Vol. 4 Chapter 58: My New Companions
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We have been sailing peacefully for some time now. Suda from Shinoroa, sailed along with us. With us following behind them. From what Velar said, it was best for them to be first to lessen any trouble that we may encounter when facing the other naval forces. I had no problem with that, so I let them do whatever they wanted.

At any rate, we were closing in on our destination. At the moment, I was at the rear of the bridge, leaning on the wooden railing while staring at the sea behind us. I was now further away from home. Bearing that realization, I let out a short sigh as I adjusted my pirate hat. It made me wonder what everyone was doing now. My servants… Rogan, Vernon, and Mera maybe had nothing to do because I was absent.

Rogan was unlikely to be sent to the frontlines, as he was my knight. Vernon can fight, but he was also my butler, he would likely be back to doing menial chores in my absence. Mera was a maid, so she would be doing the normal maid duties. Considering she was infatuated with me to a scary degree, she might be missing me already. My absence could be driving her crazy for all I know.

I didn’t know how long I would be gone. But thinking about how things would be when I return, it made me a bit anxious.

If I return, I must have that absolute power.

I would never return empty-handed. I had reached this far, no turning back now.

Hang in there until I come back…

I turned around and made my way to the main deck, thinking of what could await me ahead. Just a time when you’re imagining what you would see at your arrival and set your expectations. You could be disappointed or content. But there was a more important matter I had to think about. In my adventure, I would need people I could trust to travel with. Taneva? Couldn’t trust him completely, but he was fine. No way on the Cursed Children. I would rather not be constantly right next to them. So I only had Taneva? Ugh, no way. He would drive me mad. Nothing could be more annoying. Motherfucker would keep on teasing me on the way.

As I stood at the short stairs, I saw the prisoners we saved from the pirate ship standing and talking. Suda was made aware of them already and he let them stay with us. There was no point for him in getting them. The new crew members seemed decent people, so I had nothing to worry about. From what we learned from them, they were from the continent. They were a group of sailors looking for opportunities.

They were traders, just starting. But their ship was raided by the pirates. Many of their crew died. Their ship was destroyed, and they were kept as prisoners to be sold later on in Shinoroa. How unlucky. Half of them were warriors, so they were plenty useful. They hadn’t done any misdemeanors, so they were not some delinquents, there was no need to worry about them.

It was then that Hartwin approached me.

“Princess, we are close to your destination, right?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

He then smiled. “Then, I would like to come with you on your journey.”

Not surprising, I have had the feeling that he wanted to come along.

“I don’t mind. But it is dangerous.”

“I can handle any danger, do not worry.”

“Is that so?”

“I have faced countless dangers in my travels. Monsters, beasts, evil men and rebels. And I lived through it all with stories to tell,” he said so as he extended his hands dramatically.

“Huh. I see.”

“Why not let him join in with the party?” Taneva suddenly interjected, placing a hand on Hartwin’s shoulders. “If he dies, oh well, he dies.” He grinned.

“I am quite excellent at running away. So death eludes me.”

I slightly tilted my head. “Why do you want to risk yourself for this?”

Hartwin smiled at me. “I want to follow your story.”

I frowned in confusion. “My story…?”

“I want to witness your adventure, your struggles, your actions. I want to know your story, and tell it in the future.”

“Why me?”

“Are you seriously asking me that?! I never met someone like you. Someone so intriguing, someone so special. Someone who possessed so much power, a goddess.” He whispered. “Where else could you even meet a goddess?”

I was a bit flabbergasted by his enthusiasm. I really couldn’t fully understand the way his mind works, but I supposed that was just how poets were. Go to where stories are.

“I want to see the end of your journey. Maybe I can write an epic, a song, telling your tales.”

Taneva chuckled and patted Hartwin’s back. “That’s awesome. Really could use that. It could become a religious scripture in the far future. Make the Gospel of Estelia or something, I don’t know.”

