Chapter Eight
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Chapter Eight

As I opened my eyes to another bright and great day— I hoped— I felt refreshed. I felt no pain from yesterday’s Krav Maga practice. Maybe this is the magical effect of sleep? Truly a different kind of magic.

Well, I should probably get out of bed since I need to start another day. A good start to the day will make a good day! Yosh! I need to get up! 

OH! But the bed’s so comfy! Should I or should I not get out of bed? I probably should since I need to start another day, but I could also stay in because I need to pay attention to my needs, right? What should I do? Me having to look after my needs was definitely not a lie. Definitely. Not. A. Lie. No, not at all! Argh! I’ll get up.

I pulled down the bedsheets and raised myself up from my bed. I had my legs pushing against the side of the bedframe and I could smell my sweat from yesterday’s practice. I stink! 

I stood up from my bed with my feet touching the carpeted floor. I need to get a shower. Now that I smell carefully, my entire room reeks of sweat. If anyone looked at me at that moment, I would probably be a funny spectacle, with my scrunched-up nose pointing at the air like a dog. 

I need to get my room cleaned. While at it, I also needed to shower. Those two things I needed to do ASAP! I don’t want to be stinky! Despite how young I am, I care about my hygiene. I am very careful about it, and rarely get unhygienic. 

I get out of bed and I start to walk towards my desk. I have a desk, a chair, a bed, a bedside table, a bookshelf, and a lamp in my room. It isn’t too much, but there are enough things so that they make my life easier. 

The desk that I was heading towards was brown, just like in the library, and came with a chair. The chair had some magic engravings on it that allowed it to float when I put a bit of magic inside of it. This allowed me to go from one side of the room to another while still sitting in my chair. (A/N: Think of those hover-chairs from those movies about the future!) 

The chair was curved and when I sat on it, the back would tower over me. It was basically an oval with its middle caved in. There were no legs on it, since, you know, it could float. This chair most likely wouldn’t work for people with low magic power, because it needs a constant supply of magic power. I didn’t know this before learning about the differences between the amount of mana a person has and thought that it was a chair that could be found anywhere. I wonder where Feeh got it?

Let’s not worry about that, as I’m here for a reason! The reason why I’m at my desk right now is because I have something I want to see. Let’s see…… mmmmm, not here……. not there…… ah yes! 

The thing that I was looking for was a necklace that Feeh had given me when I was five. It was a present to me on my birthday. The necklace was made out of rope and what seemed to be orichalcum. That is a bronze-looking metal that could withstand magic in it since it has engravings made on it naturally. The naturally engraved engravings, I’ll talk about them later. (A/N: Remember, as I’ve said before, that Cadmar has at least a common sense about things in this world. Just think of orichalcum as a metal that is like steel. You know about steel because it's common sense, right?. That’s what Cadmar sees orichalcum like….. though it may be rarer than Cadmar thinks... :p )

I think of this necklace as my good luck charm, and for some reason I’d been feeling like I needed good luck today.

I don’t really know why, and can’t explain it, but I NEED good luck. Perhaps instinct that’s telling me to protect myself from some monstrously strong demon? I don’t know.


Somewhere far away.

“Huh? Why do I feel as if I was insulted just a moment ago? But it can’t be true since I am the “strongest god in the universe” after all. It must’ve just been a mistaken feeling.”

“Oh, did you say anything, my lord?”

“No I didn’t, god of war. Continue on with your turn.”

“‘Kay! Let’s see, my troops rush behind his lordship’s troops! Go on! Quickly, formation twenty-seven!”

“Oh, you think you can win against my troops that easily? Fufufufufu!”

“No good, lord god of war! The enemy has hit me with their ball of paint! I-I-I’m out! Go on without me, my lord and fellow comrades! Ugh!”

“Hahahahah! You think that you can win against me with those measly tricks, god of war? I will show you how wrong you are!”

“Argh! Why are you so good at this game, your lordship?”

“God of war, you’re still a few hundred trillion years too young to understand! After you get to be my age, you get bored really easily and master things that you didn’t even know you could master!”

May you have a good life, Cadmar.


Hmmmm? What was that feeling I felt just a second ago? Nothing that much, right? I don’t care, I just need to go and take a shower. I take my towel with me, which I got from my closet that was in my room. The closet was much like the library, as it was created from Space-time Magic. 

Then I went into the bathroom. I did a number one, and I won’t describe THAT to you, because......... yeah. The toilet in our hut is one that you sit on then you push a lever on it that flushes the, um, the, um, things, into a pipe that has a gate attached to it which leads to a new dimension. So basically, we have a whole new world in which we can put our dumps into…. not pollution? No, it isn’t since that world can be destroyed by us at any time. 

After destruction, the world’s materials will be taken over by the Void and a new dimension will be created using that, waiting for someone to link to it.

