Here, kitty kitty *
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I spent a few weeks at home before returning to San Antonio for the summer. My parents were extremely unhappy about all this. They thought Ashley was using me for something. They didn't know what, but they didn't trust her motives. They also didn’t like the fact that I would be living with an older woman. It didn't matter that I said we'd never had sex. In the end, though, I convinced them that a contract was a contract, and I couldn’t back out.

Monday through Wednesday, I'd get up, we'd have breakfast together, and I'd drive the Civic to my intern job. I learned a lot about what engineering is really like. While the calculations I was learning at school are a part, it's really about solving the clients' problems, within their budget, site constraints and building codes. That and documenting everything you do.

Wednesday afternoons, Thursdays and Fridays were spent as Ashley's gofer, A/V squad and maintenance laborer. I'd also occasionally be her date for business dinners and other social functions. She taught me a lot that I would never have learned at the university: how to read people, how to read a contract, how to cook, how to choose a good wine, how to dress well. It was quite an education.

I also helped out at her ranch in the Texas Hill Country, clearing brush or restoring the old stone ranchhouse. She was trying to exterminate invasive salt cedar from her property, and it was a lot of hard work. 

One day, I looked down at some ground still damp from the previous night's thunderstorms, and saw what appeared to be a big cat track. She said it was a bobcat. I wasn’t so sure. It was huge.

I stopped at an Army/Navy store the next day and bought a Ka-Bar knife. I knew I wouldn’t need it for a bobcat, and I probably wouldn’t have time to draw it against a puma. Still, carrying it made me feel better when we were clearing brush. It was even occasionally useful.  It made her laugh.

In early June, my parents came up for a weekend to meet Ashley. She must have made a good impression, because their disapproval faded after that.

As I got to know her, I occasionally caught glimpses behind the facade she showed the world. She wasn't the strong, self-sufficient businesswoman she liked people to think she was. Every once in a while, she'd see a happy couple, and a lonely, wistful look would come over her face for just an instant. Once in a great while, she'd start flirt with me, stop suddenly and deny it ever happened.

And that’s how I ended up at her ranch one night in mid June. After a wonderful dinner that we had cooked together, and more wine than I was used to, she started flirting with me. I expected her to stop like always, but she didn't. I suppose the wine also helped, but the next thing I knew, I was flat on my back on her four-post bed, buck naked. The old floor-to-ceiling windows were open, and the curtains fluttered in the warm evening breeze. She was kneeling over me, naked and half-illuminated by the light of the full moon, saying, “Do you trust me?”

“Yes,“ I said. Get a 19 year guy old guy somewhat drunk and very hot and bothered, and he’ll say yes to just about anything a good looking woman asks.

She took my wrists and stretched my hands up over my head and pinned them there. She then straddled my thighs and wrapped one hand around my cock. “Comfy?” she asked as she kneaded with her strong fingers. I was too distracted to reply with anything but a low moan.

She dug her nails into the tender skin along the underside of my cock. I gasped. I was about to complain, but it felt incredible. She raised herself up onto her knees, shifted a bit, then impaled herself on me. She was hot, wet and tight. Hotter and tighter than anyone I had ever been with before. Not that I was very experienced.

I moaned again and closed my eyes. She lifted up again, and something sharp dragged against the top of my cock as she did so. I instantly sat up, or would have if my arms hadn’t been pinned down. She was way stronger than she looked. “What the fuck!” I yelled as I looked down. Two thin scratches ran the length of my cock, with beads of blood forming. “Why the heck did you do that? Let me go!”

She sank back down, and her vaginal wetness stung in the scratches. 

She sat there for a moment, with her free hand resting on my chest. Each finger ended in a sharp, hooked claw.  The claw tips of the index and middle fingers were red with blood.  My blood.

“I’m afraid I can’t, Zach. Not anymore. If I did, I’d have to kill you. And I like you too much to do that.”

“You see, Zach,” she said as she leaned forward, the candles on the nightstands shining on her face, “I’m not exactly human, and soon you won’t be either.”

As she said this, her irises changed from blue to gold, and expanded so no white was showing. Changes progressed outwards from there. Her eyelids turned black, and the outer corners shifted upwards. Her nose grew broader, then longer as her upper lip became fleshier and her jaws extended. Her ears became thin, pointed, and migrated back and up. She sat up again, and her breasts shrank until they were mostly nipple. Two sets of dark spots appeared below them, then grew into additional nipples.

“I’m a shape shifter, a were-cougar. And now you will be too. It’s transmitted by bodily fluids. I could have bitten you, but I thought this would be more … fun. With my pussy juishe in your bloodshtream, you will be like me shoon!” She smiled, showing off long fangs and sharp incisors.

“You know, I wash thinking abouth thath Craigthlith ad.” Her diction was becoming slurred as her mouth became more and more catlike. “You really shoulth be carefull whath you athk for, jutht in cathe you geth ith!” By this time, her body was covered in pale brown fur, and her internal temperature was noticeably hotter.

My mind was torn between horny and horror. I wanted to throw her off me and run. I wanted her to keep fucking me. I didn’t want to come and release the only control I had left. I couldn’t wait until I did. I was on the edge of panic when I finally orgasmed, my cock pulsing and throbbing inside what was now almost entirely a cougar. Only a few faint vestiges of humanity were still visible - fingers on her front paws, and a deeper brainpan than normal for a feline. She lay down on me and pushed her nose into my face. Her tail flicked between my ankles. Her whiskers tickled as she rubbed her cheeks on mine.

“Scent marking me, claiming me as yours? I asked. She lifted her head, and nodded. All of a sudden, I had to laugh. She tilted her head as if to ask, “What?”

“I just came in a pussy pussy!” She crinkled her nose at me, and proceeded to lick my face with her very rough tongue.