Hartwin placed a hand on his chin. “I was thinking of the Chronicles of the Royal Princess of Blood.”

Hey! No! That sucks! At least remove the Chronicles part!

My eyes twitched in cringe. “Hartwin, you’re free to come along. But on one condition.”


“Don’t ever use that title.”

“Pardon…?” His eyes blinked a few times. “You mean the Chronicles of the—”

“Aaaah! Yes! That one. Don’t ever, ever use that! Do you not seriously see an issue with that? First off, that’s too long!”

Where did he even learn of that? Oh yeah, he might have overheard about it last time when I was talking with Taneva and the others.

His eyes widened. “Oh yeah, you’re right. Well, I’ll think of something. I’d still write the records, anyway.”

“As long as it’s not that…” That would haunt me for the rest of eternity.

“Then thank you for letting me come along. I finally have the most interesting story I can follow.”

“... Just remember, depending on the circumstance, you might get abandoned. So no hard feelings.”

“Ah, that is fine. I’m sure I can manage through any danger.”

I have to give it to him, he looked confident. I was serious about saying he might get abandoned. If he gave us more trouble than it's worth, I’d cast him aside. But he didn’t seem to mind it, he must have understood I was just being practical. That said, I didn’t think I had to worry much.

Hartwin was a lone traveler, and to have survived this long being alone, you must possess a certain amount of skill. Given that he was still alive and kicking to this day, you could trust he had good survival skills. I had never really seen him go all out, but from all the fights that I had seen him, he never seemed scared or anything. He really had that confidence in him. Perhaps all this time he was hiding his true abilities. Still, thinking back on how he got here on this ship, he must not be too powerful. I imagined he must be around below Velar.

Which reminded me, I’ve been wanting to talk to Velar about something.

With Hartwin’s business with me done, he went on with his day with a grin on his face. I guess some people carry great importance to working up a story, huh? I really didn’t mind if he wrote my story. It was nice. My glory being told for generations to come! Awesome. That aside, it was nice to have another ally to come with me. One that can be at least more trustworthy than the Cursed Children and Taneva. It was easier to trust average humans than overpowered beings. At least with average humans you could easily kill them, you know.

I had no idea if I could even kill the Cursed Children. I mean, I already blasted Heneis to oblivion, but the motherfucker was still alive and kicking. Taneva, on the other hand, was an enigma. From what I recalled, he had powerful healing magic. Not to mention he easily defeated the monster in the arena. Yeah, I still had to be wary of them. But who did I consider closer to an enemy but not yet entirely an enemy? The Cursed Children, definitely.

They also killed the baby me, after all.

Night time came. The ship was silent once more. As I stood in front of my cabin, I stared at Velar, who was oiling his sword. I thought normally you would do that during the day, but I guess he was just too busy training the men. I made my way over to him.

“Hello, Velar. Do you have time to talk?”

He paused and looked up at me. “Certainly, Your Highness.”

I nodded and pulled up the nearby chair and sat down on it. “How are the men’s training?”

He continued cleaning his blade as he answered. “Their progress is good. They can be considered more or less strong as an average soldier. Although lacking in experience.”

Average soldier likely meant as strong as street guards. They only knew the basics of combat, they wouldn’t fit fighting an outright battle or fighting monsters, but they were enough to guard a city.

“Then it means they can take care of themselves when it comes to it.”

“I suppose so.”

“Hm.” I leaned back in my chair and glanced at the starry sky. “When you get back, what are you gonna do from then on?”

He halted his work and stared at me. “... Back to Eventon…?”


“Huh…” He lowered his head, and I observed him deeply. He seemed to be really thinking about it, imagining scenarios. But he was obviously conflicted. “... Honestly, I don’t know.”

“Not planning on becoming a soldier again?”

He let out a brief chuckle before giving a troubled smile. “With my history, I doubt I’ll have a good career. If I even manage to get it.”

