Vol. 4 Chapter 70: Looking for a Ride
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Early in the morning, I left with Velar for my personal mission. He was my knight, so it was his responsibility to follow me anywhere. Plus, he didn’t seem to have any problem with it. We set out on our way fully geared, with Velar wearing leather armor and some metal paddings. There were some spares on the ship. The equipment was subpar, but they’d do. Besides, Velar had a new powerful weapon, so it was fine.

Also, there was the part about the monsters that we might meet. But judging from what I learned from the staff girl, there were fewer monsters in where we were going, so there shouldn't be much to be worried about. Additionally, I also asked Taneva about the power of monsters here and inquired if we could handle it. And he said we would do fine. I had to put trust in that, as he had been here before — and likely he threw himself in every monster he could find just to try dying so…

If there were powerful enemies, though, we could always run away. And if push comes to shove, I could just use some of my true power — I beat a demon, you know. That counts for something… True that I’d get sick after that, but at least I’d survive. But well… I would rather avoid that scenario. Getting intensely sick would be bad at the moment. Furthermore, I had a meat shield in the form of Velar, so that was another option!

Hartwin asked if he could come, but I vigorously rejected him. It was faster to set out if it was just me and Velar, just two people. Less load, you could say. With just the two of us, perhaps people would be more willing to take us for a ride. Well, at least I hoped there would be carriages riding out. If not, guess we’d be renting some horses.

The Cursed Children also requested to join me. So I let them for today. Surprising, right? Well, we were going into unknown territory, so better to have a backup plan. Indeed, it would seem I had multiple backup plans to save myself, and my life was indeed very important. Although I had a condition, they’d follow and protect me from a distance. Hidden from any sight. Just like they had always done with me back in Wisteria. Of course they agreed. So, it was like they were never here at all!

As for Taneva, I didn’t let him come along. That troublemaker. The problem was, I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to completely control him. For now, he was listening to what I was saying. However, what if he felt so motivated and stubborn? That would be a problem. This is why I hate people that are more powerful than me. It’s so difficult to have leverage.

Besides, they should still have other things to do in the meantime, like guarding the ship, or helping the crew tour more of the city.

Anyway, we were on our way to the southwestern gate. When we arrived at the gates, there were guards on the perimeter. Carriages were also there, but only a few. There was only one that seemed to be about to enter, while a couple that appeared to be leaving the city — one had three guys with it carrying weapons and wearing shabby armor. They must be security?

The city had tall sturdy walls made of wood, bricks and stone, definitely for protection against monsters. I always worry when I see a city make walls like these. These walls limit the extension of the city, limit the growth. What if the population grows? You’d get less and less space to use as time passes. The worse when the entire city is surrounded by walls. What if you run out of space? It would suck if the city got denser and shittier. 

That was why Serene only had walls only in the direction where monsters were common. The rest had plenty of space to expand. That was why, aside from the main city, there were also other small settlements surrounding the palace region. That was also why Serene looked pretty neat, we didn’t stuff in where space was scarce.

Here, though, the other side was the sea. True that they had to do it for defense, but still have to worry about other stuff for the coming decades, you know. But I guess they could make more settlements outside or something.

As we approached the carriages, one of the guards turned towards us and moved closer.

“Are you intending to leave?” His tone was neither friendly nor strict. Just a neutral inquiry. That was a good sign.

Velar was the one to talk to him. “Yes. But we should be back later in the day.”

The guard looked at the two of us closely. “Alright. Careful out there.”

Huh, more lenient than I expected.

Almost like they just didn’t care. Anyway, such a thing works for me, so we just continued on. We approached one of the carriage owners, particularly the kindest looking one. He had an open carriage enough for a few people to ride. But there was one thing that weirded me the hell out. Even Velar was a bit on guard.

Instead of a horse at the rein, it was not a horse… Yeah, that phrasing was a bit weird. This place really was a bit odd. What was tied to the head of the carriage was a beast. In fact, all the carriages here were being pulled by the same kind of beast.

