Chapter 4
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Everyone in the class stared at Tian Zhe's figure. The students were shocked by his unexpected statement. Why, Tian Lan, from indignation swallowed air like a fish thrown ashore.

“Who the hell do you think you are? How could you make fun of me?” the girl was outraged as never before. Where is that cute boy who called her, not aunt but "sister" a couple of years ago? Just a few days ago, he was the same, but now Tian Zhe seems to have been replaced.

“What's your problem and how dare you to communicate with your own teacher like that?” Tian Lan regained her composure, and even if he was her nephew, she could not close her eyes to his trick.

“The same question for you, why do you allow yourself to offend your own students?” Zhe did not calm down and did not plan to give in to his aunt. Despite the fact that in his chest, the warm feelings of the past "Zhe" towards the members of his family were preserved, Zhe continued. “Master Lan, as a teacher at the academy, you must support your students and guide their development, not trample on their dignity by ridiculing their origins and opportunities.”

In his past life, Zhe was never a supporter of tolerance, but he was one of those people who would never stoop to insult others and would not allow himself to be insulted.

“As for you,” Tian Zhe examined all those present in the audience, “are you really so worthless that you will silently tolerate insults in your address like some kind of dog?”

The hearts of the general education students were in turmoil. “Does he protect us or insult us?” Tian Zhe, your words hurt just as much as Master Lan's.

“Listen to me; you have legs to stand firmly on your feet, hands to cope with any work, and ahead to think! Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, it is better to think about how to overcome your shortcomings and achieve at least the gold rank.” Tian Zhe said everything he wanted and finally calmed down. He accepted that he had violated the charter of the academy. “Teacher, this student is ready to accept any punishment for disrupting the lesson.”

Despite the fact that Tian Zhe completely disagreed with his aunt and did not regret what he said, he needed to save her face. He flared up and only cooled down a little, realized that he had made a scandal, and this is the last thing he needs now. “Lord, how hard it is to remain calm in the body of a pubertal teenager with unstable hormonal levels and a not yet strengthened nervous system.”

“It is commendable that you understand your wrongdoings and are ready to accept responsibility.” Tian Lan smiled wryly. She needs to punish her nephew while preserving the face of the family, which Tian Zhe managed to pretty much spoil with his trick. “In that case, I suspend you from classes for a week. You can leave.”

“Okay,” Zhe knew perfectly well that his suspension was purely formal and that he would get a thrashing later, but he was also fortunate. The whole next week was at his disposal.

“Oh yes, I completely forgot,” reaching the door, Tian Zhe stopped as if remembering something. Everyone in the audience, including Tian Lan, tensed. No one knew what this guy could do. “I understand that everyone in the general training class wants to get stronger as soon as possible, but I do not recommend that you train at night. You will only ditch your meridians, and your dreams of improvement will be shattered along with your health.”

Nobody understood what the boy who had just left the audience was talking about.

“Master Lan, is it true?” Asked was Li Xue, as the daughter of the mayor of the city, the girl's homeschooling was ahead of everyone in the class, but even she had never heard about the dangers of night training.

“I’ve never heard of something like that.” Tian Lan could only admit that she didn’t know the question.

The sound broke the silence of Tian Lan's private office of a slap. The introductory lesson ended long ago, and the students scattered about their business. As for Tian Lan, for the past few minutes, she has been scolding her negligent nephew in anger.

“And so that this does not happen again!”

“Okay, but I can't promise it.”

“…” the girl gasped at the unexpected answer. “Explain yourself!”

“Auntie... little sister Lan, even if you don't like teaching commoners, you shouldn't treat them like that,” Zhe was adamant. “In addition, if the quality of education is low, the head of the city will recall his daughter from the academy, and the desire of our family to intermarry with the family of Snow Wisteria will go to dust.”

“…” Tian Lan didn’t answer but lost herself in thought.

Despite Tian Zhe's antics, his words made sense. She examined her nephew from head to toe. He has definitely changed, it may not be noticeable outwardly, but he holds up well. Any other boy of iron rank would have burst into tears long ago from a slap in the face of a silver spellcaster, but Zhe did not budge and endured the pain.

“Are you coming home? If yes, then wait for me. We will ride together in the carriage.”

“Not worth it. I'll stay in a hostel. I need to do some business and make some purchases.”

Tian Lan wondered what her nephew had decided to do, since he had no friends here, except for a few acquaintances from noble families, not to mention the fact that he could send servants for shopping.

“You need some money?”

“Yes, I will be grateful.”

“Is ten thousand enough?”

“Better fifty.”

“…” a heavy sigh. “Aren't you asking too much?”

“I want to look at clothes and buy some books, as well as find out the market prices for essential goods.”

“The servants can always do it for you.”

“But then I will not be able to learn independent life.”

“…” Tian Lan pulled out the money from her spatial ring with another heavy sigh and handed it to her nephew. “I won't argue with you. You can go.”

“Thank you and goodbye,” having bowed. The boy left the office.

“And when did you grow up like that?” the girl could only sigh.

She remembered him as a chubby spoiled boy, whom she repeatedly tried to dress up in a dress when he was little, and now he is a teenager, and besides, he endures punishment. “Just like an adult.”

“Lan, you are only twenty-two. Stop thinking like an old woman.” Tian Lan took a sip of her tea and returned to her thoughts. Her face cleared, then immediately turned pale. Next year, she will work at the academy to make sure that her nephew arranges his personal life when she does not have one. She is already twenty-two, and she has neither a husband, let alone a groom. Tian Lan's heart wanders in the darkness of loneliness.

Tian Zhe walked down the academy corridor, rubbing his cheek. He might not show it, but he still took a slap from the silver spellcaster. The pain was so intense that it was surprising how tears did not come to his eyes on their own.