We don’t only stop at putting our dumps into that dimension, because every trash can inside of our hut is linked by a gate to it as well. There is also the wastewater from doing the dishes and showering. Those are either used for planting or are put into the dimension where we store all our trash. Our home is connected to a lot of dimensions.¹

The shower has water that pumps out of a shower head. It is made in a way so that water goes through a complex array of pipes and out of the shower head when you turn the handle to one side.

The supply of water is created by magic. We have a large pond near the garden which has many magical engravings written on it that create water from the mana in the air. When the pond is full, the arrays stop their work.

However, when the water level goes below halfway, the arrays start their function again. That is how we get an endless supply of water for daily activities. Nothing that much. 

Because the water was created out of magic, it contains mana inside of it. Whenever you drink it, it enriches your mana supply. Also, when you use it for other stuff like planting, the plants rarely die or wilt. I wonder why the plant that I had healed a few days ago to show Feeh my usage of magic had wilted?

Most likely, it hadn’t gotten enough water or sunlight. The flower was in a shaded spot, so most probably it didn’t get enough sunlight. I healed it anyways so I shouldn’t really care about that. 

I got out of the shower, wearing new clothes that I’d taken in with my towel. Right now, I’d changed to a tight-fitting T-shirt and had some black pants on. The T-shirt was the only one that wasn’t unclean. The other shirts were all either too small or were too dirty. The small clothes would be donated to an orphanage when Feeh and I went out for the Institute of Magic.

I believe that Feeh was doing the laundry today, since it was his turn. That reminds me, there was the bumping. I’d tried to dodge it before, but I never could. I wonder if I can dodge it now that I know magic and Krav Maga. The Krav Maga part, I only know the stance, but it should be enough. I started to formulate a plan. 

First, I should be prepared to use wind magic at any moment. Next, I should get ready to move in a very fast manner. Third, I need to be very aware of my surroundings. Why does it feel as if I’m facing off against a very terrifying god instead of Feeh?


Somewhere far away.

“Why do I feel like I’m being complimented?”

Persevere Cadmar, persevere….


With my plan completed, I was prepared. This morning…. this morning was going to be a historic accomplishment for me. I just know it. I did a guts pose thinking about how I’m going to dodge that one obstacle that was in my way every day for years. Today I was going to leave my name in the Le family!

With my prospects of victory in this evil battle that had continued for years, I walked downstairs. My senses were super sharp, hearing even my own pulse through that vein that came from my aorta. (A/N: Basic biology. You can sense your pulse by placing two fingers on the thumb side of your heart. This is caused because your radial artery is pushing blood through there. The radial artery is connected to your aorta, a part of your heart. The aorta is the main artery that carries blood to your brain, muscles, other cells, etc.. Every time your heart pumps blood, it gets through here. That’s how you measure your pulse. :) )

I paid extra attention to the creaks of the wooden stairs. I had tried to dodge Feeh’s bumping before, and to do that I’d needed to do research.

I measured each stair, then I tested which ones creaked the most. The stairs that lead up to the second floor of our hut have exactly 58 steps. Each one is barely over 7 inches wide and is ten feet long.

The seventh stair, the tenth stair, the eleventh stair, the twentieth stair, the thirty first stair, the forty fifth stair and the fifty seventh stair are all creaky. 

I checked everything before going downstairs. I measured how the wind felt against my face while I walked downstairs at a slow but constant rate.

There was a gentle breeze against my face, most likely caused by an open window. The speed was about eight miles per hour. The open window was an uncertain variable. However, it was too late to go back now. I took my first step. 


Shoot! My foot scraped against the bare floor. I listened for some sounds indicating that Feeh had heard this, but luckily, I didn’t. I could hear the whistle of a cup of tea that had just finished boiling. No sound of Feeh.

Good, all clear. I could continue to go downstairs. I took another step, this time making sure that my foot wasn’t scraping against the step. All clear. The wind hadn’t sped up nor slowed down. My pulse was beating fiercely, but it wasn’t something that important. 

In the next few moments, I had already taken sixteen steps. So far, eighteen steps down and only forty more to go. I forgot to tell you this, but the stairs we’re talking about right now were stairs that had a covering over them and were bent in all sorts of directions. (A/N: A swirly straw! Is that you, stairs!?)

The stairs were just like a straw, except they were completely twisted and turned. The only way to see that someone was coming down the stairs was by either coming up, looking through the very bottom, or by using Wind Magic to determine where someone was.

You may now be thinking that Feeh bumping into me was completely forgivable in this situation and that I was just being petty, but you’re wrong.

First off, the stairs have a length of ten feet. Plenty of room for a grown man and a child to walk past each other without bumping into each other. The roof of the stairs were also more than ten feet tall. That meant that Feeh didn’t have to crouch while going up and wouldn’t miss that I was coming down the stairs.

There were also windows at the top of the stairs that allowed sunlight to get through. 