It was a four-legged creature, scaly skin, a long tail and quite an elongated and bulky body, which was slightly larger than a horse. Its head had a pair of horns on them, and the creature’s shape reminded me of something between a dragon and a lizard. Its scale was in the color of dark crimson and black. Eyes were like a serpent’s.

“What is that?” I couldn’t help but ask my companion.

“I never saw anything like it before…”

This place really was something else, using beasts like these to pull carts. Couldn’t they use horses or something? No wait, were there even horses here? At any rate, considering that they were using that to pull the carriages, they must be docile and not a threat.

I approached my target carriage, and near that were the other three warriors. I was to be the one to speak with the owner of the carriage. I mean, look how massive Velar was. He could intimidate anyone just by standing.

I approached a middle-aged man. “Excuse me.”

The moment I called the man, he turned towards me with a curious expression. The other three warriors turned towards us with a wary look.

“My name is Estelia,” I introduced myself. “I was wondering if you’re taking the main road.”

The man nodded. “I am. Why?”

I smiled a little. “I’m wondering if it’s okay if we ride along with you in your carriage on the way? We’ll get off not far from here.”

The man narrowed his eyes and scrutinized me then to the Velar. He groaned with a hesitant expression. “I don’t know you. How do I know you won’t rob me?”

Damn, even my soft way of speaking didn’t work much. My charm ain’t working no more? If I could just remove my cloak, but I couldn’t casually do that. But it was a fair hesitation. Gotta be careful, after all.

“We’re not robbers or bandits. In fact, we intend to hunt some bandits somewhere in our destination.”

“Look, savages use women as bait all the time. This ain’t new.”

“B-But…” I glanced at Velar. 

If this guy wouldn’t agree, then the same could apply to the others. And this one even had guards with him.

“I-I understand…” I said meekly. That seemed to invite a change of expression to the man, a bit softer. “I-It is a dangerous place, after all.”

One of the warriors suddenly walked closer with squinted eyes. I stepped back a bit, caught off guard.

And then his eyes widened. “I knew that voice sounded familiar, and the height and outfit. You’re that girl from yesterday.”

Eeek! He was there?!

Noooo, my innocent acting!

Another warrior approached closer with widened eyes. “Oh yeah! The one that kicked that idiot in one attack!”

“The tourists, right? And I saw the guy, he got a really fucked up chest after that kick.”

Stoooop, now the carriage owner looked more conflicted! Don’t go on mentioning my violent exploits! And stop that grinning, Velar! Now everyone’s gonna think I was dangerous.

“You’re pretty strong, aren’t you?” the first warrior said to me with a grin. “Awesome work! Hahaha!”

I could only wryly smile while remaining frozen in place.

“Don’t know who you are, but you’re good. We respect that,” he added.

“How did you do that kick with that small body anyway?” one asked, looking closely at me.

I stepped back a little, he was looking way too closely.

“Could she be like one of those loaded with mana?” the third guy said. “Where are you from, anyway?”

“... Eh, uh, from the continent to the north…” I had to answer, but I decided not to be specific. Better to give an answer than denying a smooth conversation. First step to getting even a small degree of trust is to reciprocate!

“Oh wow, that’s far. Are people there as strong as you?”

“... Um, there are fairly strong people there.”


“This guy right here doesn't look like a pushover either.” The second warrior approached Velar and patted him on the arm. Velar just let him. Besides, they seemed to be treating us amiably. “Wanna go for a spar?”

Velar formed a troubled look. “... I don’t know about that…”

“Huh. Oh well, guess you’re right. We’re still currently on the job.”

The first guy turned towards me. “You’re going down the main road? I remember you talking with Machi. It’s about the bandit leader’s bounty, isn’t it?”

I was trying not to mention that part, but they had guessed it, so there was no point in hiding it. “Yes.”

“Seriously? You’re interested in that? You one kicked a guy, but that bandit leader is no joke. Even his crew is pretty dangerous.”