“Brother Zhe,” someone called out to the boy.

Tian Zhe stopped. The voice did not belong to either his brother or his acquaintances. Not to mention the fact that no one except the children of high-ranking members of the Fire Orchid family calls him that.

Turning around, he saw a young boy of his age walking towards him. His clothes were old and tattered. Only a blind man would not have guessed that the boy is from a very low-income family by the wear and the number of patches.

“Do you need anything?” Tian Zhe immediately recognized the boy. Sung Ming, that was the boy’s name, was his classmate, and despite his origin, he was one of the most gifted students of the academy with a yellow spiritual core. How did Tian Zhe know this? Of course, from the notorious novel. “If I'm not mistaken, you're Sung Ming.”

“Yes,” Sung Ming quickly replied, and to his surprise, Tian Zhe bowed deeply. “Older brother Zhe, thank you for standing up for the commoners!”

“Something else?” Zhe did not care whether his classmates loved him, whether they were afraid or respected. The only thing that was important to him was not to be bothered again.

“Yes!” Barely straightening his back, Sung Ming bowed again. “Elder brother Zhe! Let me call you brother!”

“You already call me brother...” for some reason, Zhe thought his face now looked like an Internet meme with a disgruntled cat. “Just call me Zhe.”


“Not elder brother Zhe, not Tian Zhe, not a classmate, let alone a friend, just Zhe,” despite the fact that Zhe considered himself a calm person, there were many things that annoyed him. From the moment he entered this world, most of all, he was annoyed by the tradition of giving the full name and surname when addressing someone. Maybe he was used to addressing someone like that, but he did not like such an appeal to his beloved. “Tian Zhe” cut the ear no worse than the playing of a lousy violinist without a drop of hearing.

Sung Ming nodded.

“If you are asking for my subordinates, I am not interested in this,” Zhe immediately cut off all the paths so that anyone could use him for personal enrichment.

“Yes.” Sung Ming darkened. He had no idea of gaining the favor of Tian Zhe, one of the direct heirs of the sacred family. His impulse to call Tian Zhe's brother was spontaneous and triggered by a mixture of admiration and the feeling that Tian Zhe was not like other noble children.

“Sung Ming, I'm sorry, but I have things to do, so I'll go.” Without waiting for an answer, Zhe went on and immediately turned around as if remembering something. “By the way, re-circulate my warning about the dangers of night training. Until you become silver, it is unhealthy.”

“Yeah,” with these words, the boys parted.

“But it will be useful for me to keep him closer to me,” returning to his room, Zhe reflected on his first day and wondered what to do.

It was simple in the beginning. Slowly he becomes stronger, taking advantage of the fact that he is mentally older than others to accelerate his improvement by disassembling and improving his development technique.

But as they say, problems will always come to you in the most unexpected way. He ended up in the body of Tian Zhe, the first villain in the novel “Saga of the Seven Scriptures” and perhaps in a month in the main character, Yang Li, his adult version from the five-hundred-year future will awaken.

In the novel, the main character, possessing the most mediocre opportunities for development, will reach ranks that exceed all conceivable and inconceivable limits after hundreds of years. He will become so strong that the one whose position is closest to the state of the absolute god will see him as a threat to himself and decide to get rid of the main character. As is natural, in the prologue, Yang Li dies in battle with the Heavenly, as the absolute god was called, and is reborn in his own child's body.

Despite the fact that the main character began in a weak childish body, he had the experience and knowledge of someone who rose to the very heights, and apart from the Heavenly, there was no one worthy of him in strength. But just as it happens in such stories, the main character needs passing villains and arches of development. So, guess who's family and specifically what classmate is sitting in his livers? Of course, what about the Fire Orchid family and Tian Zhe, the groom of his beloved Li Xue.

Yang Li could not forgive the fact that his homeland in five years would be destroyed by the invasion of an army of demonic beasts, and that the vile family of the Fire Orchid would commit treason, leaving the guards of the eastern walls of the city, through which hordes of animals would break through and slaughter the city.

For a larger heap, in order to finally turn readers against the analogue of the Fire Orchid family, it turns out that all this time, they collaborated with the Dark Skies clan, which controls the fortress in the Heavenly Mountain Range and set itself the goal of capturing the Jade City. After the destruction of the Fire Orchid family, the main character will go on a journey and discover several secret kingdoms, in one of which he will meet with the embodiment of the spiritual god of the wind and learn the secrets of spiritual laws, becoming even more powerful.

Meanwhile, the Dark Skies leader will attack the Jade City along with his army and kill the leaders of the sacred and noble houses, thereby becoming the main villain for the next couple of years. Let's add here the war with the Emerald Gardens empire, consisting of intelligent clans of demonic beasts and the spiritual gods' confrontation for Heaven's title, which will plunge the world into chaos.

All these thoughts made Tian Zhe's head split like a ripe watermelon. All his reading and writing experience spoke of one thing. If we compare it with the works of the genre “transmigrated in other worlds” based on any work, it fell into the sub-genre of “rebirth of the villain.”

“Someone stops the planet rotation. It’ll go down,” he wanted to burst into tears of grief.

“If I'm in the timeline of the past hero, it's hard.”

“If I'm in the timeline of the main story, it's the super, ultra, very hard mode with no chance of salvation and a quiet, peaceful life.”

Tian Zhe seemed to be getting depressed again like his first day in this world.

Zhe spent the whole night thinking about what to do. He made plans, dismissed them, looked for a solution to his problem. He thought about how to agree with the main character, how to save everyone, how to change history, and how to set his father on the right path. Still, knowing the characters of the novel's characters and their inability to change, Zhe came to the only way out with a heavy heart.

He will have to become a villain.