Vol. 4 Chapter 60: Meeting with the Garrison Commander
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Ugh, I had to deal with a headache. Considering the meeting, which hopefully would be brief, I changed into my combat outfit. I was more comfortable with it, anyway. And it was very clean and fresh, by the way. Washed nicely. So I was pretty excited about wearing it cleanly again.

I didn’t know what to expect in this place, but best to wear the most comfortable outfit, fully geared at that. Plus, I was supposedly meeting with the garrison commander. I was not fond of the idea. Given that had no idea what his character could be. I mean, look how beautiful I am! My beauty tends to attract all kinds of evil elements. That’s why we must keep them away and expel them! The power of Estelia compels you, evil. I cast you away!

Evil should stay away from the good girl that I am.

What? I’m evil? No, I’m not. Since when am I evil…? I’ve been a good girl since the beginning.

At any rate, I just had to expect that people here were a bunch of kinda evil guys. I mean, we almost got extorted the moment we arrived here. What kind of bullshit was that, huh? So you can’t blame me for expecting the worst. The higher the position a person is, the bigger the baddie they could be .

While standing around on the deck, I asked Hartwin a question. “So, what does everyone plan on doing while we’re here?”

“Well, some of them want to check the place out. But we should make plans before going. By the way, when are we setting out?”

“I asked Suda to escort this ship to Eventon. We’ll go whenever is best, ideally when they sail out.”

He nodded and stared at the crew. “That’s for the best. Really have to make sure they fulfill their end of the deal.”

True, there was a chance that they would abandon my request, or rather, their debt payment. Some people refuse to pay their debt after all. This was my ship, it should be taken care of. If they don’t decide to pay their debt, then we have ourselves in a bit of trouble, won’t we? It would be tempting to undo saving their lives, you know.

Yeah, well, to be honest, that would be easier said than done. But there’s always a solution to a problem! Hehe…

“Indeed. If they have security, this ship will certainly reach its destination.”

“Well, I do feel the Suda fellow is honorable. So maybe we shouldn’t have to worry.”

“It’s not only Suda we have to be worried about. He’s still a mere captain under the command of someone.”

His mouth was agape when he came to the realization. “Ah, of course. Crap. Well, let’s just hope they can spare a ship or two for us. But what if they don’t do it?”

I shrugged. “Then there’s nothing we can do. But let’s be optimistic.”

He nodded.

Eventually, I joined in the crew’s discussion on what to do while here. As I expected, there were some that wanted to stay here because of fear. They had heard bad things about this archipelago, after all. But hey, at least plenty of my crew were curious enough to check out the new sight. It would be fine as long as we’re careful!

What? People die even being careful? Eh, 50-50. 50-50 they die, 50-50 they don’t. So there was a chance of not getting stabbed by casually walking down the street.

While our talk was coming to an end, Taneva suddenly walked up to me.

“Estelia, your guests are coming.”


I headed to the boarding side of the ship, from there I caught sight of three people. One was Suda, while the other two, one woman and one man, were walking with him. The people they encountered their way were particularly careful facing them, quickly getting out of their way. The taller, well built man in particular seemed someone important, judging from his strides and formal clothes. My guess, he was the garrison commander.

Shit, someone important shouldn’t really go and meet some strangers. We were just a bunch of nobodies — well, not like I’m saying I was a nobody. I’m definitely not that.

“Careful, Estelia,” Taneva said in a low voice. I curiously glanced at him. “Those two are strong.”

“... Oh.” He must be referring to the two individuals walking with Suda.

“I was a bit baffled to see how weak the soldiers we met were. But I guess, being as scouts, we shouldn’t expect great strength from them.”

“You’re saying as if people on this land should be stronger.”

Taneva nodded. “Of course. This land is filled with monsters. As soldiers or just about any warrior, you can’t be weak here, else you die.”

Huh, of course. But I wondered how strong they were exactly.

“The sailors we met must not have faced the monsters inland,” he added.