Perhaps he was right. He fought against a group of soldiers, soldiers of a rich man. His story would have already spread out among everyone. And his history and actions would not look good on the resume. But couldn’t he just go to some other place a bit farther from where he was originally from? Hm, from the looks of it, he wasn’t too motivated.

“There are other jobs you can do…”

He shook his head mildly. “... That is true. But I don’t think I would like it that much.”

“I see…”

Velar had been a soldier his entire life. He gave everything to the sword. He served. And he loved becoming a warrior. It wouldn’t be easy to switch to another career entirely. Would you easily let go of the thing you love doing the most?

“I don’t think I would get a normal life that easily when I get back.”

“Adventurers are a thing. How about that?”

“Adventurer, huh? That can be an option…” He sighed. “A last resort. Being an adventurer is still a struggle. Income is not stable. There’s a reason I became a soldier.”

“Is that so?”

I guess being an adventurer really was like a mercenary. You only get money when you have a job. Not to mention the competition.

“Being a soldier is just more sustainable. Especially if you plan to have a family.”

Ah, well, that sucks. Considering how his family ended up.

“But… I guess being an adventurer is a good option now,” he continued. “I have no family. But it doesn’t feel right yet.”

“I see. It’s hard to choose a new path just after losing the last one.” I stared at the dark ocean. “You are directionless.”

He stared at the dark ocean as well. “Guess I am. And you’re not, Princess? After the sudden shift in your path?”

“I am not directionless, Velar.”


“I will save my kingdom and destroy all my enemies. Make them pay for what they have done to me.”

“... I understand. A perilous path is a path, nonetheless.”

I understood more of Velar’s situation now. I knew what to say to have what I want.

“I have an offer, Velar.”


I stared straight into his eyes. “Come with me.”

His eyes widened.

“Join me in my path. Share my direction. Walk together with me.”

“You mean…?”

“Become my blade. Every princess needs a knight. And currently I am without. I need someone like you.”

“... I was but a soldier. I had never served royalty or anyone of the same level…”

“Leave that past behind. It is time for you to focus on the present and future. Become something new.”

He seemed to still be in disbelief. “But…”

“You may have once been a soldier, but you deserve to be a knight. You have every aspect to be one. Do not belittle yourself.”

I rose from my seat and extended my hand towards him.

“Join me, Velar. Become my knight, loyally serve and protect me. And you shall have a new path you currently are missing.”

He glanced at my hand. “... Am I really… worthy?”

“Yes, you are.”

He was hesitating. But I saw in his eyes a new kind of light. Like how you would see from someone who finally knew what to do. A plan, an endeavor in life. A purpose. Velar had always been a soldier serving a master, that was why he wasn’t fond of the idea of becoming an adventurer or anything else. His nature had already engraved itself into his very being.

I reminded him how directionless he was. How he was without a purpose. For others, being without a purpose is agonizing. He had to realize that agony, the horror of being without a path in life. And after that, I offered him mine. I was sure he would agree. He had been following my bidding since the beginning, me with the highest authority. So I knew there was a good chance that I could convince him.

Velar was the kind of person I needed. Someone trustworthy. The very image of a soldier — no, a knight.

There was the part where he would be concerned about the crew when he leaves with me to Shinoroa. Becoming my knight, that meant staying by my side. But I already dealt with that matter. I already asked Suda to escort this ship to Eventon. Plus, the crew had been training. They should do fine. There was no need to worry anymore. They were already better individuals than the first we met them.

And Velar, of course, realized that.

After a short moment of thinking, he got off his seat and kneeled before me on one knee. His sword in one hand, and the other touched my palm.

He lowered his head with closed eyes.

“I will accept your offer, Princess. I swear to you, I will be your loyal servant and your sword. I will protect you with my life and slay your enemies. No matter where your path may lead, I will follow.”

I smiled. “Thank you, Velar. I am glad to have you by my side.”

To become a knight of a princess, nothing was more honorable and a greater purpose in life. Especially for a soldier, or rather, a knight.