I nodded. “Thank you for your concern. But for now, we only intend to investigate and track him down.”

“Even if you say that, you’re still going after him in the end… But if that’s what you want to do, I won’t stop you.” He turned towards the carriage owner. “Hey boss, why don’t we let these guys ride along, huh?”

The owner frowned. “Can we trust these guys?”

“They’re fine. Besides, we can use them as additional guards until they get off. Wouldn’t that make you even more safe?”

“I ain’t paying for their services.”

I immediately interjected. “There’s no need to pay. We’ll help with the guarding duty. Us getting to ride with you is enough.”

“Hmmm…” The owner placed a hand on his chin as he contemplated. “Alright. I lose nothing anyway.”

I smiled and bowed my head. “Thank you.”

Wow, I didn’t expect my actions back at that bureau would help me here. Respect really was a helpful thing. Maybe I should start beating more people? Hehe, I was joking. Still, it was a relief that my violent actions helped. Otherwise, it would have been tiring to walk all the way there. I might collapse on the way, considering that I’m a delicate and fragile young lady.

And so, with all things settled down, we got to ride with them. We jumped into the carriage, and Velar and I sat next to each other on one side. The three warriors all sat down on the other side. I watched as the carriage owner held the reins and snapped it. Instead of a neigh, there was a shrilling growl from the strange creature before it began moving and exiting the gate. It was mesmerizing to see such a fierce-looking creature being treated like a normal cart horse.

“Never seen like it before?” the warrior leader asked me, noticing my intrigue.

I turned towards him. “No. What is it?”

“A drakolisk.”

“Is that not dangerous and aggressive?”

“Well, it’s a bit challenging to tame one. But the boss right here managed to do it.”

The driver glanced back at us. “They’re aggressive at first, being monsters and all. But after some trial and error, you can make them docile.”

“I see. There’s no worry that it would suddenly lash out?”

“As long as you tie it well, it won’t do anything like that. Or just don’t actually hurt it. Normally, it won’t hurt its master. Unless you let another person control it, you won’t have a problem.”

“Another person? It doesn’t like another person controlling it?”

“Of course. You tamed it, it won’t let others have hold over it so easily.”

So it wasn’t like horses at all. Given that this one was basically a monster, I could imagine how they would react letting a stranger drag them along. And it wouldn’t look good. Doing anything else with these creatures would be difficult, like letting other people use it or borrow it, or sell it.

“Don’t you have horses?” I couldn’t help but ask. I mean, using a monster seemed pretty dangerous compared to horses.

“Horses?” The warrior leader seemed to try recalling a bit. “Oh yeah, I think I saw one in the past.”

My brow furrowed at hearing his words. It sounded like he was not very familiar with horses, which I found a bit weird, honestly.

The carriage driver nodded. “I saw a few before. A ship from the sea once brought a group of them.”

“... A ship…? You don’t have horses here?”

The driver chuckled. “Those animals won’t survive here, lassy. Look around you.”

I looked around. Along the side of the road there were numerous groups of trees, with most of them having no leaves, while others did have, but they didn’t look healthy and green at all. Growing on a few branches, they were thin, dark and husky. Like how a balding person only has a few strands of hair left…

The grasses and the bushes on the ground were anything but green and healthy. They were gray, some black, and some were already wilting away. Vines wrapping around tree trunks were thin and darkish. Before me was nothing but a blight scenery. Almost like every living thing here was dying at every moment. And the shrubbery was not as thick as you would see in a normal forest.

“Those animals eat plants, right?” the driver asked. “You think they’d survive eating the plants here?”

I nodded. “I see. I asked a stupid question then.”

Horses wouldn’t like the plants growing here, they looked nasty. I could imagine a horse dying after a few hours of eating these grasses. Poor horsie. It would be like a human eating poison. Now I began to wonder how those horses from the ship ended up. They must be dead already.

But still, I was a bit surprised to see plants were still trying to grow despite how hard it appeared to sustain themselves. For a dead land, life sure was persisting in one form or another.