“How strong are they? The warriors here.”

“... I can’t say in this current time and generation. But I surmise you can expect a lot of the fighters here are at the level of your elite knights.”

Holy shit! Nah, no way that was true. I call bullshit!

No, wait. What did he mean by ‘the current time and generation’…?

There was something shady in that part of his sentence.

I was about to ask what he meant by that, but the guests were coming close.

“Can you beat them?” I asked Taneva.


Whew, that’s a relief.

“Good. Then stay with me when I talk to them.”

Taneva smirked. “What? Can’t talk to strangers without your papa?”

I winced in disgust. “Ew. Don’t ever say that again.” I beckoned Velar over. “You also stay beside me. Guard me. Apparently, these guys are dangerous.”

“... I understand.”

If I were to face individuals at the same level as my elite knights back home, then no way I was facing them without any trustee guards. I must have confidence that I could survive in any scenario, even in just a casual or formal talk.

And then they arrived before us. I looked down at them from my ship.

“Miss Estelia, I apologize for the wait,” Suda said. “But please, allow me to give introductions.”

The man in the middle looked up at me with wide, astonished eyes. Oh yeah, I was not veiled or anything, as it would be pointless anyway to keep hiding it when talking up close. But he was captivated to see my beautiful appearance. He seemed frozen, just staring at me.

“This is Commander Katsuo Takauji, the garrison commander of this region.”

Katsuo was a tall and lean man with long, dark hair. He had a lighter brown skin, dark eyes, and an attractive face. He looked quite young, he must be around his mid to late twenties. His outfit, unlike Suda, was more clean and refined, really oozing that aura as a leader. Quite young to be a commander. Perhaps that just shows a hint of his power.

“And this is his first lieutenant, Minori Nishi.”

Minori was a young woman, around early twenties. She was pretty, had long green, bright hair, light brown skin, and was a couple of inches shorter than her commander. Her formal outfit was also a bit different from Suda, but not as extravagant as Katsuo.

She also looked at me with surprise, but I sensed sharpness in them. As if she was a bit on guard.

I got down to the platform, and as I got closer, Katsuo straightened himself and bowed, then followed by Minori and Suda. Their bow was straight, hands to the side. Huh, I didn’t expect that. Not like how it was in my kingdom. Even I was a bit baffled on what to do next. Should I bow or something? I deliberated for a moment but decided not to. Ahem, Princess Estelia is the title, you know.

“Nice to meet you, Commander Katsuo Takauji.” I extended my hand towards him. “I am Estelia.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Miss Estelia. And please, call me Katsuo.” He shook my hand. I made my grasp as tender as possible, showing my fragility. Amidst that, he glanced at Taneva and Velar as they stood behind me.

Once we were done shaking hands, I switched to the woman. “Lieutenant Minori Nishi.”

She glanced at my hand for a second before shaking it. “A pleasure to meet you, Miss Estelia.”

Our hands let go. I lowered my gaze to look at the weapons hanging on their waists. I’d been wondering about them. Katsuo only had one weapon on his waist, while Minori had two on both waist sides. Their weapons were different from the rest of us, a one edged curved sword.


They were definitely katanas. Hm, I didn’t see any katana on Suda’s ship. Were they only used by high-ranking officials or something?

“We heard that you saved sailors of mine,” Katsuo said. “I would like to personally extend my thanks. Without you, I would have lost good men.”

I forced a gentle smile, just like how you would see during my princess era. “You’re welcome, Commander. But you didn’t need to go out of your way to meet me. I’m sure you must have a busy schedule.”

“Please, Miss Estelia. It is essential to give the most respect to the saviors of my soldiers. It would be insulting not doing so.”

No, really, you didn’t have to do this.

“I see.”

“Also, I had made sure that any collectors wouldn't be bothering you for docking your ship. So your ship can stay as long as you like.”

I clasped my hands together. “Ah, that is very helpful. Thank you.”

