10.1 Austin Finally Manages to Make That Offering Bowl
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Heyo! It's Schwab. Thanks to a couple of author buddies of mine, I've jumped up to 111 readers! Woohoo! Make sure you check out their stories: Delta's and RavensDagger

The fairy dropped a trembling Nun on the ground unceremoniously. The monkey tumbled a few feet toward my brick pile and, when he stopped, lied still.

I frowned up at the fairy, who had flown over to inspect the almost-dried bricks. "What did you do to him? He's never acted like that before!"

She shrugged. <We came across a couple of powerful Stationary Ents. I burned them. The thing got scared.>

Oh. Relatable. The fairy was terrifying when she was on fire. Something about a tiny ball of flame zipping around in the air triggers my flight or fight response, you know? Plus, there was that time where she almost killed me when she took out that Stationary Ent.

Honestly, how has this forest not burned to the ground already? I hadn't seen what happened to the tree monster after I dropped from its branches. Once it stopped moaning and shrieking, I hadn't worked up the courage to see its remains. What if it had blood and guts and other stuff inside it?

Nosiree, that's not for me.

Back to the present, though. I hadn't seen any smoke from inside the forest. But then again, I hadn't paid any attention to it. I got so into making the bricks and clay paste. Speaking of which...

I swept my arm over all that I'd created, beaming up at the fairy. "Whaddya think? Pretty good, right?"

The fairy looked at me incredulously. <Are you serious?>

"Uh, yeah." I crossed my arms. "What, you don't think I did a good job?"

She stared down at my bricks. <These look like you just smashed some clay together and set it to dry.>

Indignance flared up in my chest. I stomped toward the pile and stood in front of it, shielding it from her view. "Well, if you can't respect my artistry," I said heatedly, "don't even look at it!"

Rolling her eyes, the fairy darted around me easily. I tried to catch her but she ducked under my reaching hands. Her wings carried her to the center of the pile, where she hovered tauntingly.

Huffing, I snapped, "Fine. You win this time. But don't think I won't retaliate!"

That's right. Just adding this grievance to my revenge list. Ah, wait, now that I think about it, do I even have a revenge list? Hmm. I can make one, right here in the comfort of my own mind where no one can see it. At least, I don't think anyone can see it. To my knowledge, neither the fairy nor Nun have that power.

There are way too many unknowns about cultivators.

Anyway! Revenge list!

  1. Get back at the admins for taking me to this world
  2. Get back at the fairy for ignoring me when I said I'm not a cultivator and then trying to lie to me about the purpose of my being here.
  3. Get back at the fairy for leaving me after I fell unconscious (minor revenge, since she came back with good info)
  4. Get back at the fairy for insulting my pottery skills and taunting me

That's a fine list. You know how awful this stupid fairy is since she makes up 75% percent of it.

A sudden burst of heat drew me out of my thoughts. I looked over and saw the fairy eyeing the bricks...

...While her hands were on fire!