d be stronger and faster than other Adumbrae. I had to watch out for any special abilities.
“This is such bullshit!” I kept on yelling while stomping toward the tree.
The less time the Adumbrae had to react, the less likely he’d phone home for instructions. His initial impression of me would be an entitled rich girl having a fit. I had removed my wetsuit and was wearing casual clothes. My damned clothes were starting to get ruined by the brambles and weeds. I did look very much the part of lost.
And then, the Adumbrae would continue to examine me and notice something wasn’t right apart from the obvious. What’d happen next was the gamble. From my encounters with other artificial Adumbrae, like Theo the Trash Monkey, I was confident I had the winning bet.
The tree rustled and something massive dropped from its branches, noiselessly landing. I directed my flashlight the Adumbrae’s way as he drew his fall height of ten feet. He had long dark fur and sharp claws. His glowing red eyes regarded me as he sniffed the air with his long snout, baring his fangs with a snarl. The triangular ears on top of his head wiggled, pointing this way and that to pick up sounds of threats.
“A werewolf?” I jerked back. This is absolute bullshit. Copyright infringement of the highest order!
I badly want to use my Blanchette face and show this guy his place—six feet under the ground. But even if I could transform out of Jubjub’s sight, this guy would avoid me instead. He should know about Red Hood. He’d alert everyone to my presence.
“Scared, little girly?” asked the werewolf in a low growl as he swaggered towards me, swinging his lengthy arms that came down past his knees though he wasn’t crouching.
“I’m not a little girl, you smelly furball,” I shot back, haughty and annoyed. A lame comeback but fitting for my mask; this was a mask as compared to a face. Hands on my hips were mandatory. “And I’m not scared one bit. Now, take me to the others. The insects are biting me.”
“Sounding too demanding, are we, little girl? I don’t like your tone… Catty, catty.” He made mocking clawing motions. His curved dagger claws gleamed under the moonlight. “Know that we’re in the forest with no one to hear you scream.”
Thank you for confirming you don’t have a backup, stupid copycat. Also, he didn’t know I wasn’t alone. Deen was staying far away, thankfully. Jubjub not revealing herself meant this bastard didn’t try to contact anyone. This werewolf seemed quite bored and pleased with some break in the monotony of his duty—I guessed right.
“My name is Erind Hartwell,” I said. Not sure why I went with my real name. Really feeling the main character vibes, I supposed. “Big Marcy will have his foot up your ass if something bad happens to me.”
The werewolf threw his head back and laughed. “Big Marcy doesn’t have power on this island. And neither do you, Ms. Hartwell. Did I hear that right? Your name doesn’t ring any bell… if that’s even your real name. I’ll introduce myself since my mother raised me well. The name’s Romulus.”
“Romulus? As in Remus and Romulus, the guys raised by a wolf and founded Rome? Is that your real name or did you choose it after you gained the powers to be a stray dog?” I was trying to agitate him. Not that I had a better naming sense.
“I chose this name!” Romulus thumped his chest. “The old me is no more. Now, I go by Romulus, and I’m telling you my name as your opponent.
“Opponent? What’re you talking about?” I struggled to keep the laughter out of my voice. He wasn’t aware he was following the script.
“I know you’re faking it, little girl.” Romulus took a few more steps forward, putting me in range of his claws. He stared at me; his irises swirled like a flushed toilet bowl. “I can see you’re not normal. You’re lying that insects are biting you.” He pointed to his ears. “I can hear your heartbeat, loud and clear. It’s beating fast but not out of fear. Adrenaline’s rushing through your veins. Readying yourself for a fight? Eager to die, eh?”
“Cut that Little Red Riding Hood crap,” I said, furiously pointing a finger at him. “And I’m not looking for a fight. I’m looking for my accommodations. My beauty sleep is out of schedule!” Maybe I should audition for movies. I wasn’t fooling this guy, I was cognizant, but I felt I was doing a pretty good job of being the bitchy character.
Romulus tapped the end of his snout. “Lastly, I can smell that you’re like me… a monster.”
I sighed. “Okay, are you done with Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma?”
Romulus wriggled his nose. “I smell blood on you… you’re a killer.”
“Are you talking in, like, a metaphorical sense or something? Because I haven’t killed recently. And I often take a bath.”
“Done with the charade, eh? So fast.”
I shrugged. “I already drew you out.”
“You finally admit you’re an enemy?” Romulus snapped his jaws at me, stopping inches from my face. I didn’t flinch. “You’re the first intruder I’ve ever encountered. Mind-numbingly boring, this job. At long last, someone came along, an opportunity to stretch my muscles.”
Like many other artificial Adumbrae, Romulus the Doggy would want to test how powerful he had become, I had guessed. Given that he was strong enough to be a guard, I doubted he’d settle for some discarded mutants in the arena. He was raring for a real challenge. His predatory animalistic instincts stoked the fire; I experienced that urge as Blanchette.
I shook my head. “I’m not going to fight.”
Romulus tilted his head, his ears flopping to the side. Confusion was apparent on his doggy face. “What do you mean? You’re infiltrating this island. Defeat me so you can move on. But you’ll lose.”
“If I’ll lose, better not to fight, right?” I walked forward. He observed me but didn’t make a move. Too bad. I really wanted him to pounce first. I stopped parallel to him and beckoned. “Come on. I’m your prisoner now.”