“I must say, you have an impressive ship.” He peered at my ship. “That will stand the rough seas for a long time…” His gaze stopped. From the corner of my eyes, I discovered that he was staring at the two Cursed Children.

“Indeed,” I said briefly.

“Captain Suda had informed me of your story. That you were supposed to be sold as slaves, and that you won your takeover. That is excellent. You demonstrated strength.”

“Well, it was certainly not easy. The traffickers were no pushovers.”


“I am aware that you allow slavery here, Commander. But where we’re from, it is illegal.” I maintained my friendly smile.

“... Yes, I am aware of such matters. Slavers grabbing people from other continents. The government is looking into the matter. However, solving it is easier said than done.”

The government, huh? Yeah, bullshit.

“Is that so? You allow slaves but your government is looking into it?”

“Our culture was not supposed to include people from other continents. Becoming a slave or servant was supposed to be a way to pay for your debts, or when you lose a fight with your freedom at stake. For those that had nothing, their servitude is all they can offer.”

I faintly nodded. “I see. I suppose things do get out of control…”

“I apologize if our ways disturb you.”

I gracefully shook my hands. “Oh no, you don’t need to apologize. Besides, you have nothing to do with how we got here.”

“I understand. Anyhow, I was informed of your request for escorts.”

“Yes. An escort for my crew here to ensure their safe arrival back to Eventon.”

His brow wrinkled slightly. “Their? Do I take it that you’re not coming with them?”

“Yes, only them.”

I noticed Minori turn a glance at Katsuo, but the latter remained facing me.

He nodded. “I understand. As thanks, I will make sure your ship will have escorts. Although, I’m afraid that you must give me a few days to prepare them. As you may know, we are worried about safety and security at the moment.”

“That’s fine. We can wait for a few days. My crew is quite eager to tour around your city.”

“I see… I’m curious. Why are you staying here and your crew going back? Weren’t you also trafficked?”

“Yes, but I have my reasons for staying here.”

He was silent for a brief moment before nodding. “... Is that so? Then be careful. Our lands are dangerous.”

“Thank you for the concern, but I’m sure we’ll manage.”

“If it’s alright, I would like to ask you to join a small banquet back in my fort. As thanks for saving Suda and his crew. Of course, Suda and his crew will be the only ones there to share the celebration. You can bring your guards.”

I shook my hands with a wry smile. “Please, I wouldn’t dare trouble you.”

Yeah, no way I was going in the middle of potential enemies.

“It’s no trouble at all, Miss Estelia. Please, I insist.”

I awkwardly chuckled. “No need. What you have done so far, and the escorts, those are enough as thanks.”

He seemed disappointed as he gave a nod. “... Very well. Suda will inform you when everything is ready. And please, don’t hesitate to tour the city. I’m sure we’ll have something that will catch your interest.”

“C-Certainly. I’ve been planning to.”

“Alright, then we shall be going. Again, thank you, and take care, Miss Estelia.”

With that, they bowed and left.

Once they were far away, I let out a sigh.

“You could have accepted the offer. It would be nice to have something to eat that is actually well made and fancy,” Taneva casually said to me.

“I’m not stupid. It could be a trap for all we know.”

“Why would they trap us? There’s no reason to.”

“Be that as it may, they are strangers. Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to go inside a stranger’s home?”

He shrugged. “We could easily take care of a garrison, you know. Me and the cursed Children are incredibly strong, and you, well there are some concerns but you’ll manage.”

Hey, what are you trying to say?!

I snubbed. “Whatever. Let’s just keep it safe.”

He slouched in disappointment. “If you say so… But nothing is really completely safe here…”

“With that thought! I’m gonna take a look around!” I said with a smile. “Velar, you’re definitely coming with me! Taneva, stay here and defend the place.”

“Nuh uh, I’m coming with you. I love wandering. Leave the guarding to the Cursed Children.”

Heneis seemed to have heard that and shouted in a displeased tone. “Taneva, we’re supposed to ensure her safety!”

“Leave it to me!” He gave a thumbs up to them, but that only irritated the two cursed men.