Feeh should be able to see me. So why did he bump into me? It was to annoy me of course. I had accidentally annoyed him a few years ago and Feeh wanted to get back at me so he started the bumping. I don’t remember exactly how I annoyed him, but I know that I did annoy Feeh. If only I didn’t do that. 

While doing this monologue, I have already gone down ten more steps. Only thirty more to go. Still, I haven’t alerted Feeh, I think. However, I’m still feeling a bit uneasy. I don’t know why I’m feeling this way, but I shouldn’t stop my treacherous journey. I have gone too far to go back now. 

Slowly, I went down five more steps. Only twenty-five more steps to go. I took another step. Then another, and another, one more. I only needed twenty-one more steps to go. The breeze was still at the same rate. I didn’t feel any change in its speed. No one was coming up. 

Only twenty to go…. Nineteen…….. eighteen…... seventeen…. sixteen….. fifteen…. fourteen….. thirteen….. twelve………

This is it. Only four more steps to go. I feel as if I am going to cry. No, I am about to cry! I can feel my eyes welling up with tears of joy! Finally, after all these years I won’t have to bump into a human while going down the stairs! Happiness! Fulfillment! In just four more steps, I will be able to cross off a goal in my life! In just four more steps, I will feel a sense of accomplishment that can only be achieved by accomplishing an impossible task! I need to savor this moment!

I slowly took a step. Only three more left. Then I took one more step. Only two more steps to go. One step at a time, I have accomplished this victory! I took one more step, very tenderly. Only one more step left. I had tears of accomplishment in my eyes. I raised my fists in a guts pose. I closed my eyes to savor this moment. I was going to engrave this moment in my very soul.

I closed my eyes and felt complete fulfillment. Only one more step. Unfortunately, I had let my guard down. The evil thing in war was a sense of accomplishment. Right at your moment of accomplishment, you let your guard down.

During the entire war you don’t do anything, but when you think it’s over, you let out all your tension. You let down your guard. In that moment, your enemy can strike at you and you won’t be able to do anything. 

I was just about to take the last step, and slowly opened my eyes, but what I saw pulled me into the depths of despair. I saw a terrifying sight; a laundry basket and a grown man’s body was coming towards me. I tried to dodge, but I was too late. I-I-I w-was b-b-bumped! I was bumped! 

“This shouldn’t be happening!!! Why?! I tried so hard!! God, I hate you! I thought you gave me a blessing?!


Somewhere far away.


“M-m-my lord! W-w-why are y-y-you so a-a-angry?”

“Huh? Oops, I forgot you were here. To answer your question, I actually don’t know for what reason I yelled, as well. Sorry.”

“N-n-no p-p-problem, s-s-sire!”

It was said that the Heavenly Realm experienced a great earthquake that day. Live strong, Cadmar.


A/N: 1: I realized that you may not completely understand what the Void and the dimensions are. So, I will give you an analogy to help you understand. Cells are to a human body as dimensions are to the Void.

There are trillions upon trillions of dimensions inside of the vast void. The dimensions are as small as our cells compared to the Void. Despite their incomparably small size when measuring with the Void, each dimension is like a baby elephant against an ant to humans.

Each dimension is locked inside of a bubble, that is like the cytoplasm of our cells, and allows the dimension to gain nutrients and have magic. Magic thus allows creatures to create things inside of the dimensions.

The bubble also acts as a guard against invasive things such as other dimensions. The only way to break the seal is by using Space-time Magic, which has very few users. Only one person born in a batch of 5 trillion holds the ability to use Space-time Magic. 

I also talked about the bubble guarding against other dimensions. I did this because it is true. The dimensions constantly fight for more ground, and when they clash, whoever’s bubble is weaker gets absorbed by the other dimension.

Of course, there is basically nothing inside of the dimension, except for its core, like a nucleus, which contains the main headquarters for giving out instructions into the empty area that is inside of its bubble. These instructions are used by creatures after they’ve successfully gotten into the dimension. The bubble automatically fixes itself after the creature has gotten inside of the dimension. 

The creature then goes to the core of the dimension and takes command of it by putting their magic in it. This makes the creature the being who can freely change and control the dimension. I hope this explained more about the dimensions and the Void. :) 

P.S: One more thing. Some dimensions are created naturally and are not controlled by a single being. These dimensions are larger than others and have more than enough magic power to create their own beings. The humans are an example of this. They were created by the natural dimensions. Now, this is the end of the chapter. 

A/N: This is the last chapter of my stockpile. The next chapters are going to be posted a bit slower. I want you to vote for the contents of the next chapter.

What should the next chapter be about?
  • 1: Should I have Cadmar spend time with the monsters he and Feeh are raising.
  • 2: Should I have Cadmar read more books in the library?
Total voters: 7 · This poll was closed on Jan 23, 2021 08:07 PM.