“Thi-this isn’t how it’s supposed to play out…”
I shook my head. “You’re not using your brain, Grandma. I want to get to your base. What’s the quickest way to do that? Get captured and brought there, duh.” I was using Reo’s tactic back in the whale monster’s stomach. If I appeared coherent, Romulus the Doggy would be more guarded. “Way less risky option for me too. Look at you—you’re a freaking werewolf! Look at me. A little girl, as you said. I have powers, yeah, but I also don’t want to get—urgh!”
I flew in the night sky, my stomach burning and stinging. Romulus hit me so fast, that I didn’t see it. Mostly, because it was dark. Impossible for me to be all badass, standing still and absorbing the hit, surprising the enemy.
Too bad I’m too light, was my thought before slamming against a tree trunk.
I tumbled down the branches, all the way to the forest floor. Jungle floor? This was going to be a hassle fighting him. Not hard; just a hassle. Like cleaning my room. The important thing was that he struck me first. No problem what I’d do to him later.
Don’t help me, Deen, I prayed as I picked myself up. Don’t fucking ruin my moment.
Earlier, I made Deen promise not to butt in the fight no matter what happened. I needed to act beatable first so this bastard would get close to me. He must have stealth skills if he was assigned to watch over this area.
I could barely see my front—the tree canopies blocked the moonlight—but I felt my shredded shirt wet with blood. The cuts weren’t deep. They were already healing. No biggie. I was more annoyed about having yet another outfit ruined. Thoughts of buying a whole bunch of clothes from thrift stores were interrupted by a pair of red eyes glowing from the shadows.
I flew some distance, and Romulus was already here. A special ability or just moving fast?
“You’re quite durable, little girl,” he growled, holding up his right hand. It was hard to see what he was trying to show me. He pulled something from his fingers, and then his fingers extended.
Oh, I broke some of his claws, I realized. He removed them so new ones would grow. I nonchalantly walked towards the river to get more light. No point pretending to be hurt. “And you’re quite rude. I was surrendering. Just take me to your base and you can continue your boring job watching grasshopper hop or something.”
Romulus didn’t move from his spot, his eyes trained on me. “Who… No. What are you, Erind Hartwell? You’re not a Corebring. You don’t have… their smell.”
He has met a Corebring before? “Don’t smell me, you freak,” I shouted. He wasn’t a generic side character; his guard was up after hitting me. I should’ve caught our first contact. Would he raise the alarm? Jubjub should be on him. Should we take him down fast?
“An Adumbrae… I’m ninety-nine percent certain.” As Romulus spoke, his eyes moved in the darkness as if he was teleporting, showing up here, then there, and suddenly, up a tree. He must be using his ability. “Again, what are you?” He emerged to the left side of the tree line, walking out of the darkness, leaving after images like I was drunk.
“Your guess is right,” I said, pondering about what his power could be. “I’m an Adumbrae… a real one.”
“Oho!” Romulus laughed. “I’ve always wanted to fight a true Adumbrae.” With that, we were back to following the script. He slightly bowed, gesturing to the forest. “True Adumbrae, Erind Hartwell, what brings you here?”
“Food,” I answered truthfully, though that was also the right response to egg him on. “You’re all food to me.”
“Let’s do this then!” Romulus let out a powerful roar. He grew taller and wider, muscles bubbling under his fur, becoming an even bigger werewolf.
That’s my power! Super bullshit.
Romulus became twice wider and added around five feet to his height when he stopped growing. That after-image thing was still there even if he was standing still. It was as if I was cross-eyed looking at him. The longer I looked, the dizzier I became.
“I already alerted them to our location,” he said, in a much lower voice that I almost didn’t understand him. “I did it before coming down to meet you.”
“Wha-what?” I rubbed my eyes and looked at Romulus the Doggy again. All his images merged into one. “Alerted who?”
“Headquarters. That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?” Romulus proved yet again he wasn’t a run-of-the-mill grunt. “I’ll defeat you before they arrive. Give me some entertainment here.”
Did he really do it? Jubjub should’ve stopped him if he tried to contact anyone. No incentive for her to betray us just yet. Since I was already gambling, I bet Jubjub must’ve disabled his communications without him knowing. Likelier, Romulus was making up stories to trick me into fighting him, which I was going to do anyway.
Something caught my eye by Romulus' feet. Specifically, his faint shadow cast by the moon, darker than the darkness around. The shadow left the ground and crept up his right leg, a flattened tentacle of black merging with fur—Jubjub. Romulus couldn’t sense it because what was there to sense from a shadow? Only sight was useful, and Romulus was fixated on me. Jubjub hadn’t solidified the shadow yet into her dark slime form.
I nodded. “Okay, let’s fight.”
I barely finished speaking when Romulus roared and rushed forward. Or he tried to, but Jubjub broke his charge. His shimmering body solidified. Jubjub pulled down to off-balance him. She didn’t have enough force to stop him, so she used his strength and momentum against him.
Romulus fell to the ground, putting out his hands to support himself. I jumped on him. He caught me, his hand enclosing my torso. “What cheating trick—? Yargh!”
I tore his index and middle finger to free myself, skin, muscles, and bones. His other fingers still gripped me tight. He pulled me to his open mouth, massive jaws lined with fangs bigger than my arms. What kind of idiot puts dangerous things inside his mouth? I caught his jaws as he chomped on my head. Then I tried to twist his mouth around. He resisted. He jerked his head back while pulling me away. I ended up tearing out the ends of his mouth.
“You bitch!” Romulus slammed me into the ground with a flattened palm.
Grandma is hungry lol