I sighed. “Fine then. You guard the boat,” I said to the Cursed Children. “If you’re concerned about my safety, Velar and Taneva will be with me, so it’s alright.”

“I’m coming with you!” Hartwin came running down the steps. “I’m supposed to be one of your companions. I can’t miss you looking at a new place.”


He was being weird again.

“Whatever, we’re going. Keep the ship safe, gang! Okay?”

My crew responded in affirmative. My crew was great!

And thus, I began walking into the city. But while I was still at the docks, I was already met with unpleasant scenes.

“Bastard, what did you call me?!”

I frowned as I watched the two men go into a brawl, throwing their fists at each other.

“Yeah! Go for the upper cut!”

“In the balls, punch him in the balls!”

And there were people cheering them on. Okay… I mean, you get fights here and there, right?

“Oi! Stand up!”

I saw a guy kick a man while the latter was on the floor. At his head was a box.

“I paid good money for ya! Now do your fucking job.” He kicked the man in the stomach.

“Y-Yes, sir!”

Okay, slavery. It was an expected sight, so nothing too worrying. And then, as I was about to get out of the docks, there was a guy shivering at the side of the path. He was muttering something. He was ragged, clothes torn, hair sticky and messy, and his face was entirely grimy.

“N-Need… the… good stuff.”

He had those crazy eyes… No, he might actually be crazy! Suddenly, his eyes ended up on me.

“Woman, pretty woman! Hehehe. Wanna suck, w-wanna lick. Wanna touch, wanna h-hold.”

Hey! What the hell is this little shit saying?!

He suddenly started crawling towards me like how you see a ghost coming at someone in a horror movie!

Eeeegh, keep that guy away from me! Someone please kick that guy so hard he turns sane!

Before he got close, Velar kicked him in the head, instantly knocking the crazy guy out. I sighed in relief inside. Guessing that it was a mistake not to cover myself, I drew in my hood.

“Woah, I wonder what the hell happened to this guy?” Hartwin asked.

“Isn’t that obvious? He lost his mind.” Velar glared at the crazy guy.

Taneva placed a hand on his chin. “Looks like he’s an addict to something. Narcotics likely. Both insane and an addict.”

What the hell, they have narcotics here?

“Eugh,” Hartwin winced. “That would really fuck up the brain.”

“Ignore him already and let’s keep going,” I said to them. I didn’t wanna see the guy one second more!

We continued on until we reached a street. And the fuckiness didn’t end.

“The world is flat!” one guy kept shouting as he scurried away.

Nuh uh, there is certainly a curvature in this world.

Looking in another direction, there was fighting again.

“Die you little shit!”

“You bitch!”

Looking in another direction, there was a drunkard, but he was only wearing his underwear, wobbling around the place with a bottle in hand. And his thin body, but plump belly, didn’t help with the sight.

I shifted my gaze, and what I saw made me feel a bit disgusted. At a small alley, not even that far away from the street, there was a man and woman. And they were, um, really got it going there. The guy standing up, while the woman kneeling right in front of the man’s… um… Basically the woman was giving the man a— Ugh, whatever you get it.

I just ignored that sight. I mean, why on the street?! In broad daylight?! What? Too broke to afford a fucking room?! Get the fuck out of my sight!

I walked away and continued walking down the street.

More fighting. But this one was most intense. 


“Weak ass!”

There were guys with weapons fighting each other. Magical slashes flew in different directions. Magic spells as well — plain magic, fire, ice, lightning. They wrecked all things around them, even damaging buildings.

And suddenly, in the distance, I noticed some rooftop pieces getting flung off into the air. Smoke and fire started rising. I couldn’t help but be shocked and confused. I was dumbstruck. I expected at least a relatively tolerable place of fuckery. But not this fuckery! With people literally fucking! And buildings were even on fire! I just got here, and this city was already in chaos!

Goddammit! No one told me I’m in Ohio!

Hey, I